Friday, September 16, 2011

Alleviating the Discomforts of Bed Sores

The term "bed sores" come from the fact that bedridden patients often develop the symptoms associated with it. A patient, for example an elderly person, could develop bed sores due to his or her inability to move independently and the need to constantly lie in bed. From this, ulcerations or sores develop on the skin where oxygen supply is cut off. Typically, bed sores occur in the buttocks, the hips, on the soles of the feet or around the heels. Technically speaking, a bed sore is called a "decubitus ulcer," a "pressure sore," or a "pressure ulcer."

gel cushions for pressure sores

Whichever term is used, the bottom line is that anyone who develops these symptoms certainly experiences various degrees of discomfort ranging from mild pain to debilitating infections. Fortunately, using a variety of techniques and products will allow you to care for patients and minimize the discomforts associated with these.


Can this be prevented? Yes they could. Bed sores develop slowly and could be avoided with early detection. The telltale signs are usually red and swollen marks on the skin. In cases when these have already broken out, proper care must be performed to alleviate the major discomforts associated with these. Some of the methods used to prevent them from occurring include keeping the skin clean and free from moisture and/or frequent repositioning of the patient. Let us take a further look at some of the methods used to alleviate discomforts associated with bed sores.

Minimizing pressure on the affected area. This occur because of the continued interruption of oxygen supply to the skin cells of the affected areas brought about by pressure. By minimizing pressure, blood circulation could be restored. As was mentioned, frequent repositioning of the patient, for example, every two to three hours, can help ease the pain. Do remember that bed sores heal very slowly; thus, as you move the patient, caution must be taken so as to prevent breaking the skin, resulting in even more bed sores.

Following a proper skin care routines. Since a bed sore is akin to a skin disease, an effective skin care routine must be done. Part of such a routine is examining it daily and checking for aggravations in the current condition of the sores. You can also clean the affected area with warm water. Another major part of a proper skin care routine is using products made especially for this patients. These products include special lotions that should be applied often.

Performing effective wound management. Because they are basically wounds, you have to keep these clean to avoid further infection. Prior to applying medication or gauze, you first have to clean and "irrigate" the affected area using a commercial saline solution or other cleaning solution recommended by a doctor. Next, you have to remove scabs, ensuring that no further skin abrasion will occur. Once the skin has been completely cleaned, you can now apply bandage that will keep it moist while keeping nearby areas dry. Remember that home made remedies must not be used or other substances, such as peroxide or iodine that could irritate the skin.

Alleviating the Discomforts of Bed Sores


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