Sunday, August 7, 2011

Home Remedies For Cold Sores: 3 Top Ways To Heal A Cold Sore Fast

Home remedies for cold sores still outperform commercially created products.

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Cold sore remedies are varied and plentiful in stores everywhere. Some of these do provide an acceptable portion of relief from the distress, but are not known to hurry along the actual removal of your cold sore.


Home remedies for cold sores described immediately following are a far more favorable choice for you. You will get relief that is more significant, and much safer, for little or no money. Try them and you will see for yourself.

Here are three of the top home remedies for cold sores that can be used individually. Using them together will give you a significantly better and faster resolution.


Oregano oil is a not well understood but it is a very powerful anti-viral therapy. You ought to use it internally as well as externally. With cold sores, your most immediate response will be provided by external use.

In addition, using it internally will really improve performance. Start using at the initial sign of an outbreak.

The best source for this oil is the soft-gels in the vitamin department. For external use, you simply pierce the gelatin capsule, squeeze the oil to the outbreak, and rub in.

Oregano oil is also available in small bottles. If you discover that you respond with sensitivity to this robust oil, you should blend it half-and-half with extra virgin olive oil. Olive oil, besides being gentle to your skin, also has superb anti-viral attributes.


Our ancestors used honey for their herpes lesions and other open injuries. You will get awesome reaction from it also. Honey never goes bad because no bacterial and virus can survive in it. You will see it most helpful once the sore starts to break open.

My initial choice is unprocessed, raw honey obtainable at the health food store, commonly in bulk. This honey does still encompass a number of healthful enzymes that should help greatly in stalling virus activity and alleviating your lesion.

Manuka honey is a highly robust honey from New Zealand that works particularly fine with cold sores.

It comes from the flowers of the Manuka bush, which is referred to as the Tea Tree bush. You can easily locate Manuka honey in stores and a variety of online outlets.


Warm tea bags are very popular among a large number of individuals for treating outbreaks. It not only reduces the soreness but in addition assists in curing the sore much better.

You can utilize black, green or herbal teas of various sorts. These all have shown to provide good results. Certain herbs, when present in the tea blend, will boost it to work even better. These include mint, ginger or lemon balm.

This is not a method to practice while the sore is developing. Employ it only when the sore breaks open. To delay or stop a sore that is just forming apply frozen tea bags in lieu of hot ones. Switch over when the sore opens up.

You initially get going by scorching water on the stove or in a microwave oven. Then put in the tea bag to warm it up and activate the nutrient package. Do not put the tea bag in the microwave. This ruins the healing factors of tea.

Apply the tea bag as warmish as you can tolerate without scalding your skin. Hold it to the wound about 10 to 15 minutes at a time. Occasionally apply your external remedy of your choosing.

These cold sore remedies perform exceptionally fine for others and should be a blessing for you too. There are a few treatment tips that you should know about, but I felt you must have these right away.

With the remedies we have uncovered today, the herpes virus will not interrupt your life any longer. Do not spend your cash. No store-bought salves or ointments will work any quicker or better than these will.

You are wise to know that you need to keep trying and combining remedies. You have specific requirements, elements and triggers. There are some excellent web sites that can provide many more options.

With a little searching, and trial and error, you should discover your best regimen of great home remedies for cold sores.

Home Remedies For Cold Sores: 3 Top Ways To Heal A Cold Sore Fast


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