Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Peripheral Vascular Disease

Peripheral Vascular Disease is an obstruction of large arteries NOT located in the brain. This disease can result from atherosclerosis (vascular disease that results in the buildup of cholesterol), inflammation problems, an embolism (vascular blockage) or blood clot formation. This condition usually causes a lack of blood supply, either chronic or acute. It also has four stages, the first being mild discomfort when walking, the second being severe discomfort when walking, the third being discomfort when resting and the fourth and final being severe discomfort when resting.

Some symptoms of this disease include numbness, weakness in muscles, cramping in muscles indicating low blood flow, sores or ulcers that heal slowly or not at all, change in limb color and temperature, and diminished hair growth on the affected part. Some causes of this disease include the smoking of tobacco, diabetes, elevations of total cholesterol, elevated blood pressure and various inflammatory mediators.


Individuals with this disease have an exceptionally high risk of cardiovascular episodes and the majority with mortality. Amputation is a possibility with this disease, although the risk of coronary events is 3-4 times higher. In the USA peripheral vascular disease affects 12-20% of Americans in the age group of 65 or older. It has been reported that 10 million Americans have this disease yet only 25% are being treated for it. The incidence of this disease increases with age and the prevalence varies considerably. Diagnosis is of the utmost importance as people with this disease have four to five times more incidence of stroke or heart attack.

Peripheral Vascular Disease


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