Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Proven Way to Prevent a Sore Throat From Progressing to a Cold

Before I start sharing with you the proven way to prevent a sore throat from progressing to a cold, do you know experiencing periodic cold or flu can actually be helpful to your health? It may sound ridiculous but it is true, as told by my friend, who is a doctor by profession.

wheelchair cushions for pressure sores

He mentioned that during our cold or flu period, our bodes are actually in the healing process of getting rid of those weakest cells which can help us to stay more healthier in the long run.


Here is how you can better prepare in preventing a cold from developing.

Gargle with warm salt water the moment you start experiencing that sore, tickling feeling in your throat. Try to tap your throat (Adam's apple region) with your fingers while you gargle so as to encourage the warm salt water to trickle deeply into your throat.

You probably may not be aware of, your tonsils and adenoids serve as a first line of defense against any airborne microorganisms and substances. It is a important parts of your immune system located near the entrance of your breathing passages. Colds and flu viruses usually get caught by your tonsils and adenoids before spreading through your body, and by gargling warm salt water it can effectively removed the viruses.

If you ever experience chronic swelling tonsils and adenoids at your throat region and is thinking of removing them, please reconsider seriously. It is highly not recommendable. Try alternatives ways liked;

- Adopting a minimal processed diet, rich in fresh plant foods,
- Reduced your sugar intake especially canned drinks
- Get plenty of rest, exercise and exposed yourself outdoor more often.

You may ask does gargling cold salt water works as well?

Either warm or cold salt water will help to remove those harmful viruses from your tonsils and adenoids, but if possible, try warm salt water as it tends to be more effective.

This are just simple and easy ways you can try out without any hassle before you consult your doctor.

Thanks for reading.

A Proven Way to Prevent a Sore Throat From Progressing to a Cold


Watermelon Therapy - Lower Your Blood Pressure While Enjoying This Summertime Treat

Hypertension, more commonly known as high blood pressure, many say is one of the by-products of a high-stressed, fast-paced, nutritionally deplete and sedentary lifestyle. To date, most doctors always prescribe a prescription drug to bring it under control. Unfortunately for many people though, a host of adverse side effects is also a common complaint.

Enter A New Alternative To The Market
High blood pressure is one of the common indicators of early heart disease. Full blown hypertension usually leads to end stage conditions such as a heart attack, stroke or often a diagnosis of diabetes. Therefore finding a way to open up the blocked or slow moving circulation will greatly reduce your chances of a major heart attack.


Enter the watermelon.

Watermelon, or watermelon supplements, both are high in an amino acid which our body uses to maintain healthy blood pressure. Along with decreased blood pressure, this summer fruit has a host of other benefits for our every day health. It will help us:
reduce the incidence of kidney stones by dissolving them before they get trapped and unable to flush out of the kidneys helps us to maintain and utilize greater control over our muscles and general nerve health throughout the body maintains the correct electrolyte balance in our system (without needing to rely on Gatorade etc.) reduces the risk of colon cancer and rheumatoid arthritis can reduce the severity and incidence of many severe asthmatic episodes

So just by adding watermelon consistently to your diet, you have just increased your intake of L-arginine (the final end-product produced in your system because of the availability of the amino acid l-citrulline which is so prevalent in watermelon) which is used for heart health. You have increased your intake of Vitamins A (eye health), B6 (stronger brain health) and Vitamin C (for a stronger immune system), thiamine, magnesium and potassium (all which are used for electrolyte balance to maintain your health).

And all of this is possible just by adding a small serving of watermelon routinely to your normal diet.

Watermelon Therapy - Lower Your Blood Pressure While Enjoying This Summertime Treat


Home Remedy For Sore Laryngitis

Musicians that use the voice for their art will dread any mention of problems with the laryngitic system because it will normally lead the voice to literally disappear. With the right remedies for laryngitis one can reduce the effects. A change in lifestyle might also be crucial in reducing the possibility of the incident occurring again in the short term. In this article we will look at some of the main remedies for laryngitis in the hope that it will help the people to improve their quality of life in the long run:

gel cushions for pressure sores

Cayenne pepper that has been mixed with some water has been touted as a possible factor in the remedies for laryngitis. One has to be careful to ensure that the cayenne pepper does not go onto the clothes of anyone or else it will become an absolute nightmare to remove the stains that occur.


The essential oils such as chamomile can be very effective in helping the person to fight off the threat of the laryngitic disorder. This is a pleasant method when compared with the other home remedies for laryngitis but one has to be very careful that they do not burn down the house in the process of using the oils as a healing agent.

Ginger is a mainstay of the remedies for laryngitis. It can be used in a variety of ways to make some potent drink that will certainly help the patient in their recovery process and might give them the leeway to sing a bit if they are using the voice professionally.

Honey and lemon lozenges are very good as methods of dealing with the problem. The young children in particular will enjoy sucking them without having to worry about medication as a bore. This is very important in the context of the remedies for laryngitis as helping hands rather than irritants.

The trusty salt and water gurgle is always there for the rescue when one is running out of the remedies for laryngitis. It can be used at any time of the day as long as the water is safe to use.

As a lifestyle change the person might be requested to cut down on the alcohol and instead increase their consumption of water to ensure that the body has the space to recover properly.

Consult your doctor before pursuing any line of treatment for this or any other problem, always do.

Home Remedy For Sore Laryngitis


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Oral Herpes: It's Not As Bad As It Sounds

Many people are prone to outbreaks of cold sores (also known as fever blisters) and desire to avoid this occurrence any way possible. The cause of these annoying blemishes is herpes simplex virus type 1, more commonly referred to as oral herpes. Once the virus is contracted it remains within the body for the rest of the person's life, lying dormant until conditions enable a cold sore outbreak. As there is no known cure available for oral herpes, most infected people find ways to keep the outbreak of cold sores at a minimum. This can be done by adhering to a certain diet, taking medication, supplements or vitamins, or any methods which work to deny the virus the opportunity to flare-up.

Oral Herpes is Contagious - Always use caution during an outbreak


Though everyone is different in their susceptibility to the spread of oral herpes, or in the frequency of outbreaks once they're infected, most people caught the virus before adulthood as a result of touching the saliva, mucous, or contaminated skin of a person carrying the virus. Children are the most vulnerable to the spread of the virus, and infants often experience severe infections and complications as a result, so extra care should be taken with a baby who may be, or has been, exposed to the virus.

Once infected, a person progresses through three stages: Primary infection, latency, and recurrence. After the first infection, not everyone will experience symptoms of oral herpes but find that their infection is asymptomatic. This occurs more frequently than visible outbreaks. Unfortunately, not everyone is that lucky, and for those with their first outbreak may experience symptoms like fever and severe sores inside and around the mouth and/or nose. The incubation period for the virus after the infection is 2-12 days, after which symptoms may or may not occur, and thereafter the virus will remain in the body for life. Depressing thought, but most people who possess the virus rarely, if ever, experience outbreaks, and those who do have many options to help manage the symptoms.

How to Consistently Prevent Cold Sores

Now that it's been acknowledged that the cold sore virus is (as yet) impossible to completely cure, let's look at ways to manage life with the virus. There are plenty of home and OTC (over-the-counter) remedies that assist in fighting oral herpes outbreaks, but due to the differences between each person's physical and mental makeup, the task is to find what works best for each individual.

For some, an effective preventative measure may be a high-lysine diet or taking lysine supplements. Others may find that what works is a topical medication or daily pill. There has also been success with using daily exercise to boost the immune system and decrease stress to better resist the dormant virus. Sometimes even attitude, such as confidence in the preventative capabilities of a certain food or medicine, is enough to successfully resist the development of a cold sore. A factor that must be considered is that over time a person's body may become resistant to a certain remedy, be it a pill or lip salve, and will have to adapt to the change. If an effective method of prevention is found, rather than be content with the one solution, continue to look for other remedies, should the original one cease being effective.

Eating a Diet High in Lysine Helps the Body Resist Outbreaks

Lysine is an essential (meaning that the body cannot produce the amino acid on its own but must get it through food or supplements) amino acid which aids the human body in producing protein. In turn, protein helps the body produce hormones, enzymes, and antibodies, which are vital in resisting the cold sore virus. Lysine also competes with another amino acid, arginine. The more arginine in the body, the better the environment for the herpes virus to flare up and produce blisters. Eating a diet high in lysine and low in arginine creates an environment hostile to the virus and decreases its chances of becoming active. In fact, many people who feel a cold sore incoming have found that consuming a large helping of fish helps to stop the increased activity of the virus and force it back into its dormant state. What are some foods that contain a lot of lysine?

- Fish
- Cheese
- Apples
- Milk
- Papayas
- Mangos
- Beets
- Avocado

Lysine supplements are also available, found at most drug stores next to the vitamins. Arginine is found in chocolate, nuts, and citrus, so be careful to limit consumption of these foods when wishing to avoid cold sores, especially if immune system is low and stress levels are high.

Vitamins and Exercise Boost the Immune System and Decrease Stress

Possibly the most effective preventative measure in decreasing the outbreak of cold sores and keeping the virus dormant is adopting a healthy lifestyle, one that consistently includes all the nutrients, activity, and attitude needed to fight the cold sore virus. The benefits of vitamin have been discussed numerous times and at this point, most people are aware of how important supplements are to boosting immunities, increasing energy, and increasing overall health. Exercise is also commonly known to promote healthy immune systems and decrease stress. As two of the leading factors in the activation of the cold sore virus is a weakened immune system and high stress levels, taking vitamins and exercising regularly are highly successful in fortifying both the body and mind against the virus. Some have found that they'll worry about getting a cold sore as they're approaching an important date or meeting, and as their concern grows, so does the probability that the outbreak will occur. It is best to have the assurance that the body is consistently functioning healthily and therefore when concern that a cold sore may appear arises, it can be dismissed with confidence.

Treatment With Ointments & Medication Can Also Result in Successful Prevention

There are many lysine lip balms, medicated ointments, and topical creams that help stop the progression of a cold sore, but once the blisters are visible little can be done other than trying to shorten its duration and speed up the healing process so early treatment is essential. Early detection and treatment of an oncoming flare-up enables the best chance that it can be avoided. If a cold sore has appeared on the lips or nose, it is extremely important to remember: DON'T POKE, RUB, OR POP THE BLISTERS. Doing so will only create pressure, causing the blister to spread underneath the skin, creating an even larger sore. Touching the area of infection not only prolongs and worsens the outbreak, it also increases the chances that the virus will spread to other subjects, as remember, it is very contagious upon contact. Unfortunately, there are some OTC medications which instruct the user to "rub on the infected area." DO NOT rub, just dab and then resist all other urges to touch the blister and surrounding area.

If its found that the cold sore virus continues resisting all efforts to contain it and continues flaring up and disrupting daily life, there are stronger medications that a doctor or dentist can prescribe after examining a patient who has a visible blister. While no one likes going out in public as much as they can help it when experiencing an outbreak, it's best to visit the physician at a time when they can clearly view the type and severity of the patient's cold sores. Once the prescription has been given, it is up to the patient to take the pills daily or only when they feel a cold sore incoming, depending on their preferences and the frequency of their cold sores.

Have Hope - Oral Herpes Can Be Managed Successfully

While there isn't a fail-proof treatment or cure that can stop oral herpes completely, if an individual uses remedies that they have found to be effective they will find that the frequency and severity of the outbreaks will decrease. As each month passes with the virus confined to dormancy, confidence will grow and life will continue without disruption. While complete freedom from the virus cannot yet be fully realized, there is the assurance that medicinal science and research is progressing and hopefully someday oral herpes will no longer be in existence. Until then, continue utilizing and researching cold sore treatments, eating healthy, and exercising. With a healthy lifestyle, the dreaded cold sore outbreak may occur less and less frequently, possibly even ceasing altogether.

Oral Herpes: It's Not As Bad As It Sounds


How To Get Rid of Cold Sores in One Day - Is It Possible To Cure Cold Sores In One Day? Read This

"How to get rid of cold sores in one day?" Is this the question you always ask to yourself whenever you are about to attend any party and you see a sudden appearance of that ugly fever blister on your lips or mouth. If you are currently facing this bad cold sore infection constantly then my friend, you are not alone in this world. There are literally thousands of fever blisters sufferers in USA alone which are going through the same difficulties.

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This cold sore infection usually spreads because of Herpes Simplex virus. It gets worse in 10-12 days period and then it becomes normal. After few days, due to natural imbalances in your body, this virus again grows rapidly and you again become a victim of those irritating and embarrassing fever blisters.


Certainly this is a real burning issue for several fever blister sufferers. But you can reduce your infection with certain natural treatments. When it comes to quick relief and when you want to cure your fever blisters faster than ever, the only thing that can help you get rid of your infection in one day is the safe natural treatment for cold sores. Read further to find some of the quick natural relief methods to eliminate your cold sore virus fast.

1) Lysine supplement is your friend: Yes, Lysine is one type of amino acid commonly found in our body which helps to fight off the Herpes Simplex virus effectively. You can buy few Lysine supplements to take after your meal to increase the Lysine element in your body. Along with this supplement, you can also use natural health supplements containing vitamin C and vitamin B12. All these supplements are found to produce faster improvements in our condition.

2) Use garlic paste: Garlic is supposed to have natural healing properties. Many OTC products as well as natural supplements also contain garlic in some proportions. This proves the health efficiency of garlic and that is why you need to use garlic paste on your infected area to kill the virus rapidly. Occasionally, you can also eat garlic cloves to heal your body from inside faster.

3) Petroleum jelly can heal your infection: Many cold sore sufferers are not aware about this simple natural home remedy. Regular use of petroleum jelly can reduce your cold sore infection rapidly and can produce the results much faster. So use it sparingly whenever you have fever blisters.

How To Get Rid of Cold Sores in One Day - Is It Possible To Cure Cold Sores In One Day? Read This


Inflatable Air Mattresses in the Prevention of Bed Sores

Unfortunately many individuals who are confined to a bed for a long period of time due to illness are highly susceptible to bed sores. Bed sores are painful sores found at pressure points on the body. They are serious and can often lead to infection and other serious consequences if not treated quickly enough. It is important that the confined individual be turned often as to not spend too much time laying on those pressure points. Many times because of a lack of care or a lack of staff, individuals end up laying in one position for hours and hours on end. They will often develop a decubitis ulcer, aka bed sore soon after. In addition to the constant turning of the individual there are other things that can also be helpful in preventing bed sores as well. One of those being the use of an inflatable air mattress. These inflatable air mattresses or air beds as they are also known, have been touted as stopping bed sores from ever even starting. If you have a loved one either in a hospital or nursing home, or maybe even confined to a bed at home, this may be just what they need.

wheelchair cushions for pressure sores

The way these inflatable air mattresses work is that inside the mattress they are divided into small air filled sections. Each section now cushions the pressure point rather then putting undue pressure on it. Pressure points are usually found on the back, buttocks and heels, and are now surrounded in comfort rather then bearing the weight of the individual against a hard mattress. Air beds can make all the difference not only in preventing the bed sores, but also in the comfort of the confined patient. If you are in the market for one of these inflatable air mattresses, there are a few tips and suggestions to take into consideration before venturing out to make a purchase. This is to ensure that your money is spent wisely and the intended user of the air bed gets the maximum advantages that it has to offer as well.


The first step is to do a bit of investigative research. Read reviews online and speak to the patients physician for their recommendation too. As with any consumer product, inflatable air mattresses come in a wide variety of styles and prices. It is important to know all the options and what options would be best for your particular situation. You do not want to spend money needlessly for an option that will never be utilized. Some of the options include different levels the air bed cane be changed to. By varying the levels you are maximizing the comfort of the patient as well as reducing the chance of bed sores even more. These mattresses have become so high tech that some even provide the option of rotating the air in each and every section. Because the air never stays in one section for very long, the possibility of a bed sore appearing is almost zero. Because of this, it is extremely important to know all the options that are available to you before you make a purchase.

It is also important to know your budget. Many times the cost can be reduced with a doctors recommendation or prescription for the mattress. Usually though this is only the case if the mattress is purchased through a medical supplier. Inquire with the patients doctor and see what they recommend would be the best course of action. Though an air bed may be a helpful addition for the confined patient, it should not break the bank. Especially if the patient is ill and may need that extra money for other medical necessities as well.

Inflatable air mattresses have been well known to greatly assist in the prevention of bed sores. If this is something that you feel will help a relative or loved one, by all means look into obtaining one. Just do your due diligence and research your options and both you and the patient will benefit tremendously in the long run.

Inflatable Air Mattresses in the Prevention of Bed Sores


Monday, August 29, 2011

Cold Sore Freedom in 3 Days Review - Safely Cured My Cold Sores For Life

Herpes simplex type 1 can be an embarrassing and painful problem, and they come back over and over again at the absolute worst times. Cold Sore Freedom in 3 Days is a program that was put together by a woman who had suffered with this illness for years until she discovered this effective system. She has collected all of the methods that worked for her and is offering them in a book for anyone who has herpes simplex type 1 to use.

wheelchair cushions for pressure sores

1. Natural Methods.


The methods involved in the program regimen are completely natural. There are no over-the-counter medications or topical creams with this system. You will learn how to alter your body chemistry in a positive way so that herpes simplex type 1 never develop in the first place. If you follow the instructions carefully, you will find that your cold sores start to go away after the first three days of this program.

2. Inexpensive.

The program uses ingredients and suggestions that are inexpensive and easy to find. Most of the items you'll need can be bought at the local grocery store or health food store. The system is designed to create overall body health, so the ingredients that are used are merely normal healthy things that your body needs to stay balanced. The instructions in this guide are stated clearly, and they are very easy to follow.

3. Cold Sores Don't Come Back.

Since this is a holistic approach to curing herpes simplex type 1, you will be taught what kind of foods and behaviors will keep you healthy overall. If your body is healthy, it won't need to create symptoms, like cold sores, to let you know something is wrong. If you only treat herpes simplex type 1 using topical methods, you never get down to the root problem that causes the herpes simplex type 1 in the first place. The program will teach you how to get rid of the fundamental problem that is causing the herpes simplex type 1. Once that problem is handled, cold sores will never come back, because there is nothing causing them anymore.

Cold Sore Freedom in 3 Days Review - Safely Cured My Cold Sores For Life


Understanding Deep Tissue Injury

A deep tissue injury (DTI) is commonly mistaken for a stage 1 pressure ulcer or a bruise. This is a serious error and can have a profound impact on patient outcomes, liability, and reimbursement.

What is a deep tissue injury (DTI)?


Deeper, full-thickness damage to underlying tissue which may appear as purple areas or dark necrotic tissue should not be confused with Stage 1 pressure ulcers. The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel has defined wounds such as these as;

A pressure-related injury to subcutaneous tissue under intact skin. Initially, these lesions have the appearance of a deep bruise (NPUAP, 2002).

DTI's require rapid identification, as they may quickly progress to Stage 3 and 4 pressure ulcers despite aggressive and optimal treatment.

How do DTI's form?

Fleck (2007) explains that DTI's form over areas of bony prominence and occur from the inside out. Superficial damage is not seen until later, when tissue undergoes necrosis, reaching the outer layer of skin and resulting in the formation of an external wound. She further stresses that DTI's can be differentiated from Stage 1 ulcers by their rapid deterioration despite proper care.

What are the legal implications of DTI's?

DTI's that are not recognized for what they are can have legal implications due to their ability to deteriorate despite stringent wound management practices. They result in increased costs and hospitalization, not to mention pain and suffering for the patient who develops one of these wounds, putting the health care practitioner and the facility at risk for litigation.

Salcido (2008) discusses the current Medicare changes that are scheduled to take effect October 1, 2008. These changes will have a huge impact on how hospitals are reimbursed. In regards to wound care, pressure ulcers will be considered hospital acquired (and therefore not reimbursed) unless these wounds are documented within 48 hours of admission. The onus is now on us, as healthcare professionals, to ensure that these wounds never develop, and if they do, they should be well documented and aggressively treated. This new policy is forcing us to examine our wound care management practices.

Documentation of DTI's

Wounds that are suspected as being a DTI should be afforded a full description and the word -DTI- should be mentioned. For those practitioners who work in long-term care with the Minimum Data Set (MDS) documentation system, the word -unstageable- should be used to describe those wounds that are suspicious for DTI. Thorough and ongoing documentation is crucial in respect to DTI's, as their rapid deterioration may make these wounds particularly tempting targets for litigation.

Education is the key to recognition and management of DTI's

Understanding the etiology of DTI's and learning how to differentiate these wounds from bruises, hematomas, and other closed wounds that may have a similar appearance is the key to prevention and treatment of these wounds, which have the potential for significant morbidity for patients, as well as being potentially litigious.

Understanding Deep Tissue Injury


Not Feeling the Pain of Bed Sores Can Be Deadly

Not feeling the pain of bed sores can be deadly. Not knowing when the biggest organ on your body is in trouble can lead to festering infections that cannot be cured. Also known as pressure sores, this is a major health concern for anyone who is confined to a wheelchair or bed.

gel cushions for pressure sores

Feeling pain is not necessarily a bad thing. The inability to know when something hurts means the problem will be left untreated until discovered, because it is progressed to the point of becoming a health hazard. How else do you describe a pressure sore that is now a gaping, oozing wound that goes clear down to the bone?


Treatment for Advanced Bed Sores

Caring for an individual who may have limited motion and feeling in the body generally falls to the caregiver. It is extremely important to check everywhere the skin comes in constant contact with the chair or bed. Under continuing pressure and friction, it does not take long for the circulation to the skin to be cut off. Then, the skin will slough off and die. Once this occurs, a nasty sore has already become a challenge to treat with bandages and ointments.

Seek Professional Help

If you, or your caregiver, notice a bed sore, do not wait until it becomes an oozing mess to seek a doctor's help. Going to the doctor, while antibiotics can still facilitate healing, is preferable to waiting until a more invasive procedure is required. If a sore is too deep, the doctor will scrape away the dead skin and clean the infection from the wound.

Depending on the depth and severity of the pressure sore, you or your loved one may require heavy duty intravenous antibiotics. Thus, a hospital stay may be necessary.

Preventing pressure sores

To avoid further complications due to immobility, it is better to learn how to avoid pressure sores or bed sores in the first place. Cushioning the body to relieve the pressure is a step in the right direction. Wheelchair cushions and egg crate mattress pads are both excellent methods of giving the skin a chance to breathe.

In addition to cushioning, keeping the skin as clean and dry as possible is important to promote a healthy epidermis. While cleaning the skin, be vigilant in checking for even the telltale signs of bed sores.

Keeping the skin clean is only one way to lessen the potential for bed sores. Although most people may be surprised, good nutrition plays an important part in helping sedentary individuals in maintaining good skin quality. However, many people who are confined to a bed or a wheelchair do not have healthy appetites. So, it is imperative to eat healthy weather hunger is a factor or not. Many small supplemental drinks are now available to help guarantee people will receive the proper amount of nutrients for the day, in as little as 6 ounces of liquid.

In summary, individuals with mobility issues who are confined to a bed or wheelchair will always have to be on the lookout for bed or pressure sores. Over time, circulation can be cut off to an area of the skin, causing deep infected wounds that may be fatal. So, take preventative measures and seek medical help immediately, if a bed sore is discovered.

Not Feeling the Pain of Bed Sores Can Be Deadly


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Highly Effective Home Remedies for Sore Feet

Common Causes of Chronic Sore Feet

gel cushions for pressure sores

Millions of people suffer from chronic sore, aching feet. Here I am referring not to serious food injuries or disorders, but rather, foot pain arising from common daily life activities. In fact, if you do suffer from chronically aching feet, chances are great that you fall into one of the following three categories:


1. Foot pain caused by physical activity.

Persons who engage in strenuous sports or physical fitness activities, such as running, walking, hiking, aerobics, tennis, golf, basketball, and other sports that put stress on the feet, are likely candidates to experience ongoing foot soreness at some point.

2. Foot soreness caused by uncomfortable shoes.

It is an unavoidable fact of our modern-day living that many professions and social norms require us to wear shoes designed for form rather than comfort or function. The main culprit here is high-heel shoes and other women's dress shoes. Ouch!

3. Aching feet caused by excessive standing.

Many people have jobs, such as food service industry jobs, require standing for long periods of time, or even entire work days. Persons engaging in such professions are highly likely to experience ongoing foot soreness.

In all of the above cases, while discontinuing the activities in question would certainly solve our sore feet problem, this is hardly a viable option. We play sports because we love to do so. We wear high heels and dress shoes because we want to look our best. And we work standing-intensive jobs, well, because we have to earn a living!

The question, then, is how can we continue to engage in the activities that we love and need to do and rid ourselves of our chronic sore foot problem?

My Best Home Remedies for Sore Feet

Since it is our ongoing, daily activities that are the cause of our chronic sore foot pain, we require ongoing, daily therapy and maintenance to combat chronic foot soreness. Therefore, although I highly recommend receiving an occasional foot massage at a reflexology clinic if available, here I'd like to offer my two favorite low-cost, easy-to-perform home remedies for sore feet.

1. Epsom Salt Bath

Epsom salts, a compound of magnesium and sulfate, offer soothing, low-cost foot relief. Readily available at your local drugstore or grocery store, simply pour about a 1/4 to 1/2 cup of salts into a tub of warm water and soak your feet for up to a half hour. The Epsom salts work to reduce inflammation of sore nerves and muscles and leave your feet feeling refreshed.

Epsom salts are a great home remedy for aching feet. The only real drawbacks to this method are the ongoing cost of replenishing the salts and the time required to prepare and take the foot bath.

2. Home Reflexology

My personal favorite do-it-yourself sore foot pain remedy is home reflexology. There are a number of home reflexology tools on the market, spanning the entire range of cost and effectiveness.

My personal favorite home reflexology tool is a little-known Japanese foot massage tool called the takefumi.

Takefumi Japanese Foot Massager

The takefumi foot massager is the traditional Japanese foot massage tool that has been used as the go-to home remedy for sore feet in Japan for centuries.

The takefumi is actually simply a piece of bamboo, about a foot long. The naturally curved hardness of the bamboo is cut and shaped to provide a perfect foot massage with just the right amount of pressure: not to gentle but not too intense!

I love the takefumi because it is inexpensive and super easy to use. Just lay it on the floor and step on it gently. You'll find that the arched shape of the takefumi begins to work immediately to stretch and massage the feet in the opposite direction of the downward pressure of gravity to blissfully release all the soreness and tension stored up in the feet.

I use my takefumi for a minute or two each morning and evening for daily foot maintenance and therapy, and immediately after engaging in any activity that causes my foot soreness to flare up. I've found that by following this simple routine, my chronic foot soreness has all but gone away and I now finally have control over my sore feet instead of my aching feet controlling and constantly plaguing me!

Highly Effective Home Remedies for Sore Feet


The Affects of Heat on Headaches

The recent studies done on several conditions that may cause headaches studied heat, pollution and barometric pressure suggest that some of these conditions may actually be triggers. While most of the studies done were targeting those who have migraines, the problem can involve everyone.

Head pain can be a sign of serious illness, as well. Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are good examples, though they are probably not included in this study. If you have signs of these two medical conditions, seek immediate medical attention. Other symptoms may include a change in perspiration levels, nausea, vomiting, weakness and coma.


Barometric Pressure: Studies are mixed as to whether or not a change in the pressure gradient triggers headaches. If you suffer from them, it's a good bet that you know whether or not they do. Many people get migraines when it's getting ready to rain, and up to seventy-two hours afterwards.

Hot Weather: For every five to nine degrees the temperature goes up, the chances you will have head pain increases by seven and a half percent. That doesn't just mean when it gets really hot, a sudden jump in temperature of any sort could cause it. This study was done about cases bad enough to require a trip to the emergency room, so the likelihood could go even higher.

Pollution: At one point in time, air quality in many major cities was so bad children couldn't play outside. This caused some serious health problems, including an increased risk of asthma. Going outside would make your eyes burn and your throat raw from the particulate matter in the atmosphere. Thankfully, times...and new laws...have changed that.

That doesn't mean all of the pollution is gone, nor all of the problems it causes. Headaches are still a regular side effect, especially when the levels hit stage three. This, too, is known from emergency room visits, so the percentages may be higher than the studies indicate.

There are things you can do. If you have an air purifier, that may help with the pollution problem. An air conditioner with a good filter could do so as well. A dehumidifier could be useful when the barometric pressure drops. Staying indoors and maintaining a comfortable temperature could relieve or prevent headaches from heat.

Herbal preparations may also be beneficial. People were using feverfew for migraines before recorded history, and many still use it today. There are two methods; some eat a couple of leaves on a daily basis in order to prevent the painful problem, and others brew a tea of it when they feel one coming on. The herb can cause sores in the mouth, especially if it is chewed fresh.

Willow bark contains the same active ingredient as aspirin. In fact, that is what headache powders used until it could be made synthetically. It could relieve head pain, but use caution if you take blood thinners or are on aspirin therapy. You should avoid it if you are allergic to aspirin.

It's a good idea to talk to your doctor before starting a new supplement. This way, you can avoid harmful interactions and side effects. Give the doctor a complete list of all medications, supplements and herbal preparations, as well.

The Affects of Heat on Headaches


Strep Throat Affects All Ages

Strep throat is a very common illness that occurs in all humans of all ages most often in the winter months. It is an infection of the pharynx and possibly the larynx and the tonsils. It is a form of group A streptococcal infections. Group A streptococcal infections cause such illnesses as pneumonia, tonsillitis, arthritis, meningitis, osteomyelitis, scarlet fever and sinusitis. Strep throat is the swelling of the throat and can cause pain when talking or swallowing. Some severe cases cause problems with breathing because the throat swells up so much that it cuts off the airwaves through the mouth.

The symptoms of strep throat are rash, hives, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, fever, red and enlarged tonsils, sudden and severe sore throat, yellow and white patches in the throat, trouble swallowing and general discomfort.


Doctors can diagnose strep throat by simply looking at a patient's throat. Doctors will also swab the back of the throat with a stick to pick up some of the mucus and test it for an infection. This is called a throat culture, which is also known as a Rapid Strep Test because the results come back within 10 to 15 minutes and are done within the doctor's office. They are not sent to a nearby medical lab for diagnosis. If the test comes back negative and the patient really isn't feeling well it could suggest that there is a viral infection somewhere else in the body.

If the throat culture comes back positive the patient will be prescribed antibiotics, which should have the infection cleared up within 36-48 hours. Because strep throat is contagious, patients suffering from the illness should not go to school or work for the duration of treatment. Doctors will write a note to send to school with a younger patient explaining why they missed two days of classes. Some strep throat cases can last as long as eight days.

Strep throat can be contracted through air-based germs. It can also be on infected pillow cases, toys, utensils, pens, pencils, clothing and even toothbrushes. The main antibiotic prescribed to strep throat patients is Penicillin. Once detected and treated, strep throat is not life threatening but can cause other health problems if left untreated by a patient. If they have symptoms of strep throat they should see a doctor and have antibiotics prescribed to avoid any long term problems.

Strep throat, which is caused by an infection, can also affect the blood, throat and the skin. It can also flare up herpes if the patient is suffering from herpes as well as causing scarlet fever. Some strains of strep throat can be so severe that they can cause the reduction of blood pressure which in turn can lead to lung injuries and kidney failure. Strep throat cannot be avoided because it is caused by air-born bacteria that is unavoidable and contagious. Even though strep throat is unavoidable it is still treatable. One way to try and avoid strep throat is to constantly keep washing your hands with germ killing soap.

Strep Throat Affects All Ages


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Therapy on Lyme Disease

The point of this report was to figure out if hyperbaric oxygen treatment influenced Lyme disease due to the spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi. The spirochete B. Burgdorferi is a microaerophilic organism carried by the Deer tick (Ixodid) and moved to humans and other mammals by its bite. Symptoms regularly start by a bulls-eye rash and erythema migrans.

Symptoms may include pain in joints and muscles, sore throat, fever, distended glands, and psychological "fogginess".
If not diagnosed in the first 1 or 2 months, the illness may become a lingering infection. At that point it seemingly becomes sequestered in fibroblasts and other cells which, in turn seem to protect it against effective treatment by all known antibiotics so far tested. The illness is hard to diagnose without serological findings and needs the talent of a very qualified surgeon, experienced in treating this illness.



It was shown by Austin the spirochete couldn't survive if transferred in air to another host, but would survive if transferred in a gas mix of 4% oxygen. This demonstrated the spirochete could not survive in an oxygen partial pressure of 160-mm Hg ( the partial pressure of oxygen in air ), but could survive in a partial pressure of 30-mm Hg ( which is the partial pressure of 4% oxygen at 1 atmosphere, comprehensive ( ground level pressure )., it appears clear a lethal oxygen level for the spirochete lies between thirty mm Hg, and 160 mm Hg. It is also known that while the provoked partial pressure of oxygen is roughly 160 mm Hg, at the tissue level, the partial pressure of oxygen normally is roughly 30-35 mm Hg. Therefore, it wouldn't be predicted that respiring air at ground level would cause any damage to the spirochete.

However, if the patient were placed in a hyperbaric chamber and the pressure increased to two.

36 atmospheres, comprehensive ( ata ), the total barometric pressure would be 1794 mm Hg. If the patient were then to respire pure oxygen the provoked partial pressure of oxygen would be 1794 mm Hg. Provoked oxygen is watered down by carbon-dioxide and water vapor in the alveoli, so the arterial blood would be exposed to an oxygen partial pressure of roughly 1700-mm Hg, and the tissue oxygen would be between 2 hundred and 300 mm Hg. This clearly would be above fatal oxygen levels for the spirochete since it is anticipated that oxygen routinely would diffuse throughout all cells of the body. This partial pressure of oxygen can be securely achieved in a hyperbaric chamber, and the patients can put up with this level for ninety mins or longer quite successfully.

Protocol :

This research received approval by the College Academic Review Board.

Subjects were selected from those referred by clinical consultants who were experienced in the treatment of Lyme illness. All subjects presented with a positive diagnosis of this illness according to the CDC criteria, including a positive Western blot serology of the correct bands. All had failed intravenous antibiotics, and many were continuing to deteriorate although still on assorted antibiotics. Subjects were given a lecture on the use of the hyperbaric chamber, including the risks, and confirmed a waiver and release as agreed by the Belmont Report. They were placed in the multiplace chamber and compressed to 2.36 ata, whereupon a plastic helmet was placed over the head and pure oxygen was administered. The oxygen flow pattern was such the subject impressed one hundred pc oxygen with each breath. Subjects managed to communicate with the attendant in the chamber as well as with one another. Treatment duration was sixty minutes on oxygen, and in most examples the treatments were administered bid for 5 days followed by a two-day rest.

Several different series were attempted, starting from ten treatments to thirty treatments. One subject received 145 treatments over the course of three months.

Results :

Ninety-one subjects finished a total of 1,995 hyperbaric oxygen treatments, although 9 were eliminated later thanks to the presence of another medical problem not clear during their treatments. These other medical issues were such items as babesiosis, ehrlichosis, hepatitis C, and formerly unidentified neurological issues. 2 subjects were eliminated because of the development of septicemia from IV catheters, and one due to current breast cancer, though all 3 of them later showed an improvement of Lyme symptoms with hyperbaric oxygen administration. Subject analysis was carried out by a shortened questionnaire taken from the standard test employed by many Lyme experts as a part of their analysis.

This test was designed so that nil reflected no symptoms, while 10 reflected grim symptoms. Though extra statistical analysis still is being carried out, it seems that roughly 84.8% of those treated showed heavy improvement by a decrease or elimination of symptoms. Only twelve subjects ( 13.1% ) claimed no obvious benefit. Before treatment, the subjects had a median score of 114.12 ( of a probable 270 ), and after being treated they averaged 49.27. This reduction of 64.85 points was statistically heavy in a paired t-test ( p=0.000 ). The variability of the scores from patient-to-patient fell as well after the treatment series. The standard deviation of the scores was 56.00 before and 44.14 after being treated. The p-value of this reduction is 0.057 in a Fisher's F-test. Further, 58% of the respondents had score reduction of 41.86 points or more. All except one of the 91 subjects developed grim Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction, often appearing in the first five days of the start of hyperbaric oxygen treatment.

Customarily, the Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction continued across the series of treatments, and in numerous examples continued for at least a month after the treatments were finished. Most subjects then started to show major improvement that in some examples has continued for eight months.

Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Therapy on Lyme Disease


Can Chiropractic Help Blood Pressure?

Many Americans take drugs to lower their blood pressure. High blood pressure is said to be the cause of stroke, congestive heart failure as well as kidney failure. Therefore, this compels people to take drugs to control a body function out of fear of what may happen in the future.

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Often times in an effort to help the patient, doctors prescribe these medications, without fully finding out the reasons that the blood pressure is high to begin with. It seems logical to many Chiropractors however, that there may be other reasons that their body requires more blood flow than usual at a certain point in time.


Most high blood pressure medications fall into one of four categories; diuretics, beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, and calcium channel blockers. These drugs however do not have healing properties or capabilities, they simply cover the symptom of an unidentified situation. In some cases even the least toxic drugs are known to have very serious and sometimes fatal side effects.

Chiropractic care may be known for curing back pains and headaches. However, there are other benefits of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care. If there is an imbalance in the Brain Stem it can affect the entire nerve system. The Brain Stem is responsible for the control of the entire body. The things we do not think about such as respiration, digestion, immune system, and blood pressure just to name a few are controlled here!

In certain situations, there is a body mechanism that reacts when life is threatened. This is commonly known as the fight or flight mode. Because of our busy lifestyle, our bodies undergo stress and we are likely to stay in this mode. This ultimately causes a recurring high blood pressure. This is further complicated by poor diet and lack of exercise. However, not all doctors advise a more natural approach to deal with increased blood pressure such as stress reduction, improved food choices, and more exercise.

Reducing the stress on the Brainstem is the real key to lowering the body's pressure on the arterial and venous system. This is done by specifically adjusting the bone at the top of the neck called the Atlas where the Brainstem is located. During this process, the Vagus Nerve is stimulated, which helps slow the heart rate and lower the blood pressure. To simplify things, this article aims to explain to those who want alternative or natural help for high blood pressure. Upper Cervical Chiropractic Corrections may be done to help this, and have now been shown to do exactly that in many cases!

If balance can be restored to this area, blood pressure may be decreased, but even more importantly the body can heal as God has intended. If the proper brain to body communication can be restored the body can regain its natural healing ability and so much more than simple aches and pains in the body can be helped!

Can Chiropractic Help Blood Pressure?


Head Lice Life Cycle

Meet A Louse: From Nit to Adult

The lice's life cycle has three distinct stages. These include nit, nymph and adult. (Got to admit they have two cute names there!).


It takes approximately one month for a louse to go from one egg stage to the next. The egg of a head louse is called a nit. The adult female lice lay the eggs. And they lay them on the shaft of your hair using what can only be described as a strong "cement." These eggs are located as close to possible to the scalp. Why? Because your body heat is required for incubation. Without your body warmth, they would never hatch. In fact, nits are usually found within 6 mm of the scalp.

The size of a nit is small -- actually tiny. They are about 0.8 mm by 0.3 mm. And believe it or not, even at this tiny size, scientists tell us that a nit is an oval shape! Nits can be yellow or white.

From Nit to Nymph

The egg stage lasts six to nine days before they hatch. Once they hatch, they release the nymph. The nit shell itself, though, remains attached to the hair and then turns a dull yellow color.

The appearance of the nymph is very much like a louse in miniature. As the nymph grows, it eventually outgrows its exoskeleton and sheds it. An exoskeleton, by the way, is the hard outer structure many insects have. It's much like our bones -- or skeleton -- but on the outside. It's very useful in protecting them.

In fact, a nymph sheds his exoskeleton three times before it's considered an adult.

The size of these middle stage lice varies, but usually they're seen as about the size of a pin head. In this stage, the lice take on a yellow to rust colored shading.

Nymphs stay close to the scalp, and you can usually find them behind the ears and at your neckline. The nymphs, however, do not stay nymphs for very long. They usually grow into adult lice within seven days.

From Nymph to Louse

That brings us to the adult louse. Once fully grown the louse eats about five times a day. He does this by piercing your skin with his claws, injecting his saliva -- which is quite irritating to you (as you are well aware!). After he injects his claw, he then sucks your blood.

Unlike ticks, lice do not become engorged with the fluid but they do change color. After feeding they appear more rust-colored.

Through all of this lice, hang onto your hair with their hook-like claws. These claws are found at the end of each of their six legs. Despite the fact that lice are wingless and can't jump, they travel quickly.

Believe it or not, the adult louse can live up to 30 days on your head. During this time, an adult female louse -- which is usually larger than her mail counterpart -- can lay up to 8 nits per day.

Head Lice Life Cycle


Friday, August 26, 2011

Massage Therapy Techniques

A good massage can be the most relaxing experience ever. After a hard day, when you are completely tense and just cannot relax, there is nothing like a massage to help you unwind, and to relax and feel better. It can also help if you have some sort of aches and pains, of course - for persistent back aches and shoulder aches, and even for headaches, a massage can be of immense help.

Using the right massage therapy techniques is very important, however. You need not be a professional masseuse, but you have to have some elementary knowledge of basic massage therapy techniques before you actually give somebody a massage, or you will not be doing the person a favor of any sort. On the other hand, you might actually cause them some sort of injury at worst, and discomfort and pain at best.


So let us take a look at the basic massage therapy techniques that you can use.

They can be divided into stages. The first stage of proper massage therapy techniques is effleurage. Every massage should begin with this. This usually is the very light stroking that you begin with. However, for some things, like edema, deep effleurage can help.

When you begin a massage, keep your hands on the area you are about to massage, but be very light. Now stroke, quite lightly, without taking your hand away during the duration of this stage. You can slightly increase the pressure after a while, but the person you are massaging must be comfortable at all times. The pressure must be increased as you move towards the heart, and decreased as you move away from the heart.

Petrisage is the next stage of a massage. You can use either your fingertips or the heels of your palms to slightly pull the muscle tissue towards you and knead. Again, the cardinal rule is that the person you are massaging must be comfortable at all times. This can 'hurt good', though, which is a good thing.

The next stage you can go on to is Tapotement, but unless your subject is in good physical shape, he or she might not like it. You use the sides of your palms to hack with medium pressure, or use your cupped hands, instead. If the person has any physical ailments, this is not advisable.

The fourth stage is friction - with either your thumb or your finger tips, apply pressure in a circle to the bony parts, like knees or the spine, and hold.

You can end with the massage therapy technique effleurage again, and hopefully your subject will be happy and relaxed!

Massage Therapy Techniques


Diabetes-Associated Complications

Many diabetics overlook the fact that diabetes-associated complications are the real danger of not managing the disease properly. Long periods with high blood sugar are the cause of those complications and are the reason why good management is essential.

It's often difficult to remain disciplined before additional problems occur, when the threat seems to be an illusion. But those extra symptoms of diabetes are very real and debilitating once encountered.


We're told it's all about living a normal lifestyle, but in essence, it's as much about retaining quality of life for as long as possible.

Heart disease and stroke are two possible complications and both are these days generally considered in a diabetic medication regime. Diabetics have their blood pressure and cholesterol levels tested as long as they see their medical practitioner at regular intervals.

High blood pressure can affect the kidneys and accelerate kidney disease, so regular checks are essential. Should swelling in your leg/s and/or feet occur repeatedly or not clear easily, it could indicate kidney disease.

Remember that your kidneys are filtering any additional sugar that cannot be absorbed. Deterioration is quite possible over several years. Drinking plenty of water can help keep your kidneys working well, just as regular exercise can, together with medication, reduce high blood pressure.

Anyone who has to contend with regular dialysis can tell you that it's inconvenient at best, and is also expensive. In some countries dialysis machines are in short supply. Without health insurance you could find it difficult to bridge the gap between a waiting list and dialysis which could be life-threatening.

Eye degeneration is also a possibility and all diabetics should see an ophthalmologist annually. If your vision has become blurred or blind spots occur (retinopathy) this could become necessary more often. Diabetics are susceptible to macular degeneration.

Poor circulation has several implications and deteriorates most the further away from the heart, so is most easily noticed in the feet and hands. It is called peripheral vascular disease. Why this is so important is because tissue with poor circulation can die, causing gangrene.

It is gangrene that causes diabetics to need amputations. Over half of those carried out could be avoided with good foot care; a really good reason to see a podiatrist from time to time.

Badly controlled diabetes can also result in diabetic neuropathy, which is damage to the nerves. This affects your ability to feel cuts or sores on your feet or hands and means diabetics often don't react quickly enough to sores that don't heal. A tingling numbness can be an indicator. This makes dedicated foot care another essential to good diabetic management, but because foot problems are crucial among diabetes-associated complications, I've dedicated another article particularly to it.

Diabetes-Associated Complications


Armpit Shaving - Don't Get Sore!

Whether or not you choose to shave your armpits is your choice. Most women will say that they shave their armpits because it makes them feel more hygienic and feminine. In recent years, men have started to shave their armpits too.

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Removing your armpit hair can make it easier to keep clean as hair can trap bacteria which, if not taken care of will result in a bad case of body odor.


Although the majority of women in the western world shave their armpits, most of them are probably doing it wrong. Classic signs are red bumps under the arms, soreness, dryness/itching and in some cases bleeding. These symptoms can easily be avoided if the following precautions are taken.

If this is the first time that you have shaved your armpits, the hair is most likely quite long. This is not ideal as it will clog up your razor. Before shaving, try to reduce the length of the hair using a set of clippers or carefully with a pair of scissors. You need the hair to be no longer than 0.2 in (5 mm) before you begin.


1) When your armpits are due for a shave, try and coincide it with when you take a bath or a shower. Wait until the hot water has been in contact with the area to be shaved for at least five minutes before you start to shave. This way, the hair will be nice and softened. This will greatly reduce the chance of you getting a shaving rash or that horrible burning redness.

2) Never shave your armpits without applying some sort of shaving gel or cream. Make sure it is worked into a good lather as this will help the blade of the razor glide over your skin without actually grazing you.

3) Make sure you are using a clean razor preferably with a new blade.

Armpit Shaving Technique

1) Lift your arm and rest the razor at the top of your armpit. If your arm starts to get tired, rest your hand on the back of your neck. Now, apply a small amount of pressure as you slowly and gently slide the razor down in one single stroke. If you fell a slight snagging, it may be that the hairs are slightly too long. Should this be the case, use lots of short strokes to overcome the snagging sensation.

2) Always rinse the razor after each successive stroke. This will clear out any hair that may be clogging the razor. If your razor is clogged, you will have to apply more pressure until you over compensate and give yourself a nasty cut!

3) Repeat the above process until you have shaved the whole area. Now, you will get a much closer shave if you repeat the process but use up strokes instead of down. This will lift the hair slightly and give the hair a closer cut. Repeat the above step but shave upwards this time.

4) If you have sensitive skin or you suffer from red bumps after shaving, it may be wise to miss this step. Sometimes shaving upwards can cut the hair too close. As the skin relaxes, the cut end of the hair can retreat below the skin. As the hair then starts to grow back out over time, it may cause red bumps and soreness.

5) Repeat the same process but on the other armpit. That's all there is to it!

6) If you manage to cut yourself whilst shaving, get out of the hot water and rinse the affected area with cold water. This will help to stem the bleeding. If the bleeding persists you could try using a piece of tissue paper or a styptic pencil. Obviously if the cut is quite severe you will need a band-aid.

7) Most importantly, when drying yourself after shaving your armpit try to pat-dry the area as oppose to rubbing. Rubbing is one of the main causes of dryness and soreness after shaving. You will just be irritating the area. Simply pat dry the area and apply a good quality moisturizer that has no added perfume. This will leave you with a smooth, bump free, hair free armpit.

Armpit Shaving - Don't Get Sore!


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Cold Sore Treatment Through Natural Remedies

The medical community is currently frustrated by the lack of progress in providing a highly effective medicinal cold sore treatment, and as drug based solutions remain relatively expensive and with some risk of side effects, many sufferers turn towards natural remedies for a solution.

As there is no complete cure for the condition at present, any current cold sore treatment focuses on prevention, easing the symptoms, or healing. Because the virus awakes from its dormant state in the nerve cells only when the immune system becomes compromised in some way, it is important to ensure that the immune system is functioning at full strength, which can be achieved through regular exercise, diet and relaxation to minimize stress. However once an outbreak occurs we need to switch focus; we can help ease the symptoms of pain or itchiness and treat dry skin and cracks; and help reduce the impact of the virus to reduce the overall healing time and to ensure that the skin heals without scarring.


Cold sores usually take in the region of 7-10 days to complete the full cycle from tingling phase to healing and because the virus is contagious throughout these stages, remember to observe high standards of hygiene to ensure it is not spread, either to other parts of the body or to other people; always wash your hands after applying any topical remedy and avoid touching the lesion whenever possible.

Many sufferers find that taking regular L-lysine supplements both reduces the frequency and severity of outbreaks. Other simple remedies include the application of sunscreen, which is often recommended for cold sore sufferers due to the fact that prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can serve as a trigger for the outbreak.

Compounds such as phenol, zinc, tannic acid and lysine have antiviral properties, which inhibit the ability of the herpes virus to form lesions and help form an environment that speeds up the healing process. Besides these compounds, lip balms are used to soften and moisturize the scabs that form, reducing bleeding and cracking. A number of herbal medications are also useful in cold sore treatment, with herbal antiseptics such as tea tree oil and sage, and herbal sedatives such as violet, having been found to offer relief.

Many people have found that simply applying ice to the affected area can prove beneficial; when applied during the tingle stage it lowers the temperature and the metabolic rate of the area, thus slowing the development of cold sore; it also lessens itching and pain by acting as a numbing agent. Applying tea bags to the lesions is also often beneficial as tea contains tannic acid, which has been shown to minimize development of the sores, while applying a coating of moisturizing agents like petroleum jelly can help to prevent bleeding and cracking.

From this you can see that while medical advances in this field are moving slower than many would wish, there are some simple cold sore treatments available based on natural ingredients and everyday items found in the home. By taking some simple steps you can help minimize the impact of cold sore outbreaks on your life.

Cold Sore Treatment Through Natural Remedies


Cold Sore Home Remedies That Work

With pharmaceutical treatments proving to be of limited efficacy, many people have found that a variety of cold sore home remedies offer relief that is just as good, if not better. People have been suffering from cold sores for some 2,000 years and over that time a variety of herbs and treatments have been used to varying degrees of success. Here we look at some of the most effective remedies.

ICE: Ice is considered to be a universal home remedy against cold sores. Ice helps in relieving the pain, reduce the swelling as well as restrict the herpes virus from spreading. Ice treatment should be commenced when the itching begins. However, it is essential to note that ice should not be used during the healing stage as it slows down the speed of healing.


LYSINE: Lysine is a popular cold sore remedy, which can in some cases prevent the herpes simplex virus from producing the sore. Although lysine creams have been shown to have some effect, they are not well absorbed by the skin and it is really better to take lysine orally, either in the form of supplements or in the diet. One of the best dietary sources of lysine is the flounder, an ocean flatfish common to the northern Atlantic and Pacific oceans and consumption of this fish during a cold sore attack can reduce healing time by several days.

ALOE VERA: Aloe Vera is considered by many to be a miracle product and is used in many skin conditions to aid healing. While lotions containing Aloe Vera are readily available, you can grow the plant at home to provide a ready supply of the liquid contained in the leaves, which can help to heal your cold sore lesions.

WALNUTS: Although the consumption of walnuts should be avoided during an outbreak due to their high arginine content, they can be useful as a topical treatment. To prepare walnuts as a cold sore remedy, add to a blender to reduce to a paste and apply direct to the sore to aid healing.

TEA: The application of warm and mist tea bags can help your cold sores by reducing swelling and soreness. Tea contains tannic acid, which acts as an anti-viral agent, fighting there root cause of the outbreak.

As you can see there are a variety of remedies that are common to every household, as well as others that can be incorporated into our lives, such as the consumption of lysine contained in flounder. By trying each of the cold sore home remedies mentioned above you will find what effect it has on your body and by a little experimentation should find a combination that improves you condition.

Cold Sore Home Remedies That Work


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

How to Get Rid of Sore Throat in Less Than 24 Hours - A Safe, Natural Home Remedy

First of all we need to know what causes a sore throat???

A sore throat can be caused by:


1. Common viruses, and even the viruses that cause mononucleosis (mono) and the flu, can cause a sore throat. Some viruses can also produce blisters in the mouth and throat ("aphthous stomatitis").

2. After treatment with antibiotics, chemotherapy, or other immune-compromising medications may be due to Candida, commonly known as "thrush."

3. Sinus drainage (post nasal drip) may cause a sore throat.

4. It can also be caused by bacteria. The two most common bacteria are Streptococcus (which causes strep throat) and Arcanobacterium haemolyticum. Arcanobacterium causes sore throats mainly in young adults and is sometimes associated with a fine red rash.

However more than 90% of the time it is caused by a virus(see #1 above). These viruses are highly contagious and spread quickly, especially in winter. The body builds antibodies that destroy the virus,however the process may take a week or two. So it it very important that you take action fast. You see I had sore throat before and I know it is one of the most painful feeling you can imagine. Just to think that you can't even swallow you saliva without feeling like a rock is forcing its way down your throat, literally. And the funny thing is you never knew you had so much saliva- you get the picture? I know you do.

Oftentimes this condition is one of the first symptoms of our body's fight against the common cold or flu which maybe due to the change of temperature, exposure to cold, or just by drinking some beverage that is extremely cold.

So How Do You Know If You Have A Sore Throat?

How To Detect If You Really Have This Condition: If you have problems like: read area in your throat, or pain when you swallow, cough, and for children, diarrhea, you definitely have a sore throat. More other symptoms may include redness all around one' s mouth.

There are many ways of helping the body in dealing with infections. Home remedies for sore throat are various and they include many aspects: diet, natural antiseptics, natural analgesics or natural antibacterial cures. Used appropriately, home remedies for strep throat can speed up the process of healing by fighting bacteria and by stimulating the immune system of the body.

24 Hour Safe Natural Home Remedy

1. Warm one cup of water and add half tea spoon of salt. Be sure that the water is not too hot to burn you. Mix out the salt until it is almost dissolved.

2. Rinse your mouth and gargle your throat with the salt water solution in the same way you would with a mouth wash. Do this 3 - 4 times.

3. Another effective remedy to end you problem in 24 hours is mango bark. You can mix a small amount with water and gargle several times.

How to Get Rid of Sore Throat in Less Than 24 Hours - A Safe, Natural Home Remedy


Natural Remedies for a Sore Throat

A sore throat is one of the most common ailments afflicting people around the world; it is usually caused by a virus or bacteria and is often accompanied by nasal congestion, fever, and other symptoms of the common cold. Sore throats can also be caused, or exacerbated, by smoking, dry heat, or allergic reactions. A sore throat is rarely cause for a trip to the doctor; there are a number of steps you can take on your own to alleviate your discomfort.

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If you smoke, quit. There are a thousand good reasons to quit smoking now; the fact that cigarette smoke is extremely irritating to the throat lining is one of them. Because dry heat is another throat irritant, you can run a cool-mist vaporizer or humidifier in your bedroom while you sleep. The added moisture in the air will help prevent your throat lining from becoming too dry while you're sleeping. If it's winter and you're running heat in your house, you can place a bowl of water over the radiator or heating vent in your bedroom; this will have roughly the same effect as a humidifier.


Throw away your old toothbrush and use a new one; bacteria tend to collect on the bristles, and can enter your system through tender areas in your gums. It's a good practice in general to change your toothbrush on a regular basis.

One of the easiest ways to provide quick relief for a sore throat is a saltwater gargle. Salt can act as an antiseptic, and it draws water from the mucous membranes in your throat; the water helps clear phlegm. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and gargle, at least four times a day. Sore throat lozenges, which you can purchase in most convenience stores, also serve to increase saliva production and lubricate the throat. However, be careful giving throat lozenges to small children; they may choke on them.

In general, drink plenty of fluids. Some people prefer cold liquids, or even sucking on ice cubes or popsicles; others prefer warm drinks such as tea or plain warm water. There seems to be broad disagreement as to whether warm liquids or cold liquids are better for a sore throat; the bottom line is, keep your throat irrigated, and drink whatever feels soothing!

One interesting concoction for soothing a sore throat, recommended by some, is to add one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, a pinch of cayenne pepper, the juice from a quarter of a lemon, and a teaspoon of honey to a cup of hot water. Drink one cup four times a day. The prospect of downing such a potent cocktail may be sufficient for one to take adequate preventive measures and avoid succumbing to a sore throat to begin with. Honey, however, has antibacterial properties and has long been used to treat sore throats; honey also draws water from inflamed tissues in your throat, reducing swelling. Add several teaspoons of honey to a glass of hot herbal tea or hot water, or make hot lemonade with honey, adding several teaspoons to hot water mixed with the juice from half a lemon.

Other common food items that can alleviate a sore throat include Vitamin C (drink orange juice or some other citrus drink); Vitamin C will boost your immune system and help fight off infection. Also, dried garlic has antibacterial and antiseptic properties; you can add extra garlic to your food as a seasoning.

Various other natural products have been shown to help. Slippery Elm is a tree common to eastern North America; the inner bark of this tree contains mucilage, a gel that swells when mixed with water. This mucilage has been traditionally used as a sore throat cure; it is believed to reduce throat irritation. It is sold in capsule form, and is also found in various herbal teas. Check at your local health-food store.

Licorice root has also long been used as a remedy for sore throats; it is a common ingredient in various herbal teas. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, this root has been used to help treat a variety of ailments including stomach ulcers, canker sores, and viral infections. You should not consume licorice root in large amounts, however, as it can cause high blood pressure and lower your body's potassium level. Marshmallow root has also been used for centuries to treat sore throats; add one tablespoon of dried marshmallow root to a cup of boiling water and let it steep for 30 minutes before straining. Like slippery elm, marshmallow contains mucilage.

A sore throat should only last a few days; if the condition persists, you may wish to see a doctor. And be sure to see a doctor if you have severe throat pain or difficulty swallowing; blood in your saliva or phlegm; tender or swollen lymph nodes in your neck; white or yellow patches in the back of your throat; pus in your throat; or other unusual symptoms.

Natural Remedies for a Sore Throat


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Simple Remedies to Cure Your Sore Throat

Having a sore throat can be a big problem. It is as if you can no longer go to work because it affects the whole body especially when your job requires you to talk to other people.

It may depend on what your condition is. There are sore throats which are just starting and there are also which are at their worst stage. In any case, there should always be a medicine to this problem. Before anything else, we should understand that it is the pain that we feel at the back of the throat. This usually occurs when you have a cold and feeling a bit sick.


There are several pointers on how to fix your throat problem. The first thing that we should remember or do is to gargle with a good mouthwash that has the right chemicals that kill bacteria. This is often the primary reason why there is sore throat. This happens often on the first day that you catch a cold because sometimes they are also symptoms of sickness. In any case, gargling with a mouthwash will certainly help. Just remember not to share the cup with the rest of your family members to avoid them from being infected.

If you do not want to spend much for a mouthwash, then you can consider having boiled ginger and drink it as tea with lesser sugar. Red ginger is good to reduce the pain especially if you drink it hot.

You can also try to dissolve salt in a cup of water and gargle it every two hours. You can prepare this solution by adding half a teaspoon of salt to a cup of warm water. It lessens the pain and even kills the bacteria in your throat. This is a cheaper way of curing sore throat although it is a bit of an effort from your side if you plan to do this.

Another pointer on how to fix this problem is to keep drinking water because somehow it relive the dryness and pain of a sore throat.

The last step that you can do if all else fails is you can go to a doctor and have him to prescribe the right type of medicine. Sometimes, it may not be an ordinary sore throat, but a more complex problem which you have to deal with. You should remember though that pain relievers give only temporarily relieve and it may just come back. The best thing to do is to have your throat check by a specialist rather than let the problem persist or recur. Sore throat can cause discomfort so do not let it bring you down.

Simple Remedies to Cure Your Sore Throat


Sore Throat Home Remedies for Quick Relief

Sore throat is a very irritating problem in which the throat is inflamed. This is generally caused due to colds and coughs. Sore throats can also be caused due to tonsillitis.

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Useful Herbs in the Treatment of Sore Throat


# Bayberry (Myrica nagi)

A hot decoction of the bayberry bark is taken as a gargle. This gargle makes a very good remedy for all kinds of throat infections.

# Belleric Myrobalan (Terminalia belerica)

The belleric myrobalan, commonly known as behera in Ayurvedic parlance, is a popular Indian household remedy for coughs. The pulp of its fruit is taken. This pulp is mixed with salt, long pepper and honey. This is given for allaying the problems of sore throat. Instead of this preparation, its fried fruit can also be covered with wheat flour and then roasted on a low flame.

# Betel (Piper betle)

Betel leaves are crushed and applied externally on the throat region. If the sore throat is accompanied by an irritating cough, then the berry of the plant is crushed and is taken with honey.

# Butea (Butea monosperma)

Butea leaves are a good remedy in case of infections in the throat. A decoction of the leaves is prepared in water and is taken as a gargle.

# Cardamom (Elattaria cardamomum)

An infusion of cardamom (preferably with cinnamon) is used as a gargle for the treatment of sore throat problems. This infusion is good even if the sore throat is cause due to a serious condition such as influenza; in fact the infusion helps to prevent the influenza itself.

# Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum)

Fenugreek is perhaps the best remedy for ordinary sore throats. Fenugreek seeds are put in a liter of water and allowed to simmer. This is kept for half an hour on a low flame. Later it is cooled down and then strained. The liquid is used as a gargle for treatment of sore throat.

# Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

Ginger is a very effective remedy that is used in various ways to treat sore throat. In fact, ginger can be used as a treatment for coughs and colds, which are the causes of sore throat. Ginger can be taken in the form of a tea, or it can be made into hot beverage with plain water and sugar. The juice of ginger is also taken with honey in order to treat sore throats.

# Henna (Lawsonia inermis)

Henna leaves are taken in the form of a decoction for gargling. This has beneficial results in sore throat.

# Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
The juice of the licorice herb has soothing powers for the throat. When having sore throat, just suck on some pieces of raw licorice, which allows the juices to pass slowly through the throat.

Dietary Guidelines for Treatment of Sore Throat

# Curds and other sour foods must be avoided. Fried foods are extremely aggravating for this condition. Oil must be avoided in all forms. Even a trace of oil in the food can compound the problems. But ghee can be had in little amounts.

# It is very dangerous to consume anything that is cold or refrigerated when there is a throat infection. This will make the sore throat so severe that even swallowing food and breathing might become difficult. Even foods with a cold propensity such as cucumbers, bananas, watermelons, papayas, etc. must be avoided.

# Flavoring the food with spices such as ginger, black pepper, salt and garlic is beneficial.

Ayurvedic Treatments for Sore Throat

Several Ayurvedic remedies are employed in the treatment of sore throats. The following are some of them:-

# External fomentation is done, followed by a gargle with one cup of lukewarm water in which a teaspoonful of irimedadi taila is added.

# One teaspoon of yashtimadhu and vacha are given four times a day with honey as the vehicle. Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) powder is also prescribed in doses of one teaspoonful of powder with hot water to be taken before retiring to bed. The latter remedy is generally prescribed in case there is constipation linked with the sore throat.

# Chewing preparations such as khadiradi vati and eladi vati are also very beneficial and are commonly prescribed.

Home Remedies for Treatment of Sore Throat

# The easiest home remedy is to take a salt water gargle. Put four teaspoons of salt in a liter of water. Warm the water, but not too much. It should be just alright for gargling. Gargle with this water for twenty minutes. If you gargle in the night before going to bed, then if it is a simple sore throat, it will be gone by morning.

# Add a teaspoon of cumin seeds to boiling water. Put some pieces of garlic in it. Allow this to simmer for a few seconds. When simmered enough, set it aside to get cooled. This preparation is to be drunk as a beverage while still slightly warm. It helps relieve sore throat.

Sore throat is mostly caused due to common cold. It is accompanied by cough. Hence, remedies for common cold must be done. This will also treat the sore throat. It is not advisable to have a head bath until the sore throat condition lasts. Also, do not expose yourself to cold water and cold climate for a few days.

Sore Throat Home Remedies for Quick Relief


Get Rid Of A Cold Sore

Getting a cold sore can be a most unpleasant experience. And if you are one of the over 60 million people who develop a cold sore each and every year, you already know that. Why do people get a cold sore, and what can be done when a cold sore appears? Here is a quick cold sore Q & A to give you some answers to these questions and many others.

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What Causes A Cold Sore?


There are many reasons why you can get a cold sore. One of the biggest ones is due to stress. If you are going through a very stressful time in your life, your chances of getting a cold sore are greatly increased. Why? Because your immunity is low due to the stress. Being out in to much sunlight can be a big cause. Other triggers include illness, fevers, and believe it or not, even eating too much chocolate can cause a cold sore to break out.

Is A Cold Sore Contagious?

Cold sores are extremely contagious. You should avoid kissing anyone when you have a cold sore. You will also want to avoid sharing glasses, utensils, toothbrushes, and towels.

How Long Do Cold Sores Last?

While there is no set length of time, cold sores can last up to 2 weeks. If you can start treating it very early in the beginning you may be able to reduce the length of time significantly. In many cases it can be only 3-5 days in duration. The key is treating it as soon as you notice something is not right and you start noticing some discomfort.

What Is The Difference Between A Canker Sore And A Cold Sore?

A canker sore appears on the inside of your mouth or gums and is caused by bacteria. A cold sore is caused by a virus and will most likely always appear on the outside of your mouth. There are rare times when a cold sore will form on the roof of your mouth.

Is There Anything That Will Get Rid Of A Cold Sore?

While there is no cure to ever preventing a cold sore from forming, there are products available that will dramatically help reduce the pain and help heal the cold sore much faster. Many times you can be healed in as little as 4-5 days. (You can go to our website for more details.) You can also purchase medication from any pharmacy with a doctors prescription. Most of the over the counter products may help in a small way, but unfortunately, many are simply ineffective.

Get Rid Of A Cold Sore


Monday, August 22, 2011

Common Sinus Pressure Symptoms

Sinus cavities are a very important part of the body. Infection or inflammation in the cavities can cause immense pain and pressure. Sinus pressure refers to the pressure caused by an inflamed, infected or mucous filled sinus cavity. Sinus pressure symptoms are similar to symptoms of a common cold which do not respond to common medication which is usually given for a cold. Sinus pressure can also be caused due to an allergy of some kind. People living in dusty areas complain of sinus more often.

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There are four main sinus cavities in the body. They are located on either side of the nose, behind and in-between the eyes, and in the forehead. Each sinus cavity has an opening into the nose for the exchange of air and mucous. When the cavities get filled with mucous it creates a perfect breeding ground for bacteria.


Some of the most common sinus pressure symptoms include severe nasal congestion and yellowish green discharge which is thick because it contains pus. Pain in the teeth is also very normal. This pain increases when you bend over. Symptoms may vary however, depending on the sinuses involved.

Sinus pressure symptoms normally occur for about ten days and they may carry on for a longer period if a cold or flu occurs. They normally worsen after five to seven days. In some cases fever also occurs. Fever is more common in children than in adults therefore it is not a very reliable way of diagnosing sinus pressure.

Far more severe sinus pressure symptoms are terrible headaches, pain or pressure in specific areas of the face and redness in the eyes. Bulging and painful eyes also occur if the sinus infection occurs around the eyes. In some cases, the patients also have double vision or even temporary vision loss. A persistent cough (especially during the day), fever and fatigue are also symptoms of sinus pressure. The most common symptom of sinus pressure is facial pain.

Rare complications along with sinusitis can produce additional symptoms, which may be severe or life threatening. It is very important to treat sinus pressure symptoms quickly before they get unbearably painful.

Common Sinus Pressure Symptoms


5 Most Common Risk Factors of Pressure Sores

There are several factors that have been acknowledged as things that put a person more at risk of developing pressure sores.

As soon as a person is spotted as a high-risk individual, certain measures have to be taken to reduce or eliminate the risk of him or her developing bedsores.


It is imperative that the care provider, whether it is a nurse or a family member, is knowledgeable about these risk factors in order to be able to prevent the unnecessary and painful development of pressure sores.

The risk factors will vary according to the patient's specific circumstances; nevertheless, this is a list of the 5 most common risk factors:

1. Being confined to a bed, chair, or wheelchair
Individuals who are confined to a bed, a chair, or a wheelchair, and who are not able to move by themselves, are at high risk of developing pressure sores extremely fast; in as little as a couple of hours, if the pressure is not relieved regularly.

2. Being unable to change positions without assistance
Persons who are in a coma, who are paralyzed, and who are recovering from a hip fracture or other injury that limits mobility, are extremely prone to bed sores.

These patients must be moved consistently at regular intervals, and this is very difficult on caregivers, reason why it is imperative to get a pressure mattress to help both the patient and the caretaker.

3. Losing bowel or bladder control
People who have to remain in bed for long periods of time or permanently and lose the capacity to control their bladder or bowels are in danger of getting bedsores because the continuous moisture on the skin due to urine, stool, or perspiration can irritate and weaken it.

4. Eating bad, having an imbalanced diet and/or dehydration
Pressure sores develop more easily when the body and skin of people who have lost most of their mobility are not adequately nurtured.

5. Losing mental awareness
A person who is losing mental awareness may not have enough sensory perception or capacity to take action to prevent the development of pressure sores.

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Rachel Clarkson
Rachel Clarkson is a bed sores specialist and a big fan and promoter of "The Volkner Turning Mattress":

5 Most Common Risk Factors of Pressure Sores


Probiotics - The Truthful Reviews You Have Been Waiting For!

 Probiotics are live microorganisms - in most cases bacteria, similar to beneficial microorganism. When talking about probiotic they are also referred to as "friendly bacteria" or "good bacteria"

So what makes a Probiotic? The requirements of any microbe to be considered a form of probiotic are very simple.


(Lets explain this in plain English) When a microbe is examined and administered, it is crucial that the microbe is alive and documented to have a health benefit, as well as most importantly be administered at levels shown to support these benefits.

Role of Probiotic
The ability of probiotic bacteria to support the immune system could be very important to especially the elderly and even people suffering from compromised immune systems Prevents infections before they occur. Safe, cost effective approach that protects us against microbial infection. Assist infants with low birth weight - which is crucial at stages Complete booster and support in helping and maintaining, good healthy working immune system. 
Reviews and testimonies - of the natural food sources that contain probiotic/probiotics, as well as advantage and health benefits has made it possible for to review and recommend products containing valid probiotics.

Top rated types of yogurt, and drinking this custom supplement containing probiotics, could prevent common cold if used regularly and correctly.

After more than 20 years of thorough research, Dr. Ohhira scientifically concluded that good health prevails when the friendly bacteria in the GI tract are properly colonized and ill health often is the result of too great a colony of bad bacteria.

Probiotics - The Truthful Reviews You Have Been Waiting For!


Sunday, August 21, 2011

How to Prevent Bed Sores

If you have limited mobility due to accident injury, disability, or age, you should know how to prevent bed sores. Even if you are confined to a bed or a wheelchair for long periods of time, there are actions you or your caregiver can take to make sure you do not have to endure the added pain and treatment of bed sores.

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Technically speaking, bed sores are actually pressure sores on any part of the body where the skin is being stressed by long periods of immobility and added difficulties in repositioning. You do not have to be confined to a bed, in order to suffer from bed sores. Thus, it is important to be aware of the potential for sores and know how to do everything possible to prevent them from occurring in the first place.


The key is to be proactive and take the necessary steps to prevent bed sore. For example:
Positioning Inspections Nutrition Lifestyle Changes

Although it will not guarantee that bed sores will not occur, it will definitely reduce the opportunities for these painful and often dangerous sores from making life miserable.


Avoid staying in one position for extended periods of time. If you are able, move around frequently to redistribute weight to other areas of the body. For those who cannot move, it is up to the caregiver to move his/her charge around periodically. For those who are confined to a wheelchair, one designed to recline can be helpful in making sure the immobile individual can change positions.


Although it is probably not the most pleasant of tasks, it is important to check for bed sores on a daily basis. Anywhere the skin comes in constant contact with the bed or the chair, take notice. For those prone to develop bed sores, it may only take a day or two to develop a big problem that can quickly turn into a serious health concern. Once a bed sore develops, it is very painful and difficult to treat.


Surprisingly, good nutrition can help prevent bed sores from making life painfully miserable. If the disabled person is underweight, he/she is more likely to suffer pressure sores. Good nutrition also helps the body produce healthy skin, which is less likely to erupt into sores. Thus, it is important to eat a well balanced diet, as much as possible.

Lifestyle Changes

Sorry folks. Lifestyle changes can make a big difference in whether a person is prone to develop bed sores. Yes. One more reason to quit smoking has come to light. Immobile individuals who smoke are more likely to have bed sores.

In addition, exercise is so important. If you are disabled and cannot do it for yourself, it is time to ask someone to help you exercise and move your body around a little bit. Whether people have limited mobility or not, exercise is still key in staying as healthy as possible.

Now you Know

Now you know a few things you can do to prevent bed sores in you or someone you love. Pressure sores can be dangerous and life threatening, if left undetected and untreated. So, be proactive; be cautious; be painful bed sore free.

How to Prevent Bed Sores