Sunday, December 11, 2011

Proper Wound Care

There are several types of wounds, including surgical, traumatic, and chronic wounds. Traumatic wounds may be caused by mechanical, traumatic or thermal injury, including contusions, abrasions, punctures, fractures, burns, and frostbite. The surgical wound is usually just clean and the easiest one to heal. As you can see at the definition, chronic wounds may be more difficult to heal, and include pressure sores and diabetic ulcers.

Wounds can be further classified into 2 categories: partial and full thickness. Partial thickness wounds present with damage to the epidermal and dermal tissues, including flame burns, scalds, and blisters, usually being painful to the touch. Full thickness wounds present with damage to epidermal, dermal, or subcutaneous tissues, including flame burns, boiling liquids and chemical burns, usually without pain being evident.


The most common type of wound is a traumatic wound. Traumatic wounds are categorized into several types: (1) abrasion, (2) contusion, (3) incision, (4) tunneled wound, (5) laceration, (6) bites, (7) cuts, (8) thermal wounds.

Surgical wounds result from the trauma induced by surgery. Surgical wounds include: (1) post-surgical incisions, including dental extraction, (2) suture site wounds, (3) donor site wounds such as in blood donation, (4) IV site wounds, (5) skin graft wounds, (6) periostomy skin wounds, and (7) peritracheotomy wounds.

The process of repair and regeneration of the following injury shows one of the most fundamental defense mechanisms of an organism against the environment. Wound healing within individuals usually occurs over a reasonable length of time. Even with minor injuries such as cuts, wounds in impaired individuals may be developing into very traumatic injuries requiring medication, hospitalization, and even surgery. In general, if a wound does not heal within a month, medical intervention is necessary.

Immediately after injury, the wound fills with blood and a clot forms. The clot contains a threadlike protein called fibrin, which binds the edges of the wound together and stops any bleeding. If tissues are damaged, a cascade of cellular events is initiated to prepare the injured area for the deposition of collagen, which ultimately will replace damaged mesenchymal tissues. Wound healing occurs in several stages.

In order to prevent having wounds, you can also keep your body active by doing exercises such as using a Swiss ball.

Proper Wound Care


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