Friday, October 28, 2011

Catch the Cold Cycle at the Start

What is the Cold cycle?

The cold cycle is the series of symptoms that your body experiences when you have a cold. From start to finish the cycle takes about 7 days.


The cold cycle often begins with a headache, a sore throat, or all three. It then progresses through a variety of discomforts - from sneezing and runny nose to a dry cough and fever. Later you could have a clogged nose, phlegm cough and bronchial congestion.

Soldier on with early treatment

There's nothing you can do to stop a cold progressing through the cycle, but coping with the discomforts of a cold is easier when you take a cold medication.. Keeping the symptoms in check will allow you 'soldier on' with work and family commitments without too much inconvenience.

Talk to your pharmacist

Talk to your pharmacist at the first sign of symptoms - he or she will be able to advise you on the many day and night cold remedies available.

What causes a cold?

Any one of about 2000 viruses is capable of causing the common cold when they enter your body. Because these viruses are constantly changing it's quite probable that there will never be a cure for the common cold. Viruses that cause the cold typically survive for about three hours outside the body, on doorknobs, handrails and other things you may touch. That's why washing your hands is so important before you touch your eyes, nose or mouth. We catch more colds in the winter because the cold viruses live longer in the warmer inside environments where we spend most of our time.

Catch the Cold Cycle at the Start


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