Friday, December 9, 2011

5 Early Symptoms of Pregnancy - What Happens Right Away?

Do you suspect that you are pregnant? For some females, the early symptoms of pregnancy are observed during the first couple of weeks after conception. If you are pregnant, the proof is in the pregnancy test. But even prior to missing a period, you may suspect or wish that you are pregnant. Here are some of the early pregnancy symptoms that you may experience:

1. Fatigue - This ranks high among the early symptoms of pregnancy. During the earliest stages of pregnancy, the hormone progesterone's level increases. In high sufficient amounts, progesterone makes a woman feel sleepy and at the same time, lowers blood pressure, lowers blood sugar levels and increases the production of blood - which team up to drain your energy.


2. Nausea with or without vomiting - this is more commonly termed as morning sickness. This condition can occur at any time of the day or even at night. This is one of the most classic signs of pregnancy. For majority of females, the queasiness starts as early as 14 days after conception.

3. Tender and swollen breasts - a woman's breast may give one of the first signs of pregnancy. As early as 14 days after conception, hormonal changes may take place, making your breast tingly, tender or sore. Your breast may also feel heavier and fuller.

4. Slight cramping or bleeding - there are cases of the presence of a small amount of spotting or vaginal bleeding during the early stages of pregnancy. This phenomenon is called as the implantation bleeding which occurs when the fertilized ova attaches to the lining of the uterus which takes place about ten to 14 days after fertilization.

5. Headaches - increased blood circulation brought about by the changes in hormonal levels may trigger frequent mild headaches.

Unfortunately, these early symptoms of pregnancy are not unique to pregnancy alone. Some of these signs can indicate that you are getting sick or that your menstrual period is just about to start. Likewise, you can also be pregnant without having to experience any of these signs. The sooner your pregnancy is confirmed, the sooner that you can start off with an appropriate prenatal care.

Remember, some of the earliest signs of pregnancy may be subtle, not obvious. Whenever there is any question that you might be experiencing early signs of pregnancy, do a home pregnancy test.

Although each of these are considered typical early symptoms of pregnancy, they may happen earlier or later than the order in which they appear on the following list.

5 Early Symptoms of Pregnancy - What Happens Right Away?


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