Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Common Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Symptoms of pregnancy can start before your first missed period. Here are some early pregnancy symptoms to consider if you are suspicious.

Within two weeks after conception some women notice changes in their breast; this may be the first sign of pregnancy. The sudden increase of hormones can make your breasts tender and sore. Some women describe their breast as feeling heavier and fuller.


As the levels of progesterone rise, fatigue is often another symptom of early pregnancy. Some women have a difficult time getting anything done because all they want to do is sleep. This can be the result of excessive levels of progesterone. The side effect is low blood sugar, pressure and increased blood production. The combination of the side effects will simply zap your energy. Be careful, low blood sugar can also make feel like your going faint.

Another early pregnancy symptom reported by some women is a small amount of spotting. Implantation bleeding is the result of the fertilized egg attaching to the uterus. Typically this form of bleeding happens 10 to 14 days after fertilization. The good news is that it doesn't last long. It is not uncommon to experience abdominal cramps similar to what you experience during your regular cycle.

The classic symptom is of course morning sickness, which can strike at any time during the day. Not all but some women claim to feel queasy within two weeks of conception. The hormones are thought to be behind this bit of evil. High levels of estrogen will cause the stomach to empty more slowly, which can cause you to feel nauseated. The heighten sense of smell can intensify the nausea, so write down any various odors that seem to bring about an uneasy feeling.

Sudden cravings for foods you normally would say no too might be a sign alluding to an early pregnancy. Cravings are common especially in the first trimester when hormones are changing rapidly.

Again with the hormones, increased blood circulation in the early stages of pregnancy can trigger frequent but mild headaches. As the blood vessels dilate and your blood pressure drops feelings of lightheadedness is common.

Estrogens crazy cousin progesterone slows down the colon. The obvious result is constipation yet another early symptom of pregnancy.

Keep an eye on the people around you; if you notice strange looks it may be the result of your mood swings brought on again by the drastic changes in your hormones. It's not unusual to be emotional and weepy in the first trimester.

I'm sorry to say that these early pregnancy symptoms are a blessing and a curse. Keep in mind the fact that you are feeling sick is a good sign. On the other hand, you may not experience any of these symptoms, which is not a bad thing. Don't forget if you suspect your pregnant make an appointment with your doctor, we only want the best for you and your baby.

Common Early Pregnancy Symptoms


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