Monday, September 19, 2011

Canker Sore Cures Q & A

Are you one of the millions who who are suffering with a canker sore? Then you know firsthand what a painful feeling it is. You may be asking yourself, is there any kind of a canker sore cure available? What can I do to prevent them in the first place? Here's a quick Q & A to get all your questions answered.

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What Is A Canker Sore?


A canker sore is only found on the inside of your mouth, lip, or cheek. Occasionally it may pop up on the outside of gums, but this is rare. It is red in color and will have a white covering. Don't confuse it with a fever blister or cold sore, which is on the outside of your lips. Unlike a cold sore, which is a virus, this type of sore is strictly a bacterial infection.

Who is most prone to getting them? Teenagers and women in their 20's are more likely to have them than any other group. Doctors are unsure on the reasons a canker sores come about, but it is believed they are mainly caused from stress, poor eating habits, and even women's menstrual cycles.

What Do You Do If You Find Yourself With A Canker Sore?

The sores will usually go away on their own in less than a week without any kind of treatment. Of course, during this time it can be painful when eating, drinking, or brushing your teeth. It seems like when anything touches one, the pain can send you through the roof. If the pain is really beginning to bother you, you can apply over the counter medicines to it such as Oragel, Anbesol, or a number of other brands of canker sore cures. In addition, there are a number of wonderful all natural cures. Some people say that taking several Vitamin-C tablets, or Zinc tablets, is a canker sore cure, but this is not scientific fact.

Do I Need To See A Doctor For A Canker Sore?

The short answer is no. Unless it lasts more than 14 days, or it becomes difficult to eat or swallow, there really isn't a reason to go to the doctors office. If for some reason you develop a fever or feel ill because of it, then you should also see a doctor.

What Medicine Works For A Canker Sore?

There are some prescription medications available that your doctor can prescribe in helping to sooth the pain. Medicines such as Peridex, Aphthasol, and Tetracycline can help. In any event, if it becomes too painful, or just won't heal, speak with your doctor about prescribing you some relief.

How Can I Prevent Canker Sores?

As mentioned above, nothing has been developed to prevent a canker sore from forming. There are a few tips to help as much as possible though. Avoid toothpastes with SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate). Floss your teeth. Add lots of water to your daily diet. Only eat spicy foods on an occasional basis. Chewing gum can help also. While there may be no canker sore cure, you can do a few things to prevent them from coming back.

Canker Sore Cures Q & A


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