Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What Is Haglund's Deformity?

Don't Invite Trouble, By Leaving Haglund's Deformity unattended.

Haglund's Deformity should be taken seriously, as it is painful and may cause psychological problems. The entire body weight is supported by the feet and therefore any problem with regard to feet will have repercussions in other parts of the body also. No one wants to display any deformity on any part of the body, especially the foot.


Pain in the region of the heel and a formation of a bump just above the heel indicates Haglunds Deformity. It can be visually diagnosed. An x-ray is needed only if extra information is required by a doctor. One reason for the affliction is the pressure from the back portion of the shoe on the rear of the heel. One solution is to wear shoes with an open back. Pressure on the heel gets considerably reduced.

In an extreme case of surgery may have to done for removal of the bump. It is a minor operation. A small incision is made on the rear of the heel. A little part of the heel bone is removed. This will ensure Haglund's Deformity that no extra pressure comes on to the main heel bone. Surgery is resorted to only if the pain persists even with change of shoes.

The foot suffers other deformities similar to Haglunds Deformity. It has been found in all cases of foot deformity the shoes are the main cause. Most people wear shoes not matching the size of their feet. They also do not have enough space inside for all the fingers to remain in their normal positions. Pointed shoes are fashionable but inside the toes will be found resting one above the other.

Two other common forms of deformity may occur in addition to Haglund's Deformity. They affect the toes and joints and it becomes painful to walk. Claw toes are one such manifestation and the other is hammer toes. Tight fitting shoes create pressure on the toes and the result is very painful. Changing the shoes, to broad fronted ones, is the best solution. Surgery may be necessary if not taken care of in the early stages.

Another form of deformity is Bunions. It is a swelling on the foot at the first joint of the big toe. If there is continuous rubbing of the side of the foot on the inside of the shoe a bump may develop. That is called bunions and it is also painful like in the case of Haglund's Deformity. As in similar cases of deformity, use of shoes which is not narrow down towards the front will be the ideal solution.

Whether it is Haglund's Deformity, claw toes, or hammer toes, bunions, it has been found that the primary cause is wearing shoes of inadequate size and wrong shape. Unfortunately, people do not like to broad fronted shoes. They would rather bear the pain than wear something unfashionable. The result is they have to suffer in silence. They will be lucky if the pain does not become unbearable and the affected portion may need surgery.

What Is Haglund's Deformity?


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