Sunday, October 30, 2011

Recognizing the Warning Signs of a Cold Sore Outbreak

If you want to learn about recognizing a cold sore outbreak in its early stages then you'll want to read this article. Specifically I'll discuss the what the first signs of an impending cold sore in many sufferers, why you should start treatment as soon as you are aware of a new outbreak and the steps you can take to minimize the impact of the outbreak. After reading this article, you should be able to deal with new cold sore outbreaks more effectively.

The first sign of an impending cold sore is often a tingling sensation in the area that the sore later appears. The reason for the tingling is that the herpes simplex virus which causes cold sores has woken from its dormant state and when awakened moves towards the surface of the skin, instead of the nerve cells it normally inhabits.


At the surface of the skin the virus breaks down skin cells, which form a series of small blisters that combine and then burst. The scab that forms takes several more days before it finally heals and falls away leaving healthy skin underneath.

You should start treatment of the infected area as soon as possible to minimize the impact of the virus on your skin, whether using natural cold sore remedies or conventional medical products. This is so the virus is attached before it has done all the damage it can do by actively fighting the virus and reducing the amount it is able to replicate.

There are some claims that rapid treatment using ice applied directly to the skin can sometimes prevent the blister from appearing completely, but it is certainly true that the infected area will be soothed by treating early.

Simply take an ice cube and hold it against the skin for 30 minutes will do the trick. Other remedies that will help include the application of a tea bag to help sooth the lesion and also to fight the virus. One tip to combine bother treatments in one is to freeze a used tea bag and apply it to the area of the cold sore for 30 minutes, getting the benefits of the cold as well as the tannic acid from the tea.

If you use viroxyn or a similar product start treatment as soon as possible following the instructions provided with the product or your medical practitioner's advice.

Recognizing the Warning Signs of a Cold Sore Outbreak


Saturday, October 29, 2011

Role and Importance of Fitness in Stress Management

Nowadays, everything is so competitive and this causes stress. To deal with stress fitness plays an important role. If you are healthy and fit, you easily manage your stress. Most people are losing their weight to keep themselves fit and healthy. It is very important for people to understand that being physically fit and being thin are not always comprehensive. A person who is thin but does not exercise regularly may have low energy, clogged arteries, and problem concentrating at job. On the other hand, a fat person can have a strong heart and excellent energy at job due to regular exercise. It is important to keep in the mind that a person, who is obese, regardless of his fitness level, is at risk for health harms.

Maintaining fitness improves strength and power of the body and mind. Some people may disagree with this declaration, particularly after they begin an exercise program and they are sore, exhausted, and ready to quit. Inform the people that once they take on more physically active lifestyle, they will gradually start to feel better, their bodies will be inclined to burn fat better, and they will lose weight. In addition, this improved energy transfers into being more creative at job and at home.


Improving fitness helps a person think well when under pressure or acute stress. Use the following information to clarify this complex process. When we are under pressure or stress, our heart beats faster, we may begin to sweat, and we may breathe harder. If our bodies are not used to those changes (pressure or stress), we tend to have a tough time thinking and managing the pressure. When we are energetic, the same changes in our bodies take place. If we are having enjoyment and thinking while we are active, then our bodies get practice for dealing with the increased heart beats, breathing, etc. Also, the more fit a person is, the more action is needed to make these changes in the body. Therefore, when a person gets in a worrying situation or extreme pressure, a fit body is not going to react as radically as an unfit body. A better mind and capability to handle stress will definitely get better work performance.

Increasing fitness improves strength and bones. This benefit is understandable. For a person, who have jobs that require physical exertion, strong strength and muscles lead to better performance and a decrease chance for injury.

Role and Importance of Fitness in Stress Management


BIPAP, VPAP, and Bilevel Machines

There are actually several different machines that are available in the market today that help the sleep apnea patient to breathe better during the sleep cycle. With so many different models and options that these sleep apnea machines offer, it can become confusing very quickly. Your physician will probably recommend the correct machine for your condition; however, you still need to know about the machine and what it does exactly for your condition.

BIPAP Machines


BIPAP (Bi-Level Positive Air Pressure) machines are the same thing as VPAP (variable positive air pressure) or Bi-level machines. These machines help the patient to breathe better by doing two different things. First, it helps to force air into the lungs. Second, it helps to hold the lungs open so that more oxygen can enter into the lungs. The machine is aided by a mask apparatus that is strapped on to the head and face. As the patient exhales, the machine applies pressure to the lungs so that the air sacs will remain open.

This machine is usually recommended whenever a patient cannot breathe completely by themselves. The BIPAP machine is used whenever the physician is trying to avoid placing a breathing tube in the patient. There are some complications that are associated with the BIPAP machine. Of course, sores around the mask area or soreness in the area and bloating which is caused by swallowing air. The machine is relatively quiet and safe to use.

These machines are referred to as bi-level because they provide two different levels of pressure. Inspiratory Positive Airway Pressure (IPAP) and Expiratory Positive Airway Pressure (EPAP) are the two different pressure levels that are offered with these machines.

There are several different modes that are incorporated into these machines that help the patients and the doctors to ensure that the patient will receive a certain predetermined amount of breaths per minute.

o First, there is the "S" mode (spontaneous). This mode is triggered by spontaneous inspiratory that is detected within the patient and then the machine directs the breathing back into EPAP.

o Second, the "T" or timed mode is an option that is used whenever the physician determines that they want the patients breathing to be completely machine triggered and usually a rate of breaths per minute is set (BPM).

o Finally, there is the S/T mode (spontaneous/timed). This mode is used whenever the physician would like to let the patient breathe upon their own but just in case of failed attempts, the machine will automatically be triggered to give the patient a certain amount minimum breaths per minute.

These machines are available in portable options along with several different extra features. For example, flexible chin straps or a built in humidifier are just two to choose from.

The BIPAP machines are very important to a patient in which it is prescribed. There are several different places to purchase the machines from as well as any needed and necessary supplies to go along with it. Shop around between the different manufacturers, if possible, so that you can see who offers the best deal because these machines cost around 00 or so.

BIPAP, VPAP, and Bilevel Machines


5 Reasons Why People Fail at Using CPAP

CPAP therapy is considered the gold standard for treating sleep apnea. It is a machine that uses a mask of some type to deliver a specific pressure of air to help keep the airway open. The problem with CPAP therapy is that it does take getting used to in order to be successful in using it nightly. There are some very specific reasons that people fail to be able to adjust to it and there a definitely ways to overcome these obstacles to be successful and feel better.

There is a lack of communication. Many patients are afraid they are disturbing someone if they call when they are having issues with their CPAP. The truth is that if you want to be successful using your machine you need to communicate your issues with a professional. Depending on who you are working with you should call your doctor, the company that set up the machine or the sleep lab who performed your study. There can be many issues but if no one knows you are having problems then the problem can not be fixed. You have the wrong mask. If you had a sleep study where they fit you with a mask you must remember that you were only there for a short time. A mask might seem right during the study but may not fit as well at home. You may also find that although the mask is good the first couple of night after wearing it for a week it may not be as comfortable. In most cases insurance will pay for a change of mask during the first 2-4 weeks after your machine is delivered. This may not be true for those who have an HMO where the insurance company may dictate which mask you are given. In those cases it may benefit you to purchase a mask that might fit you better. It may cost you but it will be worth it in the end. Also those who have sensitive spots from the mask may benefit from having two masks to rotate through to change the pressure point. You do not use the humidifier. Many patients think that the humidifier is an optional piece of equipment but it is not. It is essential that you use the humidifier and that you set it to the appropriate setting. In the winter you will need more humidification then during the summer due to the air being dryer. If you do not get enough humidity you will find your mouth, nose and sinuses will get sore, swollen. You may also find that you will develop a stuffy nose due to the welling of the nasal tissue and the increase of mucus being secreted to deal with it. The pressure is too high or too low. The goal of the sleep lab is to find the lowest pressure needed to eliminate most of your respiratory events. However, just because they achieved a final pressure does not mean that it is the best pressure for you. Remember you are only in the sleep lab for one night and it is not the optimal sleep conditions. You are wearing wires, sleeping in a strange bed and it is usually the first time you have ever tried on a CPAP mask. The pressure achieved may be a little high or a little low. It may be that you need a higher pressure then you can handle. No matter what the issue there are certain procedures that must be followed before lowering the pressure. You will probably be asked to try a different mask. This is to see if the issue is not pressure but comfort. You may then have to see the sleep specialist before he is willing to turn you pressure down. This is because he is ultimately responsible for making sure your care is the best you can receive. You did not give yourself enough time. This is long term therapy. That means you will be using this equipment for a long time. So give yourself a little time to get used to it. For the first few days if you feel uncomfortable wearing it at night. Put it on while you are sitting in your recliner in the living room. Wear it for about an hour. Get used to it. Then increase your time wearing it. Usually be the end of the first one or two weeks you should be ready to sleep with it.


CPAP therapy is an important part of keeping you healthy if you have sleep apnea. Giving up before you give the therapy some time will do nothing to improve your health and in the long run can have very serious consequences. Remember your doctor and the people who have worked with you want you to be successful.

5 Reasons Why People Fail at Using CPAP


Friday, October 28, 2011

Treating Sleep Apnea With Oral Devices

Sleep apnea, a condition in which a person's breathing is periodically paused or disrupted during sleep, affects approximately 18 million Americans. It is usually accompanied by loud snoring which results in a poor night's rest for both sufferer and those they live with. More seriously, untreated sleep apnea can increase the risk of high blood pressure, stroke, and cardiovascular problems.

Typical symptoms of sleep apnea are:


o Loud and chronic snoring
o Pauses in breathing, followed by choking or gasping
o Shallow breathing
o Recurring daytime fatigue
o Loss of memory and/or concentration
o Morning headaches and/or dry throat

Some patients find relief through changes in habits or lifestyle, such as avoiding alcohol before bed or shedding a few extra pounds. In extreme situations surgery may be appropriate. But the most common treatment for mild to moderate cases is an oral sleep apnea device.

The two most common types are:

o A tongue retaining device, which uses gentle suction to hold the tongue forward and keep it from blocking the throat's airway;
o A mandibular repositioning device, which fits along your teeth and holds both the tongue and the jaw forward.

There are many advantages to treating sleep apnea with oral devices. First of all, they are not nearly as invasive as a surgical procedure or a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine. They are also much more affordable. And because they don't require any major lifestyle changes, it is easier for people to commit to this form of treatment.

However, they are not without their disadvantages. Many users have coa Sleep apnea, a condition in which a person's breathing is periodically paused or disrupted during sleep, affects approximately 18 million Americans. It is usually accompanied by loud snoring which results in a poor night's rest for both sufferer and those they live with. More seriously, untreated sleep apnea can increase the risk of high blood pressure, stroke, and cardiovascular problems.

Typical symptoms of sleep apnea are:

o Loud and chronic snoring

o Pauses in breathing, followed by choking or gasping

o Shallow breathing

o Recurring daytime fatigue

o Loss of memory and/or concentration

o Morning headaches and/or dry throat

Some patients find relief through changes in habits or lifestyle, such as avoiding alcohol before bed or shedding a few extra pounds. In extreme situations surgery may be appropriate. But the most common treatment for mild to moderate cases is an oral sleep apnea device.

The two most common types are:

o A tongue retaining device, which uses gentle suction to hold the tongue forward and keep it from blocking the throat's airway;


o A mandibular repositioning device, which fits along your teeth and holds both the tongue and the jaw forward.

There are many advantages to treating sleep apnea with oral devices. First of all, they are not nearly as invasive as a surgical procedure or a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine. They are also much more affordable. And because they don't require any major lifestyle changes, it is easier for people to commit to this form of treatment.

However, they are not without their disadvantages. Many users have complained that oral devices are uncomfortable, causing dry mouths and sore gums. They can also cause a shift in tooth or jaw placement over time, which is why it is important to have a sedation dentist or orthodontist custom-fit one for your mouth.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on a variety of factors unique to each patient. Consult your dental professional to find out if an oral sleep apnea device is right for you.mplained that oral devices are uncomfortable, causing dry mouths and sore gums. They can also cause a shift in tooth or jaw placement over time, which is why it is important to have a sedation dentist or orthodontist custom-fit one for your mouth.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on a variety of factors unique to each patient. Consult your dental professional to find out if an oral sleep apnea device is right for you.

Treating Sleep Apnea With Oral Devices


Catch the Cold Cycle at the Start

What is the Cold cycle?

The cold cycle is the series of symptoms that your body experiences when you have a cold. From start to finish the cycle takes about 7 days.


The cold cycle often begins with a headache, a sore throat, or all three. It then progresses through a variety of discomforts - from sneezing and runny nose to a dry cough and fever. Later you could have a clogged nose, phlegm cough and bronchial congestion.

Soldier on with early treatment

There's nothing you can do to stop a cold progressing through the cycle, but coping with the discomforts of a cold is easier when you take a cold medication.. Keeping the symptoms in check will allow you 'soldier on' with work and family commitments without too much inconvenience.

Talk to your pharmacist

Talk to your pharmacist at the first sign of symptoms - he or she will be able to advise you on the many day and night cold remedies available.

What causes a cold?

Any one of about 2000 viruses is capable of causing the common cold when they enter your body. Because these viruses are constantly changing it's quite probable that there will never be a cure for the common cold. Viruses that cause the cold typically survive for about three hours outside the body, on doorknobs, handrails and other things you may touch. That's why washing your hands is so important before you touch your eyes, nose or mouth. We catch more colds in the winter because the cold viruses live longer in the warmer inside environments where we spend most of our time.

Catch the Cold Cycle at the Start


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Treating a Cold Sore With Amazing Results

Treating a cold sore is never fun. Cold sores seem to happen at the worst times. They are ugly, painful and a big inconvenience. And they can be difficult to treat, especially when you have a busy schedule.

One good thing about treating a cold sore - it forms on the surface of your skin where you can easily take care of it. If cold sores were internal sores, like some diseases create, they could be life threatening.


For effectively treating a cold sore, you should be aware of the different stages. As you will see, you will use a different treatment based on the stage of your sore.

These are the variations of cold sore treatment methods for each symptom.

1. The first stage of a cold sore is the tingling stage. The herpes virus has become active and is moving to the surface. When it gets there, it will infect thousands of nerve cells in its effort to replicate.

At this stage you should put something cold on the area. Ice cubes in a plastic bag work well. You can also use a cold can of soda. Cold really discourages the virus and can cause it to give up before it actually creates the sore.

2. Once the virus actually enters the cells, swelling begins to occur. Cold application is still the best treatment at this stage. Apply for 15 minutes at a time. This always helps swelling, and does give some comfort.

3. During the next stage, the open wound appears. This is because of the devastation of thousands of cells by the herpes virus. Ice no longer is the best treatment for your cold sore. Your wound is now in the healing stages.

Ice will still provide great comfort, and reduce swelling. But, unfortunately, it slows down the healing process by driving blood away from the area.

The most important part of treating a cold sore at this point is to keep the wound sterile. You should cleanse the wound with peroxide or alcohol. You can get throw-away alcohol swabs from the diabetes section of your drug store. These are very handy. They can be carried in purse or pocket.

One very popular treatment, for this stage, is a product called Campho-Phenique. It numbs the sore for more comfort, and it combats infections.

4. Treating a cold sore during the healing period calls for application of a warm compress. Applying warm, moist heat greatly shortens healing time since it brings extra blood and oxygen to the wound.

Continue to keep the area sterile. Also, continue applying the comfort treatment (numbing agent) of your choice. Keep in mind that most all drug store cold sore treatments are for comfort and have not proven to speed healing.

APPLYING WARMTH. There are several ways to keep the cold sore warm. One way that works very well is using a damp, warm washcloth. This can be heated up in the microwave. Be cautious not to burn yourself.

A better way of treating a cold sore is by the use of a warm tea bag. This not only provides healing warmth, but also applies some great anti-viral ingredients found in the tea plant.

CAUTION. Cold sores, and the herpes virus that actually causes them, are extremely contagious. This is true, not only for infecting your friends, but other spots on your body as well.

If you have seen folks with numerous cold sores around their mouth, these are likely spread from the original cold sore. Spreading it to your eyes is especially dangerous. It can cause permanent vision damage.

When you are treating a cold sore, protect your fingers from being contaminated. If you must itch or treat the sore, use a tissue or cotton ball. Wash your hands after treatment. The use of hand sanitizing lotion is an excellent way of preventing the spread of the disease.

Cold application is for stopping or slowing the growth at the beginning, and heat is for quick healing of the damage. Keep the cold sore clean and avoid contaminating your fingers for best results in treating a cold sore.

Treating a Cold Sore With Amazing Results


Hammer Toes X-Rays Can Be Revealing

Hammer toes x-rays are sometimes ordered when a patient has pain on the bottom or in the ball of the foot, especially if the deformity is not obvious. Redness on the top of the affected joint is often the first sign. If the redness is noticeable, your doctor might not order an X-ray.

Physical examination is sometimes the only necessary diagnostic tool. After evaluating the location of a person's pain, if pain is present, and physically manipulating the joints, it is often possible to see the stiffness that is symptomatic.


During the early stages, before obvious deformity occurs, it is possible to correct the problem by improving flexibility. Exercises geared towards stretching the tendons and increasing muscle strength may help. But, it all depends on the severity or advancement of the deformity.

Accompanying problems are another factor that helps to determine treatment. A condition called "cross-over-toe" can accompany a hammertoe and a bunion on the big toe. The root cause of this problem is the bunion.

During hammer toes x-rays, the bunion would be seen in views taken from the top of the foot. They occur in the first joint (closest to the foot) of the big toe. In the X-ray, the joint will appear enlarged and the toe will point towards the others, to varying degrees.

If the bunion is not corrected, there will be continued pressure on the second toe, which may cause pain, blistering, corns or calluses. Eventually, the second toe develops the hammer-appearance and in order to accommodate the deformity in the big toe, the second toe becomes an overlapping or cross-over-toe.

Like many other problems affecting the health of the feet, hammertoes and bunions are often caused by poorly fitting shoes. Narrow, pointy-toed shoes are common causes, but over-pronation may be involved, too.

Hammer toes x-rays may not reveal over-pronation. Taking an imprint of the bottom of the foot is the usual method of diagnosis. A low or absent arch will be present, which can be observed on the imprint.

In over-pronation, the heel angles inward. So, instead of balanced pressure throughout the foot, more pressure is placed on the inside area, the side with the arch.

Examining the person's posture and appearance of their knees is another diagnostic method. In severely pronated feet, the person appears knock-kneed.

If your doctor orders hammer toes x-rays, he or she may also do these other diagnostic tests to find related problems and come up with an effective treatment plan. If over-pronation is a problem, orthopedic insoles may be used to straighten to provide support and reduce the pressure on the knees and other lower-body joints.

These are not problems that should be overlooked or taken lightly. The health of your feet affects the health of your total body. Deformities can become permanent. The irritation and inflammation caused by the initial problem can contribute to arthritis in other joints of the body.

So, if your doctor orders hammer toes x-rays, take his advice. Before you even visit your podiatrist, consider buying more practical shoes. That's the first step.

Hammer Toes X-Rays Can Be Revealing


Cure Cold Sores - 4 Simple Tips to Cure Cold Sores

Cold sores can be humiliating and depressing. It can also be a hassle and frustrating when trying to get rid of them. So, what I'm going to do is share with you some tips to cure cold sores. That way, you will know exactly how to cure your sores.

gel cushions for pressure sores

The tips to cure your cold sores are:


1. Petroleum jelly is the first way to cure cold sores. Petroleum jelly (or Vaseline) helps keep your sores from cracking and spreading. So, apply a small amount of the petroleum jelly to your sores.

2. Aloe Vera oil is another way to cure your cold sores. The aloe Vera oil will help heal your sores fast. Rub a small amount of the aloe Vera oil onto your sores at least once a day.

3. Placing tea bags on your sores is another way to cure your cold sores. Place a tea bag on your sores and hold it there for about 5 minutes. The tea bag will help reduce pain and help prevent breakouts from occurring.

4. Using ice is another way to cure your sores. Placing ice on your cold sores will help prevent it from becoming worse and spreading. Also, if you feel like you're about to have a breakout, place some ice on the area. This will help prevent a breakout.

Also, make sure you eat healthy foods. The nutrients in the health foods will help prevent breakouts.

These are some simple tips to cure cold sores. If you have sores, you need to something about it now. If you don't do something now, your sores could become worse and it could even spread.

Cure Cold Sores - 4 Simple Tips to Cure Cold Sores


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Natural Cold Sore Cure Using Bleach

Cold sore cures are many and you will find that the internet is full of information on it. However, there are high chances that other remedies suggested on the net will not work on you and you will end up spending more time and energy before searching a remedy that works.

wheelchair cushions for pressure sores

What you need is a remedy that works and works fast irrespective of your skin type etc.


Surely you do not have the time to go looking for a remedy and trying everything which comes your way if you are planning to attend a party that very night.

Bleach is then the answer to your problems; use bleach and get rid of that pestering problem now.

I would highly recommend using bleach for curing it and as a frequent sufferer of cold sores there is not one remedy that works like this.

However, that does not mean that you apply the bleach full on and in its raw stage. Never even try doing that because other than not curing your medical problem, it will burn through your skin leading to other skin problems.

There are certain procedures that you have to follow when you are using bleach cold sore cure.

At first, just when the itchiness starts, usually a premonition that you are going to have a cold sore, get a little bit of bleach in its full concentration. Also get boiled or distilled water, whichever is more available and take a Q-tip.

Now, dip this q-tip in the distilled or boiled water and then dip it in the bleach in its raw state. Now, you need to squeeze the Q-tip in a manner which will allow most of the liquid to run off leaving the tip just moist enough.

After all of this is done, rub the Q-tip along your cold sore and keep it there for some time.

Repeat this practise for three or four more times and you will get rid of your cold sore just like that. So, bleach is an effective cold sore cure.

Natural Cold Sore Cure Using Bleach


Better Ways For Preventing Nipple Soreness!

Most women experience sore nipples when breastfeeding, sore nipples are not unavoidable during the early stages of breast feeding. So, experiencing some tenderness during the first days of breastfeeding is completely normal.

During breastfeeding experiencing tenderness and sore nipples is usually due to one or two causes, either the baby is not positioned and latched correctly, or the baby is not suckling right, or both. What you want to look at is if your baby is well supported at the level of your nipple? Is the baby turned on their side and pulled close to the breast during feedings? If the baby is positioned correctly on the breast, the soreness will only last a few seconds or a few days. If the baby isn't positioned the right way, the soreness will continue and cracking nipple damage can occur.


If pain throughout the feeding or soreness that keeps persisting on longer than one week would indicate that something needs to be changed about the way your baby is latching on or sucking. It's important to do something about nipple soreness before it ends up getting worse and your nipples develop painful cracks.

When your baby is positioned and latched on the right way, the pressure of the sucking and the action of their tongue and gums will be on the areola rather than on the sensitive nipple itself. If your experiencing very sore nipples, your baby is probably not getting enough breast tissue in his/her mouth. If you see a horizontal red stripe across the tip of your nipple or feel a little indentation at the base of your nipple, these are signs that the nipple is not far enough back in the baby's mouth while they are sucking. Sometimes the baby's tongue could be rubbing on the tip of the nipple, which would really hurt, or the baby's gums are chomping at the base of the nipple instead of being on the areola over the milk. This type of sucking is very painful for the mom, and useless for the baby, the baby won't get enough milk if it proceeds to sucking only the tip of the nipple.

Things you would want to try from preventing your baby to sucking and latching on wrong is encouraging your baby to take more breast tissue into their mouth, at least one inch of the breast further than the nipple should not be seen into the baby's mouth. Try the "breast sandwich" to help put in more breast into the baby's mouth. The way to do this is by supporting your breast with your fingers underneath, thumb on top, well behind the areola. Press in the mouth with your thumb and fingers to flatten the breast while at the same time pressing back into your chest.

There are many ways you could prevent from having sore nipples and one another way is by trying Baby's Bliss Nipple Cream For Mommies, it soothes and moisturizes irritated and sore nipples.

Better Ways For Preventing Nipple Soreness!


What Is Haglund's Deformity?

Don't Invite Trouble, By Leaving Haglund's Deformity unattended.

Haglund's Deformity should be taken seriously, as it is painful and may cause psychological problems. The entire body weight is supported by the feet and therefore any problem with regard to feet will have repercussions in other parts of the body also. No one wants to display any deformity on any part of the body, especially the foot.


Pain in the region of the heel and a formation of a bump just above the heel indicates Haglunds Deformity. It can be visually diagnosed. An x-ray is needed only if extra information is required by a doctor. One reason for the affliction is the pressure from the back portion of the shoe on the rear of the heel. One solution is to wear shoes with an open back. Pressure on the heel gets considerably reduced.

In an extreme case of surgery may have to done for removal of the bump. It is a minor operation. A small incision is made on the rear of the heel. A little part of the heel bone is removed. This will ensure Haglund's Deformity that no extra pressure comes on to the main heel bone. Surgery is resorted to only if the pain persists even with change of shoes.

The foot suffers other deformities similar to Haglunds Deformity. It has been found in all cases of foot deformity the shoes are the main cause. Most people wear shoes not matching the size of their feet. They also do not have enough space inside for all the fingers to remain in their normal positions. Pointed shoes are fashionable but inside the toes will be found resting one above the other.

Two other common forms of deformity may occur in addition to Haglund's Deformity. They affect the toes and joints and it becomes painful to walk. Claw toes are one such manifestation and the other is hammer toes. Tight fitting shoes create pressure on the toes and the result is very painful. Changing the shoes, to broad fronted ones, is the best solution. Surgery may be necessary if not taken care of in the early stages.

Another form of deformity is Bunions. It is a swelling on the foot at the first joint of the big toe. If there is continuous rubbing of the side of the foot on the inside of the shoe a bump may develop. That is called bunions and it is also painful like in the case of Haglund's Deformity. As in similar cases of deformity, use of shoes which is not narrow down towards the front will be the ideal solution.

Whether it is Haglund's Deformity, claw toes, or hammer toes, bunions, it has been found that the primary cause is wearing shoes of inadequate size and wrong shape. Unfortunately, people do not like to broad fronted shoes. They would rather bear the pain than wear something unfashionable. The result is they have to suffer in silence. They will be lucky if the pain does not become unbearable and the affected portion may need surgery.

What Is Haglund's Deformity?


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Some Treatments To Try For Migraines


Many migraine sufferers find it very beneficial to alleviate pain by using magnets on the painful area of the head. If the pain is not too severe, this can be very beneficial in easing the pain. It is far better than making use of drugs to get relief from the pain.
These medical magnets are obtainable from medical stores. They do not claim to cure pain but only to bring comfort and to bring the pain to a tolerable level.



This ancient form of pain relief might help some sufferers. This is entirely up to you if you would like to try it or not. It could be beneficial in controlling the pain or pinpointing the problem. There have not been many reports that this form of treatment benefits sufferers of migraine.


Your headaches could be caused by a vertebrae being out of alignment or some bone out of place. You could investigate this avenue by paying a visit to a chiropractor. He or she would be able to tell you if this is the case or not. They could treat you if this is the case. This could be the cure that you have been looking for.

As I have said before, when one is looking for a cure for this debilitating disease that can occur at any time and disrupt your life it is worth your while to explore every avenue in order to discover what is causing your problem.

Every problem has a cause and if we can only find out what the cause is we can solve the problem.
Not every migraine sufferer is going to be able to find out exactly what triggers off their attacks, but many will be able to find the cause and be relieved of this problem.


Many sufferers of migraine find that by applying pressure to the sore area with their thumb and index finger they can alleviate the pain especially in the beginning stages of the attack.


Migraine sufferers will eventually learn to find their own way of coping with the pain in the beginning stages of the attack by aborting the symptoms before they get severe.

Cold or hot showers or baths depending on the individual will make a difference. Silence is a great soother accompanied by darkness. As the eyes and the ears are affected this is a great help and will bring relief to many sufferers.

Some Treatments To Try For Migraines


Cold Sore Treatment Breakthrough

One of the big problems with cold sores is that once infected with the virus that causes them - herpes simplex virus I - we remain infected for life, and to date there has been no way to rid the body of the virus.

gel cushions for pressure sores

The virus lies in a dormant state for most of the time and we are symptom less, but when the immune system becomes compromised due to stress, viral infection, poor lifestyle habits or any other of the common triggers the virus re-awakes. At this state it replicates and moves towards the skin surface, where it causes cell damage.


While there are treatments to disrupt the replication of the virus, there are not entirely effective and natural remedies have been shown to be equally effective, without the high cost and risk of unpleasant side effects.

However, there has recently been a big step forward in our understanding of cold sores. Scientists at Duke University Medical Center have made some key progress in understanding the dormant state and how it wakes. The hope is by designing an effective treatment that wakes the virus from its dormant state it can then be attacked by an anti-viral treatment such as acyclovir.

The anti-viral treatment is only effective when the herpes simplex virus is awake and replicating. Theoretically it should be possible to wake the virus by interfering with the process that keeps it in the dormant state and once awake the anti-viral treatment should be able to attack the entire virus, ridding the body of it completely.

Once this happens the sufferer will experience no further cold sore outbreaks, and therefore this promises to be a giant leap forward in the field of cold sore treatments.

Cold Sore Treatment Breakthrough


Monday, October 24, 2011

Common Toe Deformities

The toes are often made to suffer in the name of fashion. High heels, narrow and restrictive toe boxes, and cute pointy shoes may really bring an outfit together, but they could be doing considerable damage to your feet. Toe deformities are frequently caused by footwear, and over time it is likely that your feet will adopt the same pointy shape as your shoes. When that happens, balance can be affected, your feet will look deformed and you could be in considerable pain and require surgical correction.

If your toes are looking a little worse for wear, maybe you have one of the following five common toe deformities starting to develop. Fortunately taking action early can see all of these conditions easily reversed. Do nothing and you could be on the road to future foot pain.


Hammer Toes

Hammer toes are irregularities which cause the toes to become bent over, resembling a claw or a hammer. Hammer toes are most common on the second toe. It is the longest, and the one which I most likely to be restricted by shoes. Hammer toes occur when the toe bends in the middle at the first interphalangeal joint, causing the toe to bend upwards, with the end of the toe curling round.

Hammer toes form sometimes due a structural abnormality in the feet, but more often they are caused by improper footwear. For example, women who wear high heels very frequently diagnosed with this problem. Extra pressure is applied to the toes causing them to deform and distort. There are different toe straightening devices which can be used to cure the condition and a change of footwear may be all that is required to see the deformity correct itself.

Mallet Toes

Mallet toes are similar to hammer toes in appearance, and the two are frequently confused. Mallet toes occur when the last joint of the toe curls around, at the distal interphalangeal joint. Mallet toes are commonly caused by improper footwear too. Mallet toes form gradually, taking time to form. In the beginning they are flexible and can be straightened but if they are not treated they become rigid and even manual manipulation will not straighten them. Mallet toes can occur in any of the lesser toes but the second one is the most likely to be affected.

Claw Toes

There is a flexor tendon called the digitorum brevis which is attached to the middle bone in the toe (medial phalanx). When the tendon is stretched and contracted, it can override all the toe muscles. This condition is called claw toe. This condition pulls the middle joint downwards; therefore the joint which is attached to the middle phalanges rises up giving your toe a claw-like shape. A claw toe affects both interphalangeal joints.The condition is more serious than the above mentioned two, and can see the toe curl underneath the foot. It can also lead to formation of several other conditions like foot ulcers or calluses.


The first joint of the big toe is a common site for a toe deformity. In response to pressure the metatarsal head can move outwards causing a bump on the site of the foot. The body can also lay down new bone adding to the size of the lump. The foot very often gets misshapen with the bone growth and the big toe moves outward at the base, and starts to point towards the others. The bunion sufferer experiences pain, redness and inflammation and the lump can rub against shoes causing broken skin and can easily become infected. Bunions form in response to constant pressure from restrictive shoes, and as bunions form the pressure increases making the deformity grow faster.


A bunionette forms on the exterior of your foot close at the corresponding joint of the small toe. It also commonly called a tailor's bunion. Misalignment of the head of the fifth metatarsal causes this bump to form on the outside of the foot. In this condition your fifth toe becomes disoriented and moves inwards slanting towards the others. It can make shoes highly uncomfortable to wear. The condition can be treated either with surgery or orthotic footwear or a change of shoes in the early stages of its formation.

Common Toe Deformities


What Causes Sore Throat?

Nowadays, a lot of us can easily gets infected with sore throat problems because there are a lot of things that can cause this problem which include infections of viruses or bacteria, sinus drainage and allergies. Whenever you are infected with sore throat and high fever, having problems breathing or swallowing things or feeling very faint, do not hesitate to go and visit your doctor.

gel cushions for pressure sores

If you just feel a mildly ill and you are having a combination of these illness, it is recommended that you visit your doctor in the next day or two. As for a cold and sinus drainage, it just requires you to purchase over-the-counter medicines such as Sudafed or Actifed. But in the case of long lasting cold of more than two weeks or if your situation is getting worse, you must see your doctor.


To know how your doctor prescribes the medicine for sore throats will be basically based on your history and physical exam. Normally patients who have this issue will be given antibiotics and it's usually caused by a bacteria called Streptococcus. These types of patients usually start having sore throat with a fever that starts suddenly without having cough or cold symptoms. The sore throat is common among children from the age of 5 to 12 years. Some of the other symptoms for sore throat are your throat starts to show redness with pus on your tonsils and you will also be having a swollen neck glands. Not all people can consume antibiotics due to its small risk of producing allergic reaction. Besides that, other side effects of antibiotics are an upset stomach or diarrhea, and consuming antibiotics frequently can cause bacteria to become resistant to it. Always remember, antibiotics will only be used to help when the patient is having a sore throat caused by bacteria.

To reduce symptoms of pain during a sore throat, some of the things you can do if you have a fever or muscle aches, just take a pain reliever like acetaminophen (Tylenol), aspirin or ibuprofen (Advil) but always refer to your doctor. Besides that, cough drops or throat sprays can also do the trick or use the traditional way of gargling with warm water.

It is recommended for you to take a good rest and also drink lots of water or liquid drinks such as Sprite or 7-Up plus stay away from consuming caffeine drinks like coffee, tea, colas or other sodas.

What Causes Sore Throat?


Do You Need Dog Steps?

There are some people who prefer for their dogs not to get up on the furniture, the bed, or any high surfaces. This is a good idea for many reasons, but it often isn't to the dog's satisfaction. So if you have a dog (or even a cat) that likes to jump up on the bed or the couch and be with you but is starting to have trouble making the leap, then you may want to consider buying dog steps.

What Are Dog Steps?


These are small steps that can be moved up to any surface, allowing your dog to easily climb up instead of jumping up. They are usually carpeted or made from wood and because the steps are small, they are much easier on your dog. Dog steps are the ideal way to provide your dog with easy access to high surfaces such as a bed, a couch, or their favorite chair.

Who Needs These?

You might think that dog steps are only for old dogs, but that is not the case. In fact, all dogs benefit from having these because it really does reduce the wear and tear on their joints. Imagine if every time you needed to get in bed or up on the couch, you had to jump to a height that was more than your entire body's length! You would have sore knees, sore muscles, and your hips wouldn't feel very good, either. Eventually, you might just give up on it.

Your dogs are the same way. Every time they jump up on the bed or couch, even though they are having a soft landing, they are putting a lot of pressure on their back legs and then on their front feet when they land. This can lead to joint and tissue problems later in life.

Arthritis in Dogs?

Yes, dogs get aches and pains, too, even though we may not know it. But if you are starting to notice that your dog, big or small, young or old, is starting to limp or that one of their knees or hips looks displaced, then they may already be suffering. By having a set or two of dog steps around your home, they will be able to make the transition from the floor to a comfortable place without having to put all of that undue pressure on themselves.

Where Can You Buy Them?

Dog steps can be bought at some of the larger pet stores, but you can actually find a much bigger selection of them online. You can find plastic ones that are lightweight and easy for you to use or wooden ones that are sturdier and ideal for larger dogs. Of course, if you are handy with a hammer and saw, you can always make your own, but you will find that buying them is more affordable and a lot easier in the long run. This is a great way to make sure that your dog has a long, healthy, and pain-free life.

Do You Need Dog Steps?


Sunday, October 23, 2011

How to Identify Pregnancy Symptoms

Pregnancy is associated with several symptoms and when you know them well, it is easier to deal with the situation. Mothers-to-be should educate themselves about the various stages of pregnancy and the signs and symptoms.

Typically, pregnancy is divided into three stages, the first, second, and third trimester. Depending on the trimesters, your pregnancy symptoms will change. It helps to know what to expect when you are expecting.


Pregnancy Stages And Symptoms

As the name suggests, trimester means three months. Pregnancy symptoms changes every three months. In this article, we shall discuss about the different stages and its symptoms.

First trimester - In this stage there are signs of frequent urination, sore breasts, morning or evening sickness, fatigue, and tiredness. Some women may also experience spotting and elevated body temperature in the morning.

A change in taste and smell is also indicated during this phase. Some women experience a metallic taste in their mouth, while others dislike stuff that they loved earlier. Change in taste and eating habits is one of the common sign of pregnancy symptoms.

Some women experience mood swings and often feel gloomy. At such times, it is important for the spouse to deal with the situation sensitively. These changes or symptoms occur due to the hormonal changes. These symptoms subside when the body adapts to the hormonal upheavals.

Second trimester - During this stage, there are physiological changes in the body. The growing baby causes an increase in the size of womb. This condition exerts pressure on the intestinal tract and may lead to constipation. This condition worsens during the third trimester when the womb grows even bigger.

The second trimester causes other pregnancy symptoms like swelling in the feet and ankles due to weight gain. It is important to exercise during this stage as light exercise helps a great deal in controlling weight and staying fit.

Third trimester - This stage may cause severe backache to the would-be-momma due to the growing belly. Your back is usually arched due to the baby weight and that may cause lower back pain. The intestinal tract is further affected due to the pressure exerted by the womb and leads to constipation.

Chronic constipation may then lead to heartburn due to indigestion. Some women also suffer from high sugar levels, i.e. diabetes and may require a strict diet control to combat the condition. However, this pregnancy symptom is temporary and will cure itself after child birth.

How to Identify Pregnancy Symptoms


How To Reduce Blood Pressure Naturally - Minerals, Herbs And Vitamins

Co-Enzyme Q10
Studies have revealed that Co-Enzyme Q10 is highly beneficial for hypertension patients. Both meat and fish contain high levels of Co-Enzyme Q10 and hence are recommended foods for blood pressure. Co-Enzyme Q10 brings blood pressure down by opening and relaxing blood vessels, particularly those in the heart. Co-Enzyme Q10 can also contribute to your overall health by enabling cells to generate more energy.

wheelchair cushions for pressure sores

Garlic, also called Allium sativum, can not only help to bring levles down, but also to decrease arterial plaque and prevent the further development of arterial plaque. Garlic is a very useful food ingredient for those thinking of how to reduce levels naturally.


Hawthorn is another highly popular herb that can be very beneficial for your heart. Studies suggest that hawthorn can help to bring blood pressure down by improving blood flow, particularly in the heart.

Not only is magnesium essential for the heart, but for your overall health as well. Foods with high magnesium content include green vegetables, fish, nuts, meat, grains and beans. A lack of magnesium can lead to several undesirable symptoms including sore joints and fatigue. You can either take magnesium as part of your diet or as a supplement.

Potassium can be found in many vegetables and fruits. Potassium can help by regulating the body's water balance. A lack of potassium can be potentially life threatening, however you should be careful when consuming potassium without your doctor's recommendation.

If you are thinking of how to reduce blood pressure naturally, you should first of all see your doctor. If your pressure is severely high, natural remedies alone may not be appropriate for you. In this case, you may be required to take medication however you should discuss your condition with your doctor, and then decide which treatment to choose.

How To Reduce Blood Pressure Naturally - Minerals, Herbs And Vitamins


Are Cold Sores Contagious? Let's Find Out

Are cold sores contagious?  This is a frequently asked question.  The truth is that they are contagious.  They are caused by Herpes.  This is not the same as Genital Herpes.  They are two entirely different kinds.  The Herpes Simplex 2 Virus causes Genital Herpes.    However, right now we are interested in discussing cold sores which are caused by the Herpes Simplex 1 Virus.  This virus is transmitted to others primarily through kissing.  Many people around the world have experienced cold sores.  In fact, studies show that over 75,000,000 people each year develop cold sores.  Also it is possible that if you touch your cold sore and then touch another portion of your body you could very well develop yet another cold sore.  One way to prevent this from happening is to get your hands completely clean when washing them. Use soap and warm water.

wheelchair cushions for pressure sores

Another issue that people sometimes wonder about is, "At what point are cold sores contagious?'  Actually, they are contagious from the very point that the blisters are formed.  Whether it is an open blister or it is crusted, it doesn't matter.  It is still contagious from the times it is formed.  So when you are aware that you have a cold sore blister simply avoid any contact directly between your sore and anyone else.  Also try to avoid spreading the cold sore to children by remembering to wash your hands thoroughly before making any direct contact with children after you have been touching the sores.


There are some prescription medications for the prevention of cold sores.  Gels and creams are available by prescription and non prescription.  In fact, there are many different options open to choose from for both the prevention and cure of cold sores.  There is an oral supplement called Lysine.  This Amino Acid can be purchase at drugstores and health food stores as well.  The RDA (recommended daily allowance) for this supplement is 1.5 grams a day.  Always contact your doctor before using this product.  Although Lysine can be used safely and effectively to cure contagious cold sores, using it in dosages that are too high can cause gastrointestinal problems or even kidney failure.

The complete formation makes a cold sore contagious.  Before the outbreak you can experience burning and itching.  Stress can cause the eruption of the outbreak.  Natrum Muriaticum will remedy an outbreak with raw red cold sores which form on your lips, in corners of the mouth, and the nostrils, chin, and on the face. Try not to consume too much salt because it could irritate your symptoms. 

Are Cold Sores Contagious? Let's Find Out


Saturday, October 22, 2011

High Blood Pressure - How Green Tea Helps

In traditional Chinese medicine, high blood pressure is often considered to be a problem of circulation of energy (qi) in the body. Poor diet and emotional imbalance are just two of the factors that can lead to this condition. A combination of acupuncture, teas and herbs is often recommended to balance energy flow.

gel cushions for pressure sores

Secondary high blood pressure is often due to exhaustion of energy reserves. This is known to the Chinese as kidney yin deficiency. The goal of treatment in this case is to build up and restore energy and a suitable diet is really important in aiding people who have high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Avoiding too much fat and greasy food and doing physical exercises are the basic essentials, however, Chinese green tea and puerh teas are also very useful to these patients. The tea can help digestion and metabolism in the body and help to reduce the fat in the body.


In the University of Beijing a recent study showed that people who drink tea as opposed to people who drink coffee are 38% less likely to have lasting high blood pressure problems. The lowering of your pressure will allow you more Qi in your body and you will feel more energized as a result. Daily and gradual exercise is also highly recommended. The drinking of natural teas, especially Puerhr, along with a proper diet will assist with the reduction of fat and clinically tested levels of blood pressure and cholesterol.

High Blood Pressure - How Green Tea Helps


Kidney Infections - What You Should Know

Kidney infections are dangerous and if left untreated could lead to blood poisoning, loss of one or even both of the kidneys, and possibly be life threatening. This severe illness usually begins when bacteria enter the urinary tract through the urethra and then begin to multiply in our body. Though it is somewhat unusual through this route, it may occur in certain circumstances, for example - when a foreign body, such as an artificial joint or heart valve, starts to get infected.

Symptoms of kidney disease include among many fatigue, nausea, and most commonly appetite loss. Others can include the need to constantly drink lots of water, which tends to lead to frequent urination, failure to groom, vomiting, and occasional diarrhea. The symptoms usually develop quickly, over a few hours or so, and may sometimes bring about pain in the loin, which is side of the abdomen over the kidney.


Diseases of this type cause more cases of chronic kidney failure than any other cause. High blood pressure is one of the leading causes of kidney failure, also commonly called end-stage renal disease (ESRD). If you're at risk for kidney disease, it's important to get yourself tested. Make an appointment to see a health care professional, and learn more about how your doctor can help you treat kidney disease and prevent kidney failure. You do not want to be caught up in situations which most kidney disease patients have to go through.

If you find you have kidney disease, how should you start treatment? The first step begins with diet modification and without a doubt medication. Treatment is confined to complications such as infection, stones, bleeding and hypertension. When kidney disease is diagnosed early (during microalbuminuria), several treatments may keep kidney disease from getting worse. Important treatments for kidney disease are tight control of blood glucose and blood pressure. Find out at once from your trusted physician or health care professional immediately when you are concerned with problems or diseases with your kidneys.

Kidney disease often causes no symptoms until late in its course and can lead to end-stage kidney failure, which is fatal unless a dialysis machine is used or a kidney transplant is performed. Kidney infections are much more common in women than men, however that should be no grounds to be taken for granted for men of any age. Even if only one person in your family has kidney failure, there exists a risk within the family and thus all blood relatives should be tested for kidney disease.

Kidney Infections - What You Should Know


Back Support - Pressure Relief & Protection For Sitting For Long Periods

The majority of the younger generation are perfectly able to sit for long periods in awkward places, but as time goes by our muscles and bones receive discomfort due to driving or sitting for an extended length of time.

wheelchair cushions for pressure sores

Back support for both your posture and muscles is incredibly important to relieve pressure and avoid potential sores and strains. Fortunately there are a number of ergonomically sensitive back products available.


People who are expected to sit in one position for an extended period of time can begin to feel the effects in their lower back either at work or in the home. However, Magic Lumber Rolls are a great relief for pressure points with the ability to choose the degree of support to suit your personal needs. This self-inflating product offers strong lower back relief to protect posture when sat at a desk at work or in an armchair at home, for example.

There are back supports that also conform to your shape to provide around-the-clock protection. The Harley Designer Back Support is filled with visco elastic memory foam to ensure that it provides gentle lateral support and optimum comfort.

It is possible to receive adequate pressure relief at bedtime as well as daytime. The Bed Backrest allows patients to lie comfortably to watch television, read a book or to simply sleep at a different angle.

For back support designed with orthopaedic and ergonomic design considerations, browse the Backfriend which offers a combined back rest and seat base to take with you to work, on a bus or train or back at home. The Backfriend is suitably shaped to give firm, comfortable lumber support, whilst being a foldable and lightweight transport-friendly product.

Improve back support with great mobility products from Collins Care to enable sufferers to stay in a comfortable position for longer.

Back Support - Pressure Relief & Protection For Sitting For Long Periods


Friday, October 21, 2011

The Dangers of Bedsores

Bedsores, also called pressure sores or pressure ulcers, are a common problem for people who are trapped in the same position for extended periods of time. This includes the disabled as well as the elderly. Frustratingly, bedsores are a dangerous condition that can form quickly yet are difficult to heal.

gel cushions for pressure sores

First, anyone is at risk for developing pressure sores-people who sit at a desk all day, those who wear chafing or constricting clothing, and those who drive for long periods of time. However, it is a natural tendency for you to feel the urge to shift positions, even if it simply means shifting your weight from one buttock to the other. These simple posture adjustments help you avoid pressure ulcers.


Bedsores occur when a certain position or article of clothing cuts off the circulation to a small area of your body. Over time, prolonged loss of circulation can cause parts of your body to itch and hurt, as well as feel warm, spongy, or firm to the touch. If this area continues to suffer from a lack of fresh blood and oxygen, it can look like a blister that turns into a crater-like sore. The damage caused by the pressure sore can extend as deep as the bone.

If left untreated, the deep damage caused by the pressure ulcers can result in long-term health complications. You can develop cellulitis, or an infection of your body's connective tissue. If the sore reaches your bones, it can lead to bone and joint infections like osteomyelitis or septic arthritis, respectively. Should bacteria enter your body through the bedsore, you may endure sepsis, or a bacterial infection of the bloodstream. Lastly, the deep cellular damage can also lead to cancer.

Bedsores are a major concern in nursing homes as elderly residents may be wheelchair-bound or bedridden. It is the responsibility of the nursing home staff to regularly help reposition the residents so that they do not develop pressure ulcers.

If an assisted living facility has failed to give your elderly loved one the care and attention that he or she deserves, resulting in pressure sores, you should fight back against this dangerous negligence. To discuss your case, contact an experienced Coral Springs nursing home negligence attorney from the Canter Law Offices, P.A., today.

The Dangers of Bedsores


How To Stay Fit In Each Pregnancy Trimester

Your topmost priority should be to keep yourself healthy during each pregnancy trimester. This is because a healthy mother delivers a healthy baby. Here are certain tips to keep you in the pink of health during your pregnancy and let your enjoy each day of creating a new life!

The First Three Months


At the first trimester of pregnancy, you are amidst various pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness, fatigue, dizziness, constipation, sore breasts, frequent urination, hyper sensitivity, and much more. Here's what you should do in first trimester of pregnancy:

Take frequent, small meals throughout the day to combat the feeling of nausea. Indulge in a light exercise regime daily after consulting your doctor. Walking is the best physical activity at this time. It tones your muscles and joints, enhances blood oxygen circulation, and keeps you cheerful. You can also swim and cycle. However, stay away from forceful and dangerous sports. Drink lots of water. Rest is a must at this stage. Do not deprive yourself of the 8-hour beauty sleep. Simply smile and welcome the new phase of life!
The Mid Three Months

The second trimester of pregnancy is a comparatively easier stage. Morning sickness and fatigue will alleviate. At this stage, there is rapid development of your baby. Your umbilical cord will increase in thickness to supply adequate oxygen and nutrition to the growing baby. Here's what you should do in second trimester of pregnancy:

You may experience a shift in your body's center of gravity. Therefore, there are chances of losing balance. So, avoid activities that require balancing. Simple yoga is best. Indulge in light walking and swimming. Take care of your personal hygiene. Continue eating a nutritious diet. Read books and relax. This is a pleasant phase with not many upheavals. Prepare for the last stage of pregnancy, which is a tough one.
The Last Three Months

The third trimester of pregnancy is full of changes in your body. The baby has completed its development and is ready to come out. You will experience back pain, headaches, constipation, indigestion, gas, fatigue, and other such problems. Due to the increase in the size of baby, it exerts force on your nerves and blood vessels, leading to discomfort. Here's what you should do in the third pregnancy trimester:

Practice deep breathing to ensure a good supply of oxygen to your baby. It also helps to endure labor pains better. Sufficient rest is a must. Indulge in light exercises as recommended by your doctor. Your exercise should focus on strengthening your pelvic muscles. It will help in delivering smoothly. Continue taking a well balanced diet. In fact, you are going to get strong food cravings during this time. Do not lift heavy objects. Avoid standing on your feet for prolonged periods of time. Do not lie on your back, (you are going to find it difficult to do so, anyway) as it exerts pressure on your blood vessels and nerves.

Follow the tips and stay fit in each pregnancy trimester.

How To Stay Fit In Each Pregnancy Trimester


Are Your Nursing Assistants in the Know About Caring For Bed Bound Clients?

Caring for clients who are confined to bed takes extra time and patience. Do your CNAs have all the information they need to provide quality care to their bed bound clients? Consider sharing the following practical hints and tips with the nursing assistants at your workplace.

Caring for Bed Bound Clients


Can you imagine being confined to your bed, day after day, unable to care for your most basic needs? While a sudden accident or injury can cause someone to become bed bound overnight, most people end up that way after a period of immobility.

For example, you may work with clients who are bed bound due to a short term immobility related to stroke, injury, fracture of the spine or hip or surgery. For them, rehabilitation is usually possible.

You may have other clients who are bed bound due to a long term immobility. This may be related to paralysis, severe stroke, certain disease processes, end stage Alzheimer's, end stage Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, severe obesity-or they may be nearing the end of their lives.

Sixty years ago, it was common for doctors to put their patients on bed rest. After childbirth, new mothers stayed in bed for two weeks. And, patients were on bed rest for four weeks after a heart attack! Today, we know that bed rest and immobility can lead to a variety of serious complications.

Here are some of the problems that can develop from immobility-regardless of the client's age:

Loss of muscle mass, strength and endurance Pressure Sores Muscle pain Osteoporosis Pneumonia Constipation Incontinence and urinary tract infections Blood clots in the legs Contractures Depression Confusion Anxiety Mood swings Social isolation Loss of independence

10 Client Care Tips

Only give a complete bed bath once or twice a week, or as needed, to avoid over drying. Moisturize the skin with dye-free, fragrance-free lotions if available. Learn to recognize early signs of pressure sores. Prevention is much easier than treatment. If you accidentally cause a cut or tear, apply pressure to stop the bleeding. Tell a nurse or supervisor right away so treatment can be started. Accidents happen and it's better to deal with them immediately! Always follow the care plan and re-position the bed bound client as ordered. If no order is in place, re-position every two hours. If ordered, use heel protectors, bed cradles, special mattresses or other special equipment as instructed. If you are unsure how to use special equipment, ask your supervisor for a demonstration. Keep at least 3-4 pillows available. Use pillows creatively to position the client and to pad bony areas. For example, place a pillow between the knees for the side-lying position. Recognize the signs of both dehydration and edema. Notify the nurse right away if you notice any symptoms. If your clients need help with feeding, place them in an upright, seated position for comfort and safety. Offer small bites at a relaxed pace. Assess the client's ability to chew and swallow safely at every meal. If chewing or swallowing becomes difficult, stop the feeding and inform the nurse. Just like everyone else, your bed bound clients need their teeth cleaned, hair brushed, and hands, face and perineal area washed every day. Routine cleaning of the teeth, hair and skin has been proven to prevent infection! Unconscious clients may need mouth care as often as every two hours. REMEMBER! When someone's health is declining, hearing is the last sense to go. So, even if a bed bound client seems unresponsive, assume that he or she can hear you-and any noises in the room and surrounding area.

Nursing assistants provide up to 80% of the hands-on client care. This puts you in the best position to have a real impact on your clients' lives. If you care for clients who are confined to bed--whether it is temporary or permanent--your daily efforts will go a long way toward improving their quality of life.

Are Your Nursing Assistants in the Know About Caring For Bed Bound Clients?


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Sores - The Right Mattress Can be a Remedy

For anyone in a wheel chair or who is relegated to bed for any length of time, pressure sores, also known as "bed sores" are an eminent threat. Complications from pressure sores can be fatal and, in fact, kill one in 12 people with spinal cord injuries in the U.S. Pressure sores are not easy to treat and can be difficult to avoid, but with a basic knowledge of causes, treatments and precautions, one is better equipped to deal with the threat of pressure sores.

wheelchair cushions for pressure sores

Pressure sores are caused when the weight of the body, resting on a surface, cuts off circulation to certain areas. Without blood flow, the affected tissue dies, creating a pressure sore. The severity of a pressure sore can range from a superficial wound, which heals once pressure is relieved, to a severe wound with irreparable skin damage as well as muscle, bone, joint, and even tendon damage. These more severe pressure sores can lead to infections which include joint infections, gas gangrene, and sepsis (bacteria from an infection entering the blood stream, often leading to shock and organ failure).


Treatment for pressure sores can be difficult. The first step is always to relieve the pressure responsible for the sore. Pressure can be relieved by shifting often to avoid sustained pressure in one area, as well as by using surfaces with good support. These surfaces include mattresses, cushions, and pads, designed to evenly distribute the weight of the body. One material which does an excellent job distributing weight is foam, such as memory foam or latex, which was designed to avoid creating pressure points on the body.

After the pressure is relieved, keeping the sore clean becomes important. A superficial wound can be cleaned using a mild soap while more serious wounds should be cleaned with saline solution (saltwater), to avoid infection. Dead tissue must be removed for a sore to heal properly. This can be done through surgery or less invasive means such as irrigation devices that allow the bodies own enzymes to remove devitalized tissue. Some sores are so severe that they require reconstructive surgery, which has one of the highest complication rates of any surgery.

The best remedy is prevention. This can be done by taking precautions to avoid conditions precipitate of sores. It is important to shift often when in a wheelchair or in bed to avoid continuous lack of circulation to one area. It is also important to check daily for pressure sores, as the more quickly they are found the more quickly and safely they can be treated. Again, support surfaces play a role in effective avoidance of pressure sores. It is important to have a sleeping surface or padding that distributes pressure evenly. There are many effective materials that can be used including gel, water, air, and foam supports.

Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Sores - The Right Mattress Can be a Remedy


What is a Pressure Relief Mattress?

If you, a friend or loved one are one of the many people on the planet who suffers from chronic pain in your legs, lower back, neck or joints then you or they know all too well what it's like to have to go to bed or even sit while having to endure nagging pain and discomfort. Even simple tasks like getting dressed can often be made difficult by chronic pain.

gel cushions for pressure sores

However; today there is one solution or option for people who are afflicted with any condition that leads to constant lingering pain and that is memory foam or the pressure relief mattress that contains memory foam. It is common knowledge now that a pressure relief mattress made with memory foam can help those who suffer this way to sleep better and so much more soundly.


How Does a Pressure Relief Mattress Work?

It's the memory foam that is used in mattresses of this type that is by far the most responsible. Would you believe that this new space age foam actually responds to heat given off from your body? That's right! This new space age foam that's now contained in so many hotel mattresses and theater seats around the globe actually becomes softer as it is warmed.

It's not just heat that it responds to. Memory foam is also chemically structured in such a way that it's simply responds more readily to pressure and more freely returns back to its original shape when the pressure is removed or lessened. Memory products of this type are often created by discovering ways to formulate longer stings of molecules.

The concept behind a Pressure Relief mattress is that different areas of a person's body exert more or less pressure against a mattress, such that these different areas of an individual's body require more or less support from a mattress at any given time. You see your main center torso will require more support than say, your arms and legs will.

The pressure relief mattress is designed to provide the correct amount of support on the various parts of the body as is needed. The result is that the weight of the entire body is far more evenly distributed. This is far different from a standard mattress where certain areas of the body endure more pressure, while other areas endure less.

This means that for a person who suffers from chronic pain of the back for instance, their lower back, buttock or hips aren't forced to bear the brunt of the weight support. Also for people who are bedridden, the prospect of bed sores is greatly reduced or eliminated all together and this is precisely why so many nursing homes and hospitals are quickly adapting this new technology.

It's just one more new product that was developed through the space program. NASA needed to come up with some type of padding that could change and adjust quickly as those sitting in it underwent the pressures of launch and re-entry. What they finally came up with was what is now referred to as memory foam and its finding its way into increasingly more products were special padding is needed.

What is a Pressure Relief Mattress?


5 Symptoms of Bulimia That Can Make You Look Hideous

I experienced a range of symptoms of bulimia during my 10 year battle with this evil illness. Some were scary, some drained my bank account (like my expensive bulimia teeth!) others were just plain embarrassing.

I had dry skin, a heart murmur, grey bags under my eyes and teeth that were crumbling like old buildings.


Yes, bulimia ravages your body. It affects you in so many negative ways. But in this article I'm only going to focus on those symptoms of bulimia that ruin your physical looks...

1. Chipmunk Cheeks

The regular binging and purging that bulimics do causes their lymph nodes, salivary glands and parotid glands to swell. This makes their cheeks look puffy and swollen like a chipmunks.

Although it has a cute name, these definitely aren't cute. I felt so self conscious when I used to have them. I was terrified that they would give away my bulimia secret.

2. Anemia

Bulimics often don't absorb enough iron from the food they do digest. Over time this leads to anemia.

Anemia is draining on your body. It feels like everything is such an effort, and you have no energy.

But low energy is not the only symptom. Sickly pale skin is common and also grey bags under your eyes. It makes you look - and feel - like a zombie.

3. Lanugo (Growth of Bodily and Facial Hair)

Of all the symptoms of bulimia, lanugo has got to be the most embarrassing. Your body begins to grow more hair to keep itself warm. And when I say "more hair" I mean lots more. It grows on your face, arms, back and legs. Anywhere that it can so that your body is kept as warm as possible.

I remember looking back at photos the other day from my bulimia days. My eyebrows almost joined up to my hairline! This could have been the early stages of Lanugo. Yuk! Thank goodness I discovered an amazing lady from Iraq who did eyebrow threading... She was my saving grace!

4. Red eyes or blood in the eyes

The high pressure from forcing yourself to vomit can rupture blood vessels in your eyes. This looks horrible and will make you feel like a bit of a freak.

When this happens, it will happen quickly and give you a massive fright. It can also take ages to heal if you do actually burst a blood vessel.

5. Mouth Sores

Mouth sores look disgusting. They are sore, red and angry. I had plenty of mouth sores when I was bulimic and they made me feel so ugly... But worse than the ugly appearance of them is the excruciating pain they cause. Imagine trying to binge and purge when you've got a weeping sore the size of a dollar on your mouth!

Bulimics get mouth sores for 2 main reasons.

The first is stomach acid. When you purge, stomach acid comes up your throat and onto your mouth and lips. It burns all the soft tissue in this area starting painful sores. The more purging that occurs, the more damage gets done and the bigger the sores get.

The second reason is poor nutrition. Bulimics often binge on foods which have almost zero nutritional value. They lack vitamins and minerals and they don't support the body. On top of that, the nutrients they do swallow just end up being vomited up again. This is a recipe for disaster and leaves the body in a weakened state - perfect for these painful sores. (Geez, you would think we have enough to deal with already!)

Those are 5 of the visible symptoms of bulimia. They look horrible and make you feel just the same. I suffered from all of them - and if you're bulimic - chances are that you can relate!

The good news is, all of these symptoms are reversible. Once I started my recovery journey, I began to look much healthier. My skin became more vibrant and my eyes began to sparkle again. For the first time in 10 years I began to see that I was pretty.

5 Symptoms of Bulimia That Can Make You Look Hideous


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP) Devices

Bi-Level Positive Airway Pressure devices (BiPAP) are a variation on the CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machines and both are prescribed for use with the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Both machines work by pumping airflow through sleep apnea masks to the nasal passageway that is connected via tubing to the BiPAP machinery. Unlike the CPAP which provides airflow at a constant rate and pressure throughout the night, BiPAP adjusts to the amount of air needed based on your inspiration and expiration, changing the level of airflow pressure according to your breathing rhythm.

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A sleep study is performed to establish if the patient has obstructive sleep apnea, and to assess which machine will be most suitable for that person's treatment. In most cases it will be CPAP therapy that is prescribed after the sleep study and this form of treatment is covered by most insurance company policies. However, as the bi-level positive airway pressure devices are more expensive, some insurance companies will not cover this form of treatment unless it is prescribed as necessary by a physician.


For continued cover of the costs involved, both Medicare and private medical insurers will insist upon follow up consultations with your physician. This is in order to establish and document that the use of either machine is providing an improvement in your symptoms. As both CPAP and BiPAP are treatments that require continuous use every night to improve symptoms and quality of life. Many people find that they cannot use this form of sleep apnea treatment for many reasons as discussed below. It is important to tell your physician if you are finding it difficult to wear the device and they may be able to provide a different sleep apnea mask that is more comfortable for you to wear and use.

The benefits of using CPAP and BiPAP machines

Many studies have shown that CPAP therapy is the best treatment available for severe sleep apnea currently available today. Both bi-level positive airway pressure and continuous positive airway pressure are considered medically safe and effective for use in adults and children alike. Obstructive apnea is effectively treated with continued use and is generally a more effective treatment than undergoing surgery.

Health benefits include:

Drowsiness or sleepiness during the day will improve or be cured

Reaction times and concentration levels often increase with treatment

Both hypertension symptoms and heart function improve with continuous use

Quality of life of the obstructive sleep apnea sufferer improves

The risks of developing other serious diseases that are attributed to severe sleep apnea are reduced

Some studies indicate that life expectancy could be increased

Problems associated with CPAP/BiPAP machine use include:

Due to the rather cumbersome machinery involved the first few nights of usage are often difficult for most patients. Patients either have less sleep than normal or find it impossible to sleep due to discomfort in wearing the sleep apnea masks associated with both machines.

Other possible side effects of usage include:

Feeling claustrophobic or a sense of slow suffocation

Problem with exhalation

Sore/dry throat sensation or sore eyes upon waking

Nasal congestion or sinus problems


Nose bleeding

Discomfort of the chest muscles which is due to the increased lung volume from the forced airflow

Sleep apnea masks problem like rashes and skin chafing and bruising, or conjunctivitis from an air leakage due to incorrect and loose fitting of the device

Inability to sleep properly long term due to either discomfort or the sound of the machine through the night

It is thought that as many as half of patients who are prescribed with this form of therapy discontinue this form of treatment for one or more reasons

Bi-level positive airway pressure devices can also be used for the treatment of Hypercapnia and some forms of restricted lung disease.

While it is true that this form of obstructive sleep apnea treatment is difficult for the patient to get used to, the benefits of use and subsequent quality of life improvement out way the problems associated with CPAP/BiPAP therapy. Regular follow-up sessions with a physician can help to overcome the difficulty in using and fitting this device and lead to a long term solution for the sleep apnea sufferer.

Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP) Devices


Protein and Blood Pressure Benefits

Hypertension or high blood pressure can either be a condition on its own (primary hypertension) or can come as a symptom of or a byproduct of another condition (secondary hypertension). High blood pressure affects about 27% of American women that are aged eighteen to 74. The number rises with age however and 70% of women ages 65-75 have some level of high blood pressure. The condition affects African American at a higher rate than other ethnicities.

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Hypertension does not tend to present any symptoms until there is a complication- most often these complications are a heart attack, a stroke or kidney disease. Hypertension might also be discovered by monitoring of the blood pressure - any number that is 120/80 to 139/89 is considered to be pre-hypertensive and should be closely watched. Lifestyle changes should be considered and strictly adhered to. These changes include losing weight, exercising and eliminating the other risk factors including smoking and excessive salt intake. Primary hypertension can be controlled with lifestyle and medication but cannot be cured. Secondary hypertension can be eliminated however, by eliminating the underlying cause.


The diet may be one of the easiest ways to help manage high blood pressure including using the DASH diet, (dietary approaches to stop hypertension) a diet that stresses fruits and vegetables and lowering the amount of meat and fats that are consumed. There are also some studies that show how protein, particularly soy protein and dairy protein can benefit the blood pressure.

The DASH diet includes:

- 7-8 servings of grain or grain products (whole grain)

- 4-5 servings of vegetables a day (1 cup raw and ½ cup cooked)

- 4-5 servings of fruit (6 ounces juice, one medium fruit)

- 2-3 servings of low fat or nonfat dairy products

- 2 or fewer servings of meat per day. (lean meats or fish should be selected)

How Protein May Help

A study has shown that a combination of milk based proteins can reduce salt induced increases in blood pressure. The combination of isoleucine/proline/proline/(IPP) and valine/proline/proline (VPP) with or without plant sterols can help lower the blood pressure following salted foods. These milk tri-peptides allowed a 4.8 point decrease in the systolic numbers and a 2.2 point decrease in diastolic number during the study.

There are currently one billion people in the world that have high blood pressure with that number likely to double by the year 2025.

Other Beneficial Proteins for High Blood Pressure

In addition to the tri-peptides IPP and VPP in milk, there are blood pressure and cardiovascular benefits in soy protein as well as whey protein. For instance, two servings of soy protein, which can be used in place of meat in the diet, can lower the blood pressure as well as lower blood cholesterol up to nine points.

Whey protein, which is a derivative of milk (it is a byproduct of cheese making) has been shown to improve blood vessel function in otherwise healthy people increasing blood flow and improving blood pressure. It is the whey protein derived peptide NOP-47 that improves vascular function.

Getting Enough Protein

The amount of protein that the average person needs will vary depending on weight, age, health and activity level. The American Heart Association recommends that the amount of protein in the average diet be no more than 35% of the overall calories, however your own doctor will let you know what the right amount of protein is for you. The average person should be getting between.5 to.8 grams of protein per kilogram of their body weight, less if they are sedentary and more if they are more active. A body builder may need at least 1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of their own body weight.

There are times that the body needs additional protein including during sickness, trauma, burns and after surgery. During these times, it is important that the doctor prescribe a dietary regimen that provides the right amount of nutrition so that optimal health can be reached.

Protein comes from two sources, animal and plants. While it is important to get as much of the daily diet from whole food sources that are as close to their natural state as possible, there are some supplements that can be beneficial to make sure that the right amount of protein is reached. Protein supplements are good as between meal snacks or can serve as meal replacements.

Protein Powders as Meal Replacements

There are four main types of protein powder: whey, rice, soy and egg. It is best to use single protein powders; however there are some that are a combination of two or more of these.

Whey Protein - Whey is the most common type of protein powder with the whey protein concentrate as the cheapest. It is between 30 and 85% protein but can be a problem for those who are lactose intolerant. In addition to high blood pressure benefits, whey can help to stabilize the blood sugar after a meal and is also very beneficial for the immune system. Whey protein isolate has less lactose and may be more tolerable to those with sensitivities. The isolate also has more protein at 90%. Whey protein is one of the most calorie dense protein sources.

Soy Protein - Soy protein powder can also be in isolate and concentrate. Soy protein is highly digestible and is suitable for vegans.

Rice protein - Rice protein is the only protein that is considered to be hypoallergenic and is also suitable for vegans.

Egg Protein - Egg protein powder is made from the whites of the egg and is fat free. Egg protein is considered to be the perfect protein. All of the protein that is available in the egg is digested and used by the body.

Protein Supplements as a Between-Meal Snack

Protein supplements that have smaller calorie counts can be used as a between meal snack- a huge benefit because they can stabilize blood sugar and keep you from feeling hungry from meal to meal, keeping metabolism high and cravings low. Because weight loss is so important to lowering high blood pressure, these benefits can help keep any diet plan on track. These supplements that are used as between-meal snacks should be low in calories but high in protein and other nutrients. There should be a minimum of added ingredients especially excess sugars, but should still be palatable. After all, if you cannot tolerate the taste, it is of no benefit whatsoever.

Protein Bars - A protein bar can serve as a between meal snack however it has to be less than around 200 calories and should have limited sugars added.

Protein and Blood Pressure Benefits


Marshmallow Root For Digestion, Ulcers, Sore Throats and More!

Marshmallow is not what you might think: it is not the puffy white sugary sweet marshmallow that people roast over fires! Rather, marshmallow root is a common herb used to heal burns, wounds, chaffed and sore skin, to soothe sore mouths and sore throats, for dry coughs, and gastrointestinal irritation. Its emollient and demulcent properties make it very suited to healing irritations, and therefore it is almost always included in combinations for ulcers, leaky gut, and for irritated mucous surfaces. Since the Marshmallow herb is such an effective wound-healer, it is well suited to healing peptic and duodenal ulcers, gastroenteritis, enteritis and colitis. It really is one of the best herbs to treat an ulcerated digestive system. It should come as no surprise that Marshmallow Root has been used for over two thousand years in Europe. Its first recorded use was in the ninth century BCE. It was widely used in Greek medicine. Its name Althea comes from the Greek aitho, meaning, "to cure".

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Marshmallow capsules typically come in a 450 mg dosage - a normal daily dose is either 10 Marshmallow Leaf capsules, or 12 Marshmallow Root capsules. If you prefer Marshmallow Tea made from leaves, infuse 1 - 3 teaspoons of the marshmallow leaves, or 1 - 3 tea bags, in a cup of water and drink three cups a day.


For Marshmallow Root Tea, decoct 1 - 3g of the loose root in a cup of water and drink three cups a day. (Note that the Commission E recommends slightly lower doses of the tea.)

Tincture doses vary: herbalist David Hoffmann recommends 1 - 4 mL three times a day, but others recommend
the much higher dose of 5 - 10 mL of the leaf two to three times a day, and 10 - 25 mL of the root up to three times a day.

Marshmallow Leaf Extract should be taken 1 - 2 mL of the two to three times a day; a typical Marshmallow Root Extract dosage would be 2 - 5 mL up to three times a day.

The marshmallow plant is very safe and has no side effects or contraindications. It is quite safe to take while pregnant or breast feeding. There are no drug interactions, although marshmallow may delay the internal absorption of drugs taken at the same time. This possibility, however, is only speculative.

Botanical Name: (Althea officinalis)

Where Can I Buy Marshmallow Root?

Marshmallow Root For Digestion, Ulcers, Sore Throats and More!