Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Affects of Heat on Headaches

The recent studies done on several conditions that may cause headaches studied heat, pollution and barometric pressure suggest that some of these conditions may actually be triggers. While most of the studies done were targeting those who have migraines, the problem can involve everyone.

Head pain can be a sign of serious illness, as well. Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are good examples, though they are probably not included in this study. If you have signs of these two medical conditions, seek immediate medical attention. Other symptoms may include a change in perspiration levels, nausea, vomiting, weakness and coma.


Barometric Pressure: Studies are mixed as to whether or not a change in the pressure gradient triggers headaches. If you suffer from them, it's a good bet that you know whether or not they do. Many people get migraines when it's getting ready to rain, and up to seventy-two hours afterwards.

Hot Weather: For every five to nine degrees the temperature goes up, the chances you will have head pain increases by seven and a half percent. That doesn't just mean when it gets really hot, a sudden jump in temperature of any sort could cause it. This study was done about cases bad enough to require a trip to the emergency room, so the likelihood could go even higher.

Pollution: At one point in time, air quality in many major cities was so bad children couldn't play outside. This caused some serious health problems, including an increased risk of asthma. Going outside would make your eyes burn and your throat raw from the particulate matter in the atmosphere. Thankfully, times...and new laws...have changed that.

That doesn't mean all of the pollution is gone, nor all of the problems it causes. Headaches are still a regular side effect, especially when the levels hit stage three. This, too, is known from emergency room visits, so the percentages may be higher than the studies indicate.

There are things you can do. If you have an air purifier, that may help with the pollution problem. An air conditioner with a good filter could do so as well. A dehumidifier could be useful when the barometric pressure drops. Staying indoors and maintaining a comfortable temperature could relieve or prevent headaches from heat.

Herbal preparations may also be beneficial. People were using feverfew for migraines before recorded history, and many still use it today. There are two methods; some eat a couple of leaves on a daily basis in order to prevent the painful problem, and others brew a tea of it when they feel one coming on. The herb can cause sores in the mouth, especially if it is chewed fresh.

Willow bark contains the same active ingredient as aspirin. In fact, that is what headache powders used until it could be made synthetically. It could relieve head pain, but use caution if you take blood thinners or are on aspirin therapy. You should avoid it if you are allergic to aspirin.

It's a good idea to talk to your doctor before starting a new supplement. This way, you can avoid harmful interactions and side effects. Give the doctor a complete list of all medications, supplements and herbal preparations, as well.

The Affects of Heat on Headaches


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