Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Proven Way to Prevent a Sore Throat From Progressing to a Cold

Before I start sharing with you the proven way to prevent a sore throat from progressing to a cold, do you know experiencing periodic cold or flu can actually be helpful to your health? It may sound ridiculous but it is true, as told by my friend, who is a doctor by profession.

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He mentioned that during our cold or flu period, our bodes are actually in the healing process of getting rid of those weakest cells which can help us to stay more healthier in the long run.


Here is how you can better prepare in preventing a cold from developing.

Gargle with warm salt water the moment you start experiencing that sore, tickling feeling in your throat. Try to tap your throat (Adam's apple region) with your fingers while you gargle so as to encourage the warm salt water to trickle deeply into your throat.

You probably may not be aware of, your tonsils and adenoids serve as a first line of defense against any airborne microorganisms and substances. It is a important parts of your immune system located near the entrance of your breathing passages. Colds and flu viruses usually get caught by your tonsils and adenoids before spreading through your body, and by gargling warm salt water it can effectively removed the viruses.

If you ever experience chronic swelling tonsils and adenoids at your throat region and is thinking of removing them, please reconsider seriously. It is highly not recommendable. Try alternatives ways liked;

- Adopting a minimal processed diet, rich in fresh plant foods,
- Reduced your sugar intake especially canned drinks
- Get plenty of rest, exercise and exposed yourself outdoor more often.

You may ask does gargling cold salt water works as well?

Either warm or cold salt water will help to remove those harmful viruses from your tonsils and adenoids, but if possible, try warm salt water as it tends to be more effective.

This are just simple and easy ways you can try out without any hassle before you consult your doctor.

Thanks for reading.

A Proven Way to Prevent a Sore Throat From Progressing to a Cold


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