Thursday, October 20, 2011

What is a Pressure Relief Mattress?

If you, a friend or loved one are one of the many people on the planet who suffers from chronic pain in your legs, lower back, neck or joints then you or they know all too well what it's like to have to go to bed or even sit while having to endure nagging pain and discomfort. Even simple tasks like getting dressed can often be made difficult by chronic pain.

gel cushions for pressure sores

However; today there is one solution or option for people who are afflicted with any condition that leads to constant lingering pain and that is memory foam or the pressure relief mattress that contains memory foam. It is common knowledge now that a pressure relief mattress made with memory foam can help those who suffer this way to sleep better and so much more soundly.


How Does a Pressure Relief Mattress Work?

It's the memory foam that is used in mattresses of this type that is by far the most responsible. Would you believe that this new space age foam actually responds to heat given off from your body? That's right! This new space age foam that's now contained in so many hotel mattresses and theater seats around the globe actually becomes softer as it is warmed.

It's not just heat that it responds to. Memory foam is also chemically structured in such a way that it's simply responds more readily to pressure and more freely returns back to its original shape when the pressure is removed or lessened. Memory products of this type are often created by discovering ways to formulate longer stings of molecules.

The concept behind a Pressure Relief mattress is that different areas of a person's body exert more or less pressure against a mattress, such that these different areas of an individual's body require more or less support from a mattress at any given time. You see your main center torso will require more support than say, your arms and legs will.

The pressure relief mattress is designed to provide the correct amount of support on the various parts of the body as is needed. The result is that the weight of the entire body is far more evenly distributed. This is far different from a standard mattress where certain areas of the body endure more pressure, while other areas endure less.

This means that for a person who suffers from chronic pain of the back for instance, their lower back, buttock or hips aren't forced to bear the brunt of the weight support. Also for people who are bedridden, the prospect of bed sores is greatly reduced or eliminated all together and this is precisely why so many nursing homes and hospitals are quickly adapting this new technology.

It's just one more new product that was developed through the space program. NASA needed to come up with some type of padding that could change and adjust quickly as those sitting in it underwent the pressures of launch and re-entry. What they finally came up with was what is now referred to as memory foam and its finding its way into increasingly more products were special padding is needed.

What is a Pressure Relief Mattress?


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