Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Treating a Cold Sore? Follow These Cold Sore Tips

Treating a Cold Sore is so important, when they are on your face it feels like everyone is looking at it, and not you. So, what can you do?... Get rid of it hopefully!

gel cushions for pressure sores

But how?


Follow These Tips:

1. Eat Foods High in Lysine, such as cheese. Lysine can reduce how long the cold sore will last. It can also reduce how often you get outbreaks, be aware though that studies are still pending for this. But eating your dairy products is good for you anyways, so it won't hurt you.

2. Do not pick at it. Don't itch it. This can cause the sore to spread and then last longer. Some people find that just applying pressure when it is uncomfortable helps suppress the itchy symptoms.

3. Apply Ice, it will make the cold sore either not appear or it will appear but smaller. Apply it a few times a day when you first feel it coming on. Later you can apply a hot cloth to it, to reduce the pain.

4. Apply Castor Oil, it is proven to have properties that are anti-viral, and works well on herpes skin conditions. (In case you did not know, cold sores are a form of herpes, not the same strain as genital herpes, but a form, another common form is chicken pox.)

5. Saint John's Wort Oil- This essential oil works on the nervous system, so when it is applied to your skin it sinks right in and starts working away.

6. If you apply Witch Hazel Oil to the place where you feel the sore coming on, it will stop it dead in its tracks. It keeps it from spreading and there will be less pain.

7. Disinfect Your Toothbrush, while you have the sore use peroxide to disinfect and then replace your toothbrush when the sore is gone, you would not want to have a repeat cold sore would you?

8. Take a Multivitamin that includes, vitamin C, zinc, iron, vitamins A and B complex. Lysine can also be supplemented.

9. Use a Warm Tea Bag on the area to let the herbs soak into your skin, it will help the pain, and length of the sore.

10. You can also use Aloe or a Cornstarch paste of cornstarch and water. Both have healing powers to help clear up your sores. This one I have tried myself. The paste of the cornstarch helps cool and ease the itching of the cold sore, as well as adds to healing.

Treating a Cold Sore? Follow These Cold Sore Tips


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