Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Better Ways For Preventing Nipple Soreness!

Most women experience sore nipples when breastfeeding, sore nipples are not unavoidable during the early stages of breast feeding. So, experiencing some tenderness during the first days of breastfeeding is completely normal.

During breastfeeding experiencing tenderness and sore nipples is usually due to one or two causes, either the baby is not positioned and latched correctly, or the baby is not suckling right, or both. What you want to look at is if your baby is well supported at the level of your nipple? Is the baby turned on their side and pulled close to the breast during feedings? If the baby is positioned correctly on the breast, the soreness will only last a few seconds or a few days. If the baby isn't positioned the right way, the soreness will continue and cracking nipple damage can occur.


If pain throughout the feeding or soreness that keeps persisting on longer than one week would indicate that something needs to be changed about the way your baby is latching on or sucking. It's important to do something about nipple soreness before it ends up getting worse and your nipples develop painful cracks.

When your baby is positioned and latched on the right way, the pressure of the sucking and the action of their tongue and gums will be on the areola rather than on the sensitive nipple itself. If your experiencing very sore nipples, your baby is probably not getting enough breast tissue in his/her mouth. If you see a horizontal red stripe across the tip of your nipple or feel a little indentation at the base of your nipple, these are signs that the nipple is not far enough back in the baby's mouth while they are sucking. Sometimes the baby's tongue could be rubbing on the tip of the nipple, which would really hurt, or the baby's gums are chomping at the base of the nipple instead of being on the areola over the milk. This type of sucking is very painful for the mom, and useless for the baby, the baby won't get enough milk if it proceeds to sucking only the tip of the nipple.

Things you would want to try from preventing your baby to sucking and latching on wrong is encouraging your baby to take more breast tissue into their mouth, at least one inch of the breast further than the nipple should not be seen into the baby's mouth. Try the "breast sandwich" to help put in more breast into the baby's mouth. The way to do this is by supporting your breast with your fingers underneath, thumb on top, well behind the areola. Press in the mouth with your thumb and fingers to flatten the breast while at the same time pressing back into your chest.

There are many ways you could prevent from having sore nipples and one another way is by trying Baby's Bliss Nipple Cream For Mommies, it soothes and moisturizes irritated and sore nipples.

Better Ways For Preventing Nipple Soreness!


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