Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Reasons to Wear Disposable Underwear

Many people wear these due to urinary or fecal incontinence to avoid accidents and embarrassment. These kinds of incontinence are usually treatable and can happen to people at any age. Most people believe this is an issue that only affects elderly people, this is just not true. This can be a common issue among anyone because they do not have control over their bladder due to many possible reasons such as urinary infections, dementia, pelvic injuries and prostate problems just to name a few.

People who are in a wheelchair or for whatever reason are bed bound use disposable underwear to protect them because they can not always get to the bathroom when they need to.


If you feel like you can not control your bladder and you sometimes have accidents this may be a sign you should try disposable underwear. You will want to always consult your doctor first to find out what the cause of this problem is. Most people only have to wear these for a short time because the problem can be fixed easily. Alzheimer's patients often need to wear these in the later stages because they have greater confusion finding the bathroom as well as removing clothing to go to the toilet. These are very helpful for any medical caregiver in order to assure proper hygiene as well as fewer accidents.

There are often guards who have worn a variety of these because they can not leave their post for a long period of time. Most the time they are only used when it is a long enough time that even the normal bladder would give in. Pregnant women have often used these in order to control leakage due to the baby putting pressure on the bladder. There are people who after having a baby have used these because childbirth weakened pelvic muscles which can cause overactive bladders. Some astronauts use disposable underwear during take off and landing. These are designed to allow them to stay out longer on spacewalks and extra vehicular activities.

Many active people are able to stay that way due to having this helpful product. Most people do not understand how it makes people feel and often make jokes or make it awkward for someone to deal with this issue. There have been a lot of people who simple do not leave home due to this issue and are left out because they have been made to feel bad about their condition. It is so important that we be understanding and helpful to someone dealing with this condition.

Reasons to Wear Disposable Underwear


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