Monday, November 28, 2011

Cold Sore Treatments - How to Prevent Cold Sore Outbreaks

Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus and once contracted cannot be cured. While there are many ways to treat a cold sore outbreak when it occurs, the best treatments lie in how to prevent cold sores in the first place. Herpes viruses generally react to high stress levels and weakened immune systems. So, the key is to maintain your level of stress and boost your immune system during times when you are sick to avoid an outbreak. You can do these things by maintaining a healthy lifestyle of health eating, daily exercise, no smoking or other toxins, happiness and vitamins. You also need to have a good skin care routine, as acne breakouts and bad skin and sometimes contribute to a cold sore outbreak.

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You also need to treat the outbreaks from the inside out by working with your doctor on a herpes suppressant, if it gets bad enough, or to keep from spreading the virus to others. You also need to take good care of your skin during an outbreak to avoid scarring and continuation of the outbreak or future outbreaks. This can be done by moisturizing, treating and protecting the affected areas and the areas directly around them. For a good natural remedy, petroleum jelly can be used for this very thing. When you protect your skin from the sun and other environmental factors you help it to heal quicker and prevent future outbreaks.


Prevent cold sores with a good skin care and healthy living routine as well as using the right over the counter medications and working with your doctor to find a good virus suppressant. This is how you can prevent cold sores from happening in the future and treat them quickly to avoid permanently damaging your skin. Cold sores are embarrassing as well as painful and difficult to deal with if you don't have a prevention and treatment plan in place to react fast. Talk with those who have dealt with cold sores before to find out about other tips and tricks to use for treatment and prevention.

Cold Sore Treatments - How to Prevent Cold Sore Outbreaks


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