Sunday, July 31, 2011

Learn How to You Can Be Treating Cold Sores in Less Than 12 Hours

So, are you or someone you know been having trouble with the herpes simplex labialis, also known as cold sores? This condition is affection millions of people all around the world and as most of those affected know, one cannot get rid of the virus once one has gotten it into ones body. The only thing to do is to take measures as to prevent the sores from appearing and when they do, one has to be ready to be treating the cold sores immediately. Here are some pointers as what to do when you are having these pestering blisters.

Don't Touch The Sore!
This might be the most important part and I know from experience that it is one of the hardest. When the blister is being touched, it gets irritated and thus will take longer to heal. In addition, by touching it, you may risk spreading the virus to other parts of the body or to other people. Be especially wary with touching your eyes as the virus can make you blind if you get it in your eyes. Its hard to resist scratching the sore when it itches and so on, but it will not help one bit. If you absolutely have to touch it, use a sheet or something and just apply some pressure. This can relieve some of the itching that one feel.


Eat Foods High In Lysine
Diet plays a big role in treating cold sores. Lysine are known to reduce the chance of having a cold sore outbreak and should be able to help curing a blister that's already out. Since lysine is an amino acid, one has to get this through foods. Foods that are rich in lysine are mostly dairy products like cheese, milk, yogurt, etc. So add more of this to your diet if you are having trouble with cold sores.

Learn How to You Can Be Treating Cold Sores in Less Than 12 Hours


The Risk Factors For Coronary Artery Disease

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) causes the loss of oxygen and nutrients to the myocardial (heart) tissue due to poor coronary (main artery of heart) blood flow. Atherosclerosis is the main cause of CAD. Atherosclerosis is a build up of plaque in the artery walls. The walls become fibrous, thick, and calcified. The arterial space narrows and blood flow is restricted. Do you know the risk factors associated with CAD? Some of the risk factors for coronary artery disease may surprise you.

Bald Headed Doctors


The Department of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital conducted an eleven-year study involving over 22,000 male physicians. The study showed that doctors who were bald on top of their heads (as opposed to frontal balding or loss of hair) were more likely to suffer from coronary heart disease, especially when combined with other risk factors such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Earlobe Creases

At least 30 different studies have shown that a diagonal crease in the earlobe was a sign of increased risk for heart attack. The presence of a unilateral earlobe crease was associated with a 33% increase in the risk of heart attack and 77% if both earlobes were creased. Chronic circulatory problems cause the blood vessels in the earlobe to collapse. This then creates a crease in the earlobe. A diagonal earlobe crease is a better indicator of sudden death from heart attack then age, smoking, weight, high cholesterol, or sedentary lifestyle. For some reason a creased earlobe doesn't increase the risk of heart attack in Asians and Native Americans.


Smoking increases the risk of dying from a heart attack by three-five times the normal. This is also true of chronic exposure to second hand smoke. One cigarette can increase the heart rate by 20-25 beats per minute. It takes 6 hours for the circulation to return to normal after one cigarette. Smoking increases fibrinogen. One thousand people die every day from smoking cigarettes. Increased levels of fibrinogen can cause blood clots. There are 4000 poisons in tobacco. Some of these toxins deplete B6 levels. Vitamin B6 is essential in reducing homocysteine levels. Elevated homocysteine levels increase the risk of heart disease. Smoking decreases longevity by an average of 7.5 years.


Over 50 million Americans suffer from hypertension (high blood pressure). Hypertension affects one out of every four adult Americans. Almost 43,000 Americans died from hypertension. Another 227, 000 died from causes related to hypertension. Too much pressure within the cardiovascular system can cause some serious problems. Blood pressure is measured by using a sphygmomanometer (blood pressure cuff) and a stethoscope. The cuff is inflated around the brachial artery in your upper arm. The first tapping sound is known as the systolic pressure. The sound is the pressure exerted by the blood on the artery wall each time the heart beats. The diastolic pressure occurs after the cuff begins to be deflated. The diastolic pressure reflects the pressure exerted by the blood on the walls of the artery when the heart is at rest or between beats. The systolic number is listed above the diastolic number; 120/80.

Normal blood pressure is 120/80mm Hg; 120-130/80-90 is pre-hypertensive. And if the systolic pressure is above 140 or if the diastolic pressure is above 90, this is indicative of hypertension. Stage 1 hypertension occurs when the systolic pressure is between 140-159 or diastolic pressure is between 90-99. Stage II hypertension occurs when the systolic pressure is above 160 or if the diastolic pressure is above 100. Individuals who are in stage I have a 31 percent greater risk of heart attack, almost twice the risk of stroke, and a 43 percent increase in death rate, compared to individuals with normal blood pressure.

Essential hypertension is high blood pressure that has no definitive cause. This is the case for 95 percent of the cases of hypertension. Secondary hypertension is high blood pressure due to another condition such as kidney disease, diabetes, prescription medications, allergic reactions, and chemical sensitivities.

To lower your risk of CAD eat a healthy diet, avoid sugary and fried foods, which tend to increase inflammation and reduce circulation. Don't smoke! Exercise and lose any unwanted weight. This reduces the workload of the heart and cardiovascular system. Take 1-2 grams of fish oil ad day. This increases circulation, reduces inflammation and decreases your risk of heart attack and stroke by 41 percent. Keep your blood pressure under control.

The Risk Factors For Coronary Artery Disease


Saturday, July 30, 2011

Four Stages in the Development of Osteonecrosis of the Knee

Osteonecrosis, a medical condition known as "death of the bone", occurs when bone segments suffer from a loss of or diminished blood supply causing bone fragments to literally waste away; unknown to many, the knee is the second most common joint to attain osteonecrosis, the hip being the first. This condition highly affects older women, above 60 years of age. A possible cause of osteonecrosis of the knee can be from aging or other internal factors and conditions, such as kidney transplants, or even obesity; regardless, osteonecrosis can evolve into severe osteoarthritis if not treated properly.

Four development stages diagnose the severity of osteonecrosis, and the treatments necessary for a full recovery; diagnosis can be made through X-rays or identified by existing symptoms. Depending on the stage of development, the severity of symptoms, and rate of decay, physicians will recommend different types of treatments suitable to each individual patient.


The first stage ofosteonecrosis possesses the strongest symptoms of increased or sudden joint pain, joint swelling, and heightened sensitivity triggered inside the kneecap. Generally, symptoms cause limited mobility. Symptoms, normally, span a length of 6 - 8 weeks before subsiding; due to this reason and the fact that identical symptoms are present for other conditions, the identity of osteonecrosis is often mistaken in the first stage. Diagnosis, at this point, is generally generated from detailed bone scans, and treatments rely solely on medications, external support, or physiotherapy instead of surgery. Pain relief and additional protection to the knee becomes the main focal point of treatments.

The second stage ofosteonecrosis follows in a few months, and is examinable by the flattened edges of the once rounded thighbones. MRI, CT scans or bone scans are the most appropriate methods of diagnosis. The effects of osteonecrosis become physically visible; however, surgery is not recommended still. Physicians normally will opt for medical treatments, external support and physiotherapy of increased intensity, in comparison to the first stages, to hold back the conditions of osteonecrosis and provide pain relief and protection. Patients may be required to wear a knee brace.

Most visible on X-ray scans is the third stage of osteonecrosis, occurring from 3 - 6 months after the second stage; at this point in time, the bone, itself, begins to decay away, and cartilage and joints loosen from other segments of the leg. The physical damage is apparent on X-rays, and patients should sense knee cap decay. The most recommended and effective treatment is probably surgical treatment; some may opt for surgical replacement depending on the severity of the case. Surgical treatment includes arthoscopic joint cleansing, and pressure or weight reduction.

In the last stage ofosteonecrosis, the severity of the joint decay will cause bones to collapse; destroyed cartilages, and decreased and severely loosened joints plague patients. The only medical treatment to ease the condition, at this point, is surgery. Partial or total knee surgical replacements are necessary for patients to regain mobility.

Osteonecrosis can be a hefty burden to carry, and the sooner positive diagnosis occurs, the easier it becomes to handle this medical condition. After elapsed time, not only do symptoms and conditions worsen, other conditions evolve through osteonecrosis.

Four Stages in the Development of Osteonecrosis of the Knee


Friday, July 29, 2011

Sore Guitar Fingers!

Starting the journey to learn & master your new guitar is an exciting adventure. Whilst the selection and buying of that first guitar, whether it is a complete electric set up or beautiful new acoustic guitar has been a memorable experience for you, the time has now come to start playing it!

You will have many happy and possibly a few frustrating hours in close company with your new guitar as you begin to turn that vision of success in playing guitar from a fiction on into a reality.


Oftentimes beginners to the guitar find quite early on that they are faced with their first challenge when they realise that learning to play guitar can give you sore guitar fingers, and it can hurt!

The muscles in the hands have to adapt and strengthen themselves to become comfortable with the posture and movement needed to hold the neck of the guitar and to place the fingers in the correct playing position on the fretboard. Then the lateral spreading of the fingers of the left hand demanded in moving between the guitar frets, and of the right hand correctly holding the pick over a lengthy period of time has to be got used to as well.

Exercise routines to strengthen and stretch the muscles and tendons within the hand will eventually enhance playing proficiency and reduce aching and cramp but it will take a matter of weeks rather than days. It has to be acknowledge that there is a period of adjustment to see through as you develop and maintain hand strength and it should not dampen early eagerness to learn to play the guitar.

Sports shops often sell gadgets to build grip strength that cost very little but can be very effective if used regularly. Also having a soft rubber ball in your pocket and compressing it as an exercise throughout the day will gradually builds grip strength too.

A useful exercise to strengthen tendons in the fingers is to put the hands together as you would in prayer. Open the fingers apart as far as possible and press the fingertips of the two hands together and gradually push the two palms back together keeping pressure on the fingertips. This helps stretch the tendons in the fingers and make it easier to open the fingers apart. This would be a easy method of warming your hands up ahead of every practice session.

For many students starting out with guitar lessons the tips of their left hand can become sore or even split from pressing on the guitar strings. There are all sorts of opinions on what is the best way to address this occurrence but the best is surely to avoid them in the first place. By starting off with very short practice sessions and building the session length bit by bit, the ends of the fingers have a chance to toughen before they ever get to split. A useful tip is that a little surgical spirit regularly applied to your finger tips will accelerate the hardening of the skin for most people.

If your fingers do split then one remedy often suggested and which helps you to continue playing is to seal the cracks in the skin with a product like Dermabond or even a little superglue. However it is probably far more realistic if your fingers do begin to become sore to hold off for a while and permit them to heal naturally before you play again

It is advantageous to keep your early practice sessions short as it will not only give your hands and fingers a chance to acclimatise to playing the guitar but you will in the end find you learn more from them anyway. They do say - no pain, no gain and the lifetime of satisfaction to be gained from staying with it and mastering your guitar is definitely worth a bit of short term discomfort

Sore Guitar Fingers!


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Blood Pressure Headache

Blood pressure headache can certainly be a problem but don't forget that many patients with hypertension have no symptoms of any kind. A sore head does not always mean that you must have high blood pressure!

wheelchair cushions for pressure sores

Some common causes of head pains include


Sinus infection or sinusitis (caused by pressure in the nasal passages.) Migraines Hormone changes such as those that occur in the premenstrual phase Tension headaches (caused by stress and the type of sore head that most closely resembles the one caused by high BP.) Cluster headaches (come in groups and last a half an hour to several hours and occur more than once a day for a prolonged period of time.) Dental problems (a referred pain pattern of head discomfort associated with a toothache.) Eye problems (is caused by an infection or problem with the eye such as glaucoma)

Those listed above are the commonest cause of head pain but of course there are many other possibilities too - if you have persistent headache then please go see your doctor for a check over. You should not rely on internet information for diagnosis of health problems. When you look at the scientific journals there is no convincing research to prove that high BP causes pains in the head - although from looking after many thousands of hypertensive patients, I know for certain that it does. This makes it even more confusing of course. Hypertension is known as the silent killer because of its lack of any symptoms that can be directly attached to the problem. All of the high BP symptoms can also be associated with any number of other conditions. The only way to diagnose hypertension is by monitoring the BP level. Hypertension headaches usually only occur when the patients BP is at a very high level - or when there has been a sudden surge in the level and in this context it can be a warning feature of the need for urgent treatment. You need to keep in mind that up to ninety percent of all headaches are stress induced or stress related and aggravated. Learning to relax can be very beneficial for your BP level as well as for any other stress related symptoms you are experiencing.

Blood Pressure Headache


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Frequent Cold Sores Causes

Many people get frequent cold sores because they have no idea what is causing them. Unfortunately there is a list of things that can trigger an outbreak. Knowing them, and preventing against them is essential to diminish the number of cold sore outbreaks you receive.

As there are a large number of triggers it is important for you to be aware of which ones affect you the most. Next time you get an outbreak analyse what activities you did, what foods you ate, how much sleep you got and so on.


A lack of sleep is one of the most blatant ways you can bring on an outbreak. Without enough sleep your body is weak and can't fight off infections as well. Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night this way your body will be strong enough to stage off recurring outbreaks.

A poor diet is a common trigger for outbreaks. When you eat a lot of saturated and trans fat foods you are just asking for a cold sore. Stay away from the potato chips, soda pop, and chocolate. Eat a balanced diet filled with fruits, vegetable, lean meats, whole grains, and healthy fats. This way your body can be healthy and strong to resist an outbreak.

Dry, chapped lips are a nesting ground for cold sores. Always keep a chapstick with you to keep your lips healthy and moist. If you live in a place with lots of sun be sure to get a chapstick that contains sun protection.

Being dehydrated and not drinking enough water can trigger an outbreak. Be sure to drink at least 2 litres (8 cups) of clean filtered water everyday. This will help your body flush out unwanted toxins that can trigger outbreaks and get your sick.

Being aware of the triggers and taking the proper precautions can help you limit the amount of outbreaks you receive.

Frequent Cold Sores Causes


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sore, Tired and Strained Eyes - Tips to Alleviate it Using Natural and Homeopathic Remedies

If you have irritated and bloodshot eyes, sore tired and strained eyes, then you are reading just the right thing right now. In this short article, we're going to go over how to get rid of these symptoms quickly and easily. There are a lot of reasons why people have these problems, and why they get irritated and bloodshot eyes. Stress, lack of sleep, hangovers, strain, overuse, chemical fumes, contact lens overuse, poor food and diet, diabetes, cold, flu, IBS, menstruation, high blood pressure, and many more. The causes can be many, so let's review some tips to get rid of these problems.

gel cushions for pressure sores

The easiest thing you can do to soothe those sore, tired and strained eyes is to take two very cold spoons and place them under your eyes. Many would suggest using the freezer for just a few minutes. Don't freeze them! There are many other things you can place over your eyes to make them feel better. Place cotton balls dipped in tea over your eyes for a little while. Place cool, refrigerated cucumber slices or strawberries over your eyes. Here's another one. Wash your eyes with cool water. Place lavender oil into a bowl of water and then soak a cotton ball and place over the eye. These are simply a few suggestions.


Preventing eye strain is another topic in itself. Preventing those sore, tired and strained eyes in the first place will be a great way to deal with this issue if you experience it on a regular basis. Many people simply spend so much time in front of their computers that they don't have a chance to rest their eyes. A computer screen is surprisingly tough on the eyes. Take breaks at least every 30 minutes. Take a walk sometimes. Drink plenty of water as well. Use an LCD screen instead of the older style, and keep at least 30 inches between your eyes and your computer screen.

If you want to prevent or treat your sore, tired and strained eyes, hopefully these tips will be just what you needed to figure all of that out. Our eyes today are continuously bombarded with something to watch on a screen or something to read. They never catch a break! Give your eyes the rest they need, and when you over-do it, you will have some tips on how to effectively deal with that and get your eyes back to normal quickly.

Use this link for information on a remedy for macular degeneration and cataracts please use the links in our resource box below.

Sore, Tired and Strained Eyes - Tips to Alleviate it Using Natural and Homeopathic Remedies


Monday, July 25, 2011

Pressure Sore Treatment For All Stages - Discover the Simple Secrets to Healing Pressure Sores

A Pressure Sore is a skin wound caused by pressure, shear or friction. It occurs when pressure reduces or cuts off the blood supply to a particular part of the body for lengthy periods of time.

wheelchair cushions for pressure sores

Prevention is always the best form of protection from pressure sores. There are cases, though, where even with the best preventive measures in place, these sores still stubbornly occur.


In such cases, the utmost care must be taken to prevent further damage and breakout. As well as prevent the present sores from degenerating any further or becoming infected. It is important to work with the relevant health specialists - doctors, nurses and various health workers - To make this happen effectively.

We can group pressure sores into stages, depending on how far gone the damage to the skin cells are: Grading from Stages One to Four - Four being the most severe.

Stage 1 Pressure Sore

Symptoms - This is a persistent area of inflamed but unbroken skin, that may itch or hurt. It feels warm and spongy, or firm to the touch. These symptoms warn of an oncoming pressure sore.

Treatment - The treatment for a Stage 1 pressure ulcer is almost always bed rest, as it is important to stay off the pressure sore to allow healing. Stage One pressure wounds are superficial and go away shortly after the pressure is relieved. It can be cleaned with warm (not hot) water and a mild soap.

Stage 2 Pressure Sore

Symptoms - The skin is discoloured, irritated and swollen. This is often with an open sore which is tender and painful. At this stage some skin loss has already taken place - usually in the outermost layer of the skin; in the skin's deeper layer; or in both.

Treatment - Stage 2 sores can be treated by medication and protective coverings, under the advice of a physician or wound specialist who may be a nurse or a physician. If treated promptly, a stage Two sore will usually heal fairly quickly - usually within 2 months, with proper treatment.

With quick detection and treatment, usually by removing the source of pressure and practicing good hygiene, there is no reason for a pressure sore to develop into a stage 3 - 4 sore.

Stage 3 Pressure Sore

Symptoms - At this stage, the ulcer has extended through all the skin layers, down to the muscle, destroyed the affected skin tissues and created a deep wound hole. This wound hole reaches, but does not go through, the muscles.

There may be little or no pain as a lot of tissue and nerve-endings would have been destroyed.

All pressure sores need to be treated early, before it get to this stage. Here, it is difficult to treat and can lead to serious complications.

Treatment - A stage 3 sore must be treated immediately by medical professionals or it will progress into Stage 4 - with even more life threatening complications.

Treatment includes flushing the wound with a sterile solution to remove all loose, dead skin tissues; A constant cleansing and changing of wound dressings; Electrical Stimulation and Surgery - To close the wound, fill in the dead space and distribute pressure off the bone.

Stage 4 Pressure Sore

Symptoms - This is the most serious and advanced stage of a pressure sore. The pressure ulcer has become so deep, that there is damage to the muscle, bone and even supporting structures such as tendons and joints. Most of the skin being damaged beyond repair.

Stage 4 pressure wounds are extremely difficult to heal. The wound gives off a putrid smell, and a tunneling which often times results in internal organs becoming visible. They can lead to lethal infections.

Treatment - During and after treatment, the wound sometimes take months to heal. If a persons' nutritional and fluid intake is poor, the wound may not heal at all.

It is tough to heal a stage 4 pressure sore. The treatment often involves long-term dressings, a special bed, medications, (including antibiotics if there is insufficient healing), and as a last resort - Surgery.

These are the simple secrets to the prevention and healing of pressure sores. Simple and easy to do. So simple in fact, it would be a shame for you not to avoid the Pain, Agony and Risk of Infections associated with it.

Healing a pressure sore takes team effort - On your part, that of your doctor/ care givers' and on the part of your loved ones - and support. The earlier it is detected and relieved, the greater the chances that the sore will heal on its own without any lasting effects.

Pressure Sore Treatment For All Stages - Discover the Simple Secrets to Healing Pressure Sores


Pressure Sores - They Can Be Very Painful If You Do Not Detect Them Early

As a caretaker, it is very important to know the elder person's wants and needs. You will have to provide them either mentally or by conversing with them. You might have to look after them keenly in order to keep them satisfied and happy. Pressure sores can start off like a simple cut in a hand but can soon become a gaping wound when it is not treated immediately. The wound will be very severe as it can travel right till the tissues and bones and it will be tough to recoup from it. Caretakers have to be on their toes while taking care of the elder in order to prevent these pressure sores to get bigger on them. This is a quick guide to help you out from pressure sores. It is better to treat them early as it can have massive effect on caretakers.

Pressure sores are developed as a result of sedentary activities. In other words, it is a tissue which starts to deteriorate when a person tends to sit or lie down for long periods of time. That piece of skin will be overworked and hence causes the crack and tear. Blood flow to that particular part of the skin will be restricted and if one does not restore the blood supply to that region, the sore will develop into a huge one. It is a mere red mark in the area but this has tendencies to get bigger if left unnoticed. A pressure sore doesn't usually disappear immediately and this should alert you that the area needs inspection. Detecting them at early stages of its formation can help you suffer less.


These pressure sores might begin to form in body parts such as the lower back, legs, bottom and the ankles. Basically, it occurs in all places where blood flow is possible and especially in places where there is not great amount of fat. By rolling, turning and adjusting techniques you can prevent pressure sores from occurring. If they are present already, it might help in healing them. Turning will certainly help in restoring the blood supply in that are and thus trying to heal it. Nursing homes generally employ this trick. It is better to move the elder, though comfortable, to prevent sores than to let it grow and get bigger. You will have to make them understand that pressure sores are painful.

Antiseptic cushioning pads containing antiseptic cream to kill germs can help to treat these sores. The area affected should be kept clean else it gets infected more. If at all it gets infected, it will clearly be seen. The pressure sore gets deeper and deeper if left without medication and it can be dangerous when it creates a hole in the skin. It has an obnoxious smell of rotting flesh in addition to some pus formation. Betadine solution or salt water can be used to treat these sores. Dressings have to be changed frequently and in order to aid healthy healing and prevent germs dead cells within the pressure sore have to be removed.

Pressure sores can create huge problems for the caretaker. But if it is nipped in the bud at early stages, it can be prevented from doing further damage. Care should be taken to avoid the redness in the skin as it is the first sign of a pressure sore. Once you experience the pain of these pressure sores, you will go any distance to prevent it from occurring the next time. Studying about the pressure sores can be very helpful when it comes to treatment. If the elder is moved regularly then there is no need for you to worry about any pressure sore.

Pressure Sores - They Can Be Very Painful If You Do Not Detect Them Early


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Preventing and Treating Pressure Sores

Those who are aged, unwell or who have mobility issues are the most at risk of developing bed sores. Bed sores are also commonly called pressure sores or pressure ulcers.

wheelchair cushions for pressure sores

For example, people at risk include those with:


• Incontinence problems - The dampness caused by incontinence can make the skin susceptible to damage
• Illnesses, for example diabetes, motor dysfunction, immune deficiencies and nutritional disorders
• Dementia, which can prevent people recognising discomfort and regularly moving their bodies in the normal way.
• Those who are in a wheelchair, chair or bed for the majority of the time.

Identifying bed sores

The following symptoms are signs that someone may have a pressure sore or be at risk of developing one:

• Is the skin discoloured? Look out for red or purple-coloured skin
• Sometimes pressure ulcers can have a foul odour
• The area is likely to be redder and warmer than the rest of the body
• There will often be swelling
• Ask the patient if the area is painful to the touch
• Sometimes pressure sores ooze pus

Preventing pressure sores

It's important to prevent bed sores as far as possible as they can deteriorate in condition and cause discomfort. Here are some tips on keeping pressure ulcers at bay:

• The patient's position must be shifted regularly - a minimum of once every two hours or every hour for very frail individuals. Someone needs to be on hand to do this if they can't move themselves around.
• Eating a healthy diet can help prevent pressure sores
• The skin must be kept as clean and dry as possible. Although the skin should be moisturised to prevent dryness, it should never be wet to the touch.
• Incontinence pads should be used if the patient is incontinent. They should be changed regularly.
• If you're not a medical professional, consult a doctor or nurse if you think that pressure sores may be developing.
• Use specially designed sheets, pillowcases, underwear and bootees which are designed to avoid friction and shear on the skin and tissue.

Treating pressure sores

When you treat pressure sores, you want to avoid the ulcer becoming any worse.

• Make sure pressure is relieved from pressure points at regular intervals - keep moving the patient every hour or so
• Encourage the patient to keep pressure off vulnerable areas such as knees, elbows and hips.
• Keep wounds clean and dry
• Use non friction and anti-shear dressings so that there is no drag or rub on the wound

Preventing and Treating Pressure Sores


Friday, July 22, 2011

Using Cushions For Wheelchairs to Prevent Pressure Sores

The potential for developing pressure ulcers can be lessened by using cushions for wheelchair.

Pressure ulcers or pressure sores, as they are more commonly known, are chronic wounds that occur when there is increased pressure, friction, or moisture on a concentrated area of the skin. People are particularly prone to developing pressure sores when they sit or lie in one position for a prolonged period of time; this is common for patients on bed rest or with chronic disabilities that cause them to use a wheelchair for many months or years. The oxygen and nutrients supplied to the area where pressure is applied are cut off, thus causing a clot in the blood vessels which exhibits as redness. The red part worsens by stages, progressing into a blister-like form of skin irritation, and in advanced cases, deep craters that expose the bone and muscle.


However, when it comes to health care conditions, prevention is more advisable than cure. Before a pressure sore begins to develop, measures can be taken to prevent it, and one of the ways is by using cushions for wheelchair.

Wheelchair cushions redistribute the weight of the patient's body away from the areas directly beneath the bones, which are also the areas that are most prone to developing pressure ulcers. This decreases the pressure on those hypersensitive areas and lessens the tendency for pressure sores.

There are dynamic wheelchair cushions that frequently shift the area of highest pressure to limit the time that the circulation is restricted in one particular area.

Some wheelchair cushion materials are designed to cool and dry the skin to minimize chafing and subsequent damage.

The type of cushion best for the patient in question is dependent on his pressure points while sitting in the wheelchair. It is important for him to try out different cushions to be able to determine which one is most helpful in reducing pressure to those specific spots.

All in all, using cushions for wheelchair does not guarantee that pressure sores will be completely absent, but it can, through basic scientific principles, significantly lessen and delay their incidence.

Using Cushions For Wheelchairs to Prevent Pressure Sores