Sunday, September 18, 2011

3 Easy Killer Ways to Banish Cold Sores!

In an ideal world the last thing you want is to have a cold sore, let alone have to continually treat one. But as you are reading this right now, you are in the real world and you are one of the unlucky tens of thousands of people that has to live life around cold sores! i.e. the herpes simplex virus.

Without putting to finer point on it, this can be one of the most unforgiving, unsightly and demoralizing, not to mention painful viruses you will ever have to encounter. Only people who have this virus will fully understand how awful life can be as a cold sore sufferer.


This is why i would like to share the information in this article with you, so you can put an end to this torment, regain your self confidence, and begin to live a normal life.

Firstly we need to understand prevention is better than cure!

1 ~ We know if we eat wrong foods, we may put on weight, or if we eat too much sugar they may cause spots. So when we speak of preventing cold sores, it is the exactly the same principle. Poor diet plays a huge part, if you are a cold sore sufferer that can experience multiple outbreaks within a short period of time, foods rich in arginine, which is an amino acid, should be avoided at all costs, especially during an outbreak! some foods that are rich in arginine are chocolate, peanuts and raisins to name a few.

Sugar also can compromise your bodies immune defense, and it is fact, cold sores will strike when your immune system is down. Everyone gets sick, or at some point will feel down in the dumps, which in turn means our immune system is weakened, and we will then be vulnerable to infection i.e. cold sores. The prevention is easy and very effective, take vitamins B(complex) and vitamin C daily. Liquid echinacea is also very good to boost your immunity, which is available from most health stores.

2 ~ Lime And Salt, This is very effective but also quite painful, but nothing compared to having a monster cold sore for 2 weeks preventing you from eating properly, meeting people and even smiling, in case it splits the scab open again! You need to cut a lime in to 2, add salt to the lime. Then with the lime apply pressure to the affected area, until the whitish appearance has gone from your sore. Repeat often during the day, and just before you sleep. See instant results the following day.

3 ~ Aspirin, most effective if caught at early stages ( when tingling ). Crush an aspirin then add a tiny drop of water, this will create a paste. Apply paste using a q-tip to the effected area, continue for 2 days and if caught in time there will be a good chance the sore will not eventuate.

If you follow these very simple principles, your dream of being cold sore free is well within you reach. Following these strategies, very soon your dream can become reality.

3 Easy Killer Ways to Banish Cold Sores!


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