Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Top 3 Reasons a Sore Throat is Annoying

Nearly everyone has had a sore throat at one point or another in their life. Sometimes they're mild and just barely annoying, but other times they are the cause of horrible pain. Depending on the cause, sore throats can occur by themselves or with a host of other symptoms.

This article will list three main reasons why they are annoying:


Reason one: pain - No one likes pain (at least not the pain that comes from being sick). Now sometimes this isn't an issue, but some sicknesses can cause almost unbearable throat pain, the kind that not even OTC pain medication can alleviate. There aren't many people who would disagree that this is annoying.

Reason two: swallowing hurts - The only thing worse than being in pain is being unable to swallow due to the pain. Sometimes you can get very hungry but you can't eat anything other than something soft like mashed potatoes because of the inflammation and soreness. No crackers, nothing crunchy, nothing salty, nothing spicy; you're reduced to eating soup and pasta, and it can be hard to meet your daily caloric requirements in such situations.

Reason three: sometimes you can't even talk - Occasionally you may get a sore throat so bad that it literally hurts to talk. This issue is multiplied exponentially if it happens on a day that you cannot call into work because you have an important meeting or presentation or something. The seconds pass like minutes. You can barely deal with the pain of just sitting there, yet when you activate your vocal chords: pain!

For many people, the sore throat is the worst part of a cold. And relief comes when it clears up, even though that means the next stage of the cold is the stuffy, runny nose, congested part. At least the pain is gone!

Top 3 Reasons a Sore Throat is Annoying


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