Sunday, October 2, 2011

Treating Foot Corns

Foot corn treatment can generally be implemented with over the counter medications. Treatment should begin immediately when the corn appears.

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A foot corn is an area of thickened skin that occurs in areas of pressure. In the foot, the skin will thicken up to protect itself when the areas of high pressure have not been eliminated. Eventually, you will experience a great deal of pain in the foot at the area of the corn.


These bumps appear as a thickening on the top of your toes. Hard corns are normally located on the outer surface of the little toe or can also be found on the surface of other toes. Foot corns can often appear in between the toes.

The first step in treatment is to eliminate the source of pressure. Sounds simple enough... right?

First you should avoid wearing tight fitting shoes as this will allow your feet to breathe as well as reducing the pressure on your foot; pressure that can over time cause a sore spot to develop. Tight fitting shoes can rub against your feet causing extreme pressure and pain... and remember reducing pressure on certain areas of the foot is one of the easiest ways to avoid a foot corn.

Beginning treatment options would consist of placing a moleskin pad over the foot corn to relieve pressure around the foot corn. Remember, corn paint, cure or plasters will only treat the symptom and not get to the root cause of the problem.

You have to relieve the cause of the pressure.

Soaking your foot corn with warm water and Epsom salt for at least five minutes, three times a day will help to soften the corn. Another common treatment is using a pumice stone on the corn which will file it down and it will begin to remove part or all of the corn.

Applying lanolin-enriched lotion to help the skin become soft around the corn can also be an option. Lanolin enriched lotion will work underneath the skin allowing the area to soften up. Again, these are all easy ideas for treatment for corns.

Important Note: Treating foot corns by using removing ointments that contain acid can damage healthy skin on the other areas of the foot. Also, if the foot corn is open and discharging pus or a clear fluid it may be infected and you will need to seek medical treatment for a complete evaluation.

Treating Foot Corns


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