Sunday, August 21, 2011

Simple Home Treatments For Your Cold Sores

If you want to learn how to get rid of your cold sores by using simple home treatments you should read this article. Specifically we'll discuss the symptom of each stage of an outbreak and possible remedies you can try. After reading this article, you should be able to treat your cold sore more effectively using natural remedies.

The first sign of a cold sore is the tingling stage, when the herpes simplex virus becomes reactivated and starts to replicate. It pays to act fast to slow down the replication of the virus as the damage it will cause can be much reduced. This can be achieved by the application of ice the affected area, which should be held directly against the skin for half an hour.


The virus moves toward the surface of the skin, where it attacks skin cells resulting in swelling followed by the appearance of liquid filled blisters that gradually merge to form a larger single blister. The blister then bursts, and leaves an open red lesion.

At this point the virus is at its most contagious as it is transmitted via the clear liquid. You should therefore be careful about hygiene to ensure you don't transmit the virus to other people or to other parts of your body, so frequently wash your hands. You may like to take ibuprofen to deal with the pain and swelling, while treating the wound with lemon balm will help fight the virus, keep the lesion moist and protect against secondary infections.

This stage is followed by the sore crusting over as it begins to heal. It may well be painful and can be treated as before, but you may also find that it responds to warmth. Apply a damp teabag to the healing cold sore can help, as it helps increase blood flow through warmth and the tannin in tea helps fight viruses.

Whichever stage of the cold sore you are in, you should avoid touching it except if you are treating it with a topical cream. Also avoid kissing anyone, as this is one of the primary methods of transmission and why many children are infected.

Simple Home Treatments For Your Cold Sores


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