Monday, September 5, 2011

Sores on the Corner of Mouth - Angular Cheilitis

The symptoms of Angular Cheilitis are primarily two major features. Mainly, these are sores on the corner of mouth which resemble small paper cuts and a rash-like redness of these areas. These sores on the corner of mouth are the major source of pain and discomfort, and these sores, lesions or cuts are created as a result of fungal bacteria which breeds and thrives in these areas.

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These sores on the corner of mouth are a result of the state of these areas, due to the moisture which collects in an overabundance, and it is this situation which creates the perfect breeding ground for such microbial activity. As a result, the fungal bacteria that thrives and breeds in this excessive moisture, takes over these areas creating sores on the corner of mouth, lesions and cuts. This fungal bacteria by the way, needs a moist environment in which to survive - inversely, this means that they cannot survive in a moisture free environment.


Angular Cheilitis is mainly known as having a two-part cause. In other words, one particular situation then provides the chance for the next situation to take place, eventually creating the best opportunity for this condition (also known as Parleche or Stomitis) to take hold. The first situation in this two-step process is the occurrence of wrinkles, folds or creases at the corners of the mouth.

These overly prominent features of the mouth are an exaggeration of the norm, which can occur as a result of a few causes. For example, we may become overweight, even having extra weight in the face - this can cause folds or creases at the corners of the mouth. Another cause could be that we may have misaligned teeth, or improperly fitted dentures. These two dental reasons can create a need to unnaturally close our mouths over them in such a way as to create prominent folds at the corners of the mouth. Needless to say, there are also the wrinkles which can be acquired as a result of old age.

The second part of this, due to the presence of these creases or folds, is the excessive moisture which collects in these areas. This sets the stage for fungal bacteria to step in, establish a foothold, thrive and breed. This bacteria is the microbial factor which causes sores on the corner of mouth, redness and inflammation. In light of all this, the best way to completely eliminate this condition seems simple and somewhat obvious... the drying out of the fungal bacteria directly or through eliminating the moisture in the environment in which it breeds.

Sores on the Corner of Mouth - Angular Cheilitis


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