Saturday, September 17, 2011

Stiff, Sore Fingers: The Arthritis Red Flag

It happened to me. I was only 14 when I noticed the initial stiffness; I would always prefer to wash my hands in warm water since cold water would cause some minor pain. At the time I didn't know what I was suffering from and I continued to live my life regardless.

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A few years later I injured my hand severely and I was therefore hospitalized for several weeks. During that time they performed some tests and one of them revealed I had the Rheumatoid form of this condition. The treatment for this illness was quite drastic then (too many side-effects and definitely harsh on the liver) so I neglected the problem, which luckily did not worsen until I was in my mid twenties.


I noticed that in my mid twenties I could no longer be in the cold air without feeling significant pain in my hands. Thus, I began to wear gloves. Occasionally I had some low back pain and some elbow pain; these pains would come and go so i would tend to forget all them. I had started to take evening primrose oil and omega 3 fish oil which seemed to relieve some symptoms.

However, I overall neglected these red flag symptoms and never seriously thought about them for a few more years; then, all of a sudden my right knee became severely painful and I had difficulty walking (hiking was one of my favorite activities!). Every time I would limp and at night I could no longer sleep from the severe pain.

I briefly researched the anti-inflammatory 'solutions' from traditional medicine and decided this was not going to be my route. I had used alternative medicine in the past (successfully) for a completely different condition so I decided I was going to try alternative medicine for this condition as well.

I went to a Classical Homeopath who prescribed some powerful remedies which worked quite well. I could sleep and more or less walk. However, 6 months later I was expecting a complete disappearance of all the symptoms and I therefore decided to seek the help of a Practical Homeopath, who prescribed remedies for me which not only eliminated all my symptoms but relieved some other conditions I was suffering from. I did not know how everything could be related that way.

Stiff, Sore Fingers: The Arthritis Red Flag


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