Friday, September 9, 2011

Natural Cold Sore Cure Techniques

Cold sores are small fluid filled blisters that usually appear around the mouth and on the lips, which although not serious cause much distress to the sufferer. Also known as fever blisters, the lesions are unsightly and painful, and can make eating and drinking uncomfortable. Once infected, the virus remains with us for life and so the options for cold sore cure at present remain focused on preventing their reoccurrence and dealing with the symptoms when they occur.

Herpes simplex virus I (HSV-1) is the culprit and some experts estimate that at least 70 percent of adults above the age of 40 in the United States have been infected. As HSV-1 is highly contagious in the blister or lesion stage, high levels of hygiene should be observed to avoid spreading it, both to other individuals and to other parts of your own body.


Cold sores usually disappear untreated in 7-10 days, but the discomfort caused can be highly distressing. Some sufferers find topical creams like Zovirax can help, as well as other antiviral medicines like famciclovir or acyclovir and treatments such as Viroxyn can also provide some relief.

Attacks occur when the immune system is weakened and sufferers experiencing regular attacks have also found that the frequency and severity of outbreaks can be decreased using a variety of natural treatments too. Home remedies are preferred by many due to unpleasant side effects experienced by a proportion of sufferers using conventional cold sore treatments and include the following:

- Aloe Vera gel has anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties and promotes healing.

- Chaparral was used by Native Americans to treat a variety of ailments and has been found to contain anti-viral properties.

- A paste made from corn starch applied in the blister stage can help dry it out.

- Apply grapefruit seed extract diluted with either aloe or olive oil directly to the blister or lesion with a cotton bud.

- Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) is a perennial herb of the mint family that has antiviral properties thought to derive from its tannin content, as well as antioxidants and selenium which help strengthen the immune system.

- Camphor can help to soothe blisters by easing pain, cracking and dryness.

- Some people have found that a tea made by sage and ginger root or powder can help clear up the sores.

- Milk can also help ease pain and promote healing; apply a cotton ball soaked in whole milk over the sore after allowing it to reach room temperature.

The message is clear; until a complete cold sore cure is found it is important for sufferers to maintain a strong immune system to reduce the frequency of attacks, and in addition to medicinal treatments, which have limited capacity to treat the ailment and possible side effects, sufferers should consider natural remedies.

Natural Cold Sore Cure Techniques


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