Friday, September 16, 2011

Dog Kidney Failure General Info

Dog kidney failure is generally seen in older dogs and young dog who suffer from a health problem that is inherited or a birth condition of some sort. Dog kidney failure is medically classified as final stage or stage 4 kidney disease. When a dog reaches stage 4 their kidneys are functioning at less than 25% of normal capacity causing the blood to be filled with toxic substances that would normally be filtered out. While dog kidney failure in stage 4 is very serious it is in itself not necessarily an immediate death sentence, unless kidney function drops below 5%. By combining a smart diet modification plan, good veterinary care, and by taking steps to prevent urinary tract infection you can create an environment that is conducive to extended your pets years.

Dog kidney failure symptoms


Dog kidney failure symptoms can vary somewhat depending on the severity of the condition. Nevertheless, if your dog is in stage 4 you can expect them show symptoms such as vomiting, depression, appetite loss, weight loss, mouth sores, dehydration, and diarrhea. Dog kidney failure symptoms in young dogs include softening of the bones and tooth loss. 

Identifying the condition

Certainly recognizing the dog kidney failure symptoms above are the first step in identifying the condition but you will need the help of your veterinarian to determine the stage, severity, prognosis, and treatment. Your vet will use a combination of X-rays, ultrasonography, urine and blood tests, a physical examination along with asking you some questions about your dog's recent behavior or change in behavior. 

Diet modification for late stage dog kidney failure

Certainly the is an area that should be discussed with your veterinarian but here are some general ideas.

*Protein: Impaired kidneys may be unable to separate the protein from the wastes. Some veterinarians suggest limiting the amount of protein to reduce stress on the kidneys but eliminating protein completely is not a good idea.

*Cholesterol and Sodium: Cholesterol levels will start to rise if the kidneys are functioning poorly. This leads to a cholesterol buildup in the arteries which in turn puts stress on the heart. Sodium raises blood pressure and can open the door for heart failure. 

*Specially formulated dog food: There are a number of pet food mixtures specially formulated for kidney disease. Talk with your veterinarian to determine which ones best suit your needs. 

In summary, when discussing dog kidney failure there is no magic bullet only a few steps to extend your pets life. Along these lines many dog owners are implanting urinary homeopathic tonics containing cantharis and uva ursi. Cantharis maintains a healthy urine flow and soothes the bladder while uva ursi maintains normal pH levels of the urinary tract and is known as a urinary tonic. By combining diet modification, veterinarian expertise, homeopathic tonics for kidney health, and a whole lot of love and patient you can do you part to ensure you and your dog have many more happy years together.

Dog Kidney Failure General Info


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