Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Is There Help For Cold Sores?

Cold sore is caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus type I (HSV-I) and it is highly contagious. The virus enters your body near the lip area and stays in your body up to 20 days before you get the symptoms. You then start feeling a tingle, itchy or a burning sensation at the place where the virus entered your body. This stage is called the primary stage and it is not as infectious as the weeping stage which is the second one. During this stage, a blister forms and eventually the liquid inside oozes off leaving an open ulcer. This then heals within 14 days leaving no scars.

Though this infection does not have a cure, there are a few remedies that can help relieve the pain. You can cover the sore with petroleum jelly to speed up healing and also to protect it from secondary infection. If the sore is somewhat painful, you can buy some painkillers from your nearest drug store. It is advisable that you avoid touching, squeezing or picking on the sore to avoid cross con termination to other parts of your body or to other people. Be sure to wash or disinfect your hands after touching the cold sore.


Always use sunscreen cream on your lips or lipstick that has it whenever you are going to be exposed to the sunlight. This is important because even after the infection has cleared, the virus lies dormant your body until it is triggered. Exposure to sun light is one such trigger.

Cold sore loves a weakened immune system. In light of this it is important to keep your immune system well taken care of. Make sure that you eat the right kind of food(balanced diet), avoid allergens, drugs and alcohol.

Is There Help For Cold Sores?


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